Sheik Harith al-Nadhari (El Quaida Yemen) issues audio-statement over the Paris attacks


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This is being reported in two very, very different sources:

Yemen branch of al-Qaeda claim they directed Charlie Hebdo attack Daily Mail Online

(I've already written that I usually take the Daily Mail with a grain of salt, it tends to play hard and fast with the facts)


Al-Qaida-Ableger reklamiert Urheberschaft der Pariser Attentate - DIE WELT

(Die Welt is probably the most respected and most neutral of all publications in Germany. Their reporting is solid, really solid)

Link 1 (in green), quote:


"Soon after, the branch's senior cleric Sheikh Harith al-Nadhari issued a recording on the group's Twitter feed commenting on the 'blessed raid on Paris.'

He denounced the 'filthy' French and called them 'the heads of infidelity who insult the prophets.'

He praised the 'hero mujahedeen' who he said 'taught them a lesson and the limits of freedom of speech.'

Addressing the French, he said, 'It better for you to stop striking Muslims so you can live in peace. But if you only wish for war, then rejoice, you will not enjoy peace as long as you wage war on God and his prophets and fight Muslims.

'It is better for you to stop your aggression against the Muslims, so perhaps you will live safely. If you refuse but to wage war, then wait for the glad tiding.'

Before his death, one of the Kouachi brothers, who were responsible for Wednesday's attack, told a television station he had received financing from an al Qaeda preacher in Yemen.

'I was sent, me, Cherif Kouachi, by Al Qaeda of Yemen.

'I went over there and it was Anwar al Awlaki who financed me,' he told BFM-TV by telephone, according to a recording aired by the channel after the siege was over.

It was not immediately clear why al-Nadhari did not outright said al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was behind the attack."

Link 2 (in German, I will translate the important stuff) - in blue:


"Jemens Terrorscheich nennt Franzosen "dreckig"
Der Chefideologe des Al-Qaida-Ablegers im Jemen erklärt westlichen Demokratien den Religionskrieg. Er fordert die Christen auf zu konvertieren, um in Frieden leben zu können."

Yemen Terror-Sheik calls the French "filthy"

The ideological head of the yemenite branch of El Quaida declared a religious war against western democracies. He challenged Christians to convert, in order to be able to live in peace.

"Al-Nadhari ließ per Twitter eine fünf Minuten und 37 Sekunden lange Aufnahme verbreiten, in der er von einem "gesegneten Angriff auf Paris" sprach, die Franzosen "dreckig" nennt und ihnen die Beleidigung des muslimischen Propheten Mohammed vorwirft. Zwar wurde die Audio-Botschaft nicht über einen der offiziellen Aqap-Kanäle verbreitet, doch sie gilt als authentisch und trägt das Logo der Malahem Media Foundation, Aqaps Mediengesellschaft."

Al-Nadhari put out a 5 minute, 37 second long (audio) recording, in which he spoke of the "blessed attack on Paris", called the French "filthy" and accused them of insulting the prophet Mohammed. Although the audio-message was not sent over the official AQAP channels, it is considered authentic and carries the Logo of the Malahem Media Foundation, Aqaps Media corporation.

"Der Scheich lobte die "heldenhaften Mudschahedin (Glaubenskämpfer)", die Frankreich "eine Lektion und die Grenzen der Redefreiheit gelehrt" hätten. "Einige Söhne Frankreichs waren respektlos gegenüber Allahs Propheten", daher sei eine Gruppe von "gläubigen Soldaten Allahs" gegen sie vorgegangen und habe ihnen Respekt beigebracht.

"Wie können wir diejenigen nicht bekämpfen, die unseren Propheten kränken, unsere Religion verleumden und die Gläubigen bekämpfen?", fragte er rhetorisch. Die französische Nation habe regelmäßig den Islam, seine Propheten und seine Gläubigen beleidigt und diffamiert. An Frankreich gerichtet sagte er: "Es ist besser für euch, Schläge gegen Muslime zu beenden, sodass ihr in Frieden leben könnt. Wenn ihr aber nur Krieg wünscht, dann erfreut euch daran, dass ihr Frieden so lange nicht genießen könnt, wie ihr Krieg gegen Gott und seine Propheten führt und Muslime bekämpft. Es wäre besser für euch, wenn ihr konvertieren würdet!""

The sheik praised the 'heroic mujahadeen', who had "taught the French a lesson over the boundaries of free speech". "A number of the sons of France were disrespectful of Allah's prophet" and for this reason "religious fighters of Allah" went against them and taught them respect.

He asked rhetorically: 'Why cannot we fight against those who make sick (insult) our Prophet, slander our Religion and fight against our believers"'. According to him, the French nation has constantly insulted and defamed Islam, it's prophert and it's believers. He said specifically to the French: "It's better for you to end your attacks against Muslims, so that you can live in freedom. However, if you want war, then rejoice in the fact that you will know no peace as long as you war against God and his prophets and fight against Muslims. It would be better for you to convert!


Also in this video report:

(hear: start at 1:00)


So, is any Imam going to issue a Fatwa against Harith al-Nadhari for what he has said? Hmmmm?
Or are many muslims going to mumble, mumble, mumble..... "well, uhm, er, uhm"

Look, a religious and political leader in the Islamic world has just declared war on the western world. This is nothing new, we have heard this nonsense many times in the past. But as I just indicated, are those 1.3 billion muslims around the world gonna tell this dude to go screw himself, or are they going to give him tacit support?

It's really that simple.

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