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Shep Smith & Chris Wallace lie after lie after lie over Russian meeting

It is still not collusion to gather information on a political opponent. . . Not even if that information comes from a political enemy like RUSSIA.

The charge of Collusion requires a common goal between the "conspirators" to commit a criminal act.

Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. Never had been and never will be.

Mark this post and see if the courts don't back me up on this.

There is quid pro quo to be considered (remember the sanctions) and the potential for blackmail.
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In fact, in the real world, Trump and Putin don't seem to like each other NEARLY as much a Putty and Bammy.
This stupid shit is Barry trying to run the country from a block away from the White house. .

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.
He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. He is George Soros in every respect and he is hurting our country.

Obama completely outfoxed Trump & Company. The Trump campaign never had a clue that they were being watched since 2015, and it wasn't coming from U.S. Intelligence agencies. U.S. Intelligence didn't get involved until July, 2016 as Comey testified.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
British intelligence passed Trump associates' talks with Russian on to US counterparts - CNNPolitics.com

Obama preserved that intelligence, meaning he wasn't going to turn it over to anyone with an R behind their name, or give it to then FBI director James Comey, as he was also under investigation for his interference into this election, and certainly couldn't be trusted with this information after what he did to Hillary Clinton.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians. The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information. According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So once special prosector, Robert Mueller was appointed, Obama released all of the information that was gathered under his administration. This is also why the FBI dd not know about this meeting.

Again this is February, 2017 Shep Smith in an 8 minute video explains that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian Intelligence agents, including the very day that Russia hacked into DNC databases.

This has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican--this has everything to do with being an American FIRST--and protecting this Democracy against those that would seek to destroy it.
Pretty funny coming from somebody who praises every America bashing POS in this country. The left has been pushing socialist/communist ideology since the 60's and you're gonna claim they want to protect democracy? Don't make me laugh.

I think you can go back to my profile posts, all 16,000 posts and you can tell I am not a liberal, nor a Democrat. In fact I was a Republican until you nominated this ASS CLOWN and switched my party status to Independent.

I was one of them that was sending out the warnings on Trump and was kicked off of every Republican facebook page out there. Here is a great article on this Phenomena
but you'll have to have good reading comprehension skills and an attention span that lasts longer than a knat to get through it.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a chimpanzee.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
Well that's a noble effort but you're an amateur if you think you can use the "I used to be a Republican until..." on me. I know a liberal hack when I see one, especially when they quote George Carlin. PS, a RINO is as bad as a liberal, if not worse.
It is still not collusion to gather information on a political opponent. . . Not even if that information comes from a political enemy like RUSSIA.

The charge of Collusion requires a common goal between the "conspirators" to commit a criminal act.

Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. Never had been and never will be.

Mark this post and see if the courts don't back me up on this.

There is quid pro quo to be considered (remember the sanctions) and the potential for blackmail.

I think Vladimir Putin has Trump by the Cajones--there's definitely something not right about this relationship. It may have something to do with that Dossier file that was turned over to John McCain and then delivered to James Comey.
What we know about Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind the Trump dossier
The ex-spy who wrote the Trump dossier is nicknamed James Bond
John McCain passes dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to FBI

Jerad Kushner getting caught on wiretap asking the Russian ambassador for a private secure line to the Kremlin.
Jared Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Russia, new report alleges

Why did Trump want all these people with Russian connections in his campaign? Flynn who is up to his eyeballs in deep shit, and Paul Manafort just two weeks ago was forced by the DOJ to register as a foreign agent--working for the Russians in 2012-2014 receiving 17 million from them.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
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This has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican--this has everything to do with being an American FIRST--and protecting this Democracy against those that would seek to destroy it.
Pretty funny coming from somebody who praises every America bashing POS in this country. The left has been pushing socialist/communist ideology since the 60's and you're gonna claim they want to protect democracy? Don't make me laugh.

I think you can go back to my profile posts, all 16,000 posts and you can tell I am not a liberal, nor a Democrat. In fact I was a Republican until you nominated this ASS CLOWN and switched my party status to Independent.

I was one of them that was sending out the warnings on Trump and was kicked off of every Republican facebook page out there. Here is a great article on this Phenomena
but you'll have to have good reading comprehension skills and an attention span that lasts longer than a knat to get through it.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a chimpanzee.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
Well that's a noble effort but you're an amateur if you think you can use the "I used to be a Republican until..." on me. I know a liberal hack when I see one, especially when they quote George Carlin. PS, a RINO is as bad as a liberal, if not worse.

Apparently you're too stupid to check this board of which I have been on since 2007 with over 16K posts dumbass.
Apparently you're too stupid to check this board of which I have been on since 2007 with over 16K posts dumbass.
Not too stupid, just not interested in wasting more time than it takes to bitchslap you for your ignorance. You're not special.
Apparently you're too stupid to check this board of which I have been on since 2007 with over 16K posts dumbass.
Not too stupid, just not interested in wasting more time than it takes to bitchslap you for your ignorance. You're not special.

Yeah--typical response of someone that doesn't know jack s..t
So, because Shepard Smith (a liberal homosexual hack) and Chris Wallace (a life long liberal hack) give their slanted opinions, we're supposed to accept it as gospel?

Anyone who questions what Trump does is a liberal. Chris Wallace is someone who asks tough questions of both sides. What Shep Smith said was common sense. Who are the hacks? Sean Hannity who caused pain to Seth Rich's family by falsely making ridiculous conspiracy theories about his death. Fox and Friends who lied about a Politico story involving Comey and the memos.. You apparently like fake news when it is pro-Trump.
Apparently you're too stupid to check this board of which I have been on since 2007 with over 16K posts dumbass.
Not too stupid, just not interested in wasting more time than it takes to bitchslap you for your ignorance. You're not special.

Yeah--typical response of someone that doesn't know jack s..t
I see. Anybody who doesn't see you as important doesn't know jack s..t. You really do have an extremely high opinion of yourself, don't you?
Anyone who questions what Trump does is a liberal.
Don't put words in my mouth.
Chris Wallace is someone who asks tough questions of both sides.
Chris is probably the "fairest" of the liberal journalists but he's still a liberal and he still favors the liberal view. It shows.
What Shep Smith said was common sense.
Common sense to you because you share his views, doesn't make those views right, except in your mind.
Sean Hannity who caused pain to Seth Rich's family by falsely making ridiculous conspiracy theories about his death. Fox and Friends who lied about a Politico story involving Comey and the memos.. You apparently like fake news when it is pro-Trump.
Post some links. Your opinion's not exactly credible. Know what I mean?
It is still not collusion to gather information on a political opponent. . . Not even if that information comes from a political enemy like RUSSIA.

The charge of Collusion requires a common goal between the "conspirators" to commit a criminal act.

Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. Never had been and never will be.

Mark this post and see if the courts don't back me up on this.
You dumbasses wouldnt even come close to this pathetic excuse making if Obama's campaign had done the exact same thing in 2008 or 2012. Stop being a pussy and admit it.
You dumbasses wouldnt even come close to this pathetic excuse making if Obama's campaign had done the exact same thing in 2008 or 2012.
Nor would you be attacking him. Stop being a hypocrite.
It is still not collusion to gather information on a political opponent. . . Not even if that information comes from a political enemy like RUSSIA.

The charge of Collusion requires a common goal between the "conspirators" to commit a criminal act.

Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. Never had been and never will be.

Mark this post and see if the courts don't back me up on this.
You dumbasses wouldnt even come close to this pathetic excuse making if Obama's campaign had done the exact same thing in 2008 or 2012. Stop being a pussy and admit it.

Ok, we should see if you are right about that....

Let's get in the time machine.

I'm going to want to see all his private meetings and (just for fun) his birth certificate too!
So, because Shepard Smith (a liberal homosexual hack) and Chris Wallace (a life long liberal hack) give their slanted opinions, we're supposed to accept it as gospel?

Anyone who questions what Trump does is a liberal. Chris Wallace is someone who asks tough questions of both sides. What Shep Smith said was common sense. Who are the hacks? Sean Hannity who caused pain to Seth Rich's family by falsely making ridiculous conspiracy theories about his death. Fox and Friends who lied about a Politico story involving Comey and the memos.. You apparently like fake news when it is pro-Trump.

Agreed--these Trump supporters have been attached to the hip to Trump's fairy godfather show Sean Hannity, & other right wing talk show hosts and have been ignoring all other reports. That's why they don't know anything. In fact, you'll see it on this board all of the time. They will repeat verbatum what was regurgitated and spoon fed back to them by a right wing talk show host all of the time.

Here's a great article on this:
It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues or 'Trump is at least acceptable’ signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh ,Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, Jeff Sessions, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio—are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Anyone who goes after Trump is automatically put in the liberal column, even though they're not liberals.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

It's actually hillarious to turn them on and listen to them in their full panic spin modes. You wouldn't believe what they can come up with---:bsflag:
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It is still not collusion to gather information on a political opponent. . . Not even if that information comes from a political enemy like RUSSIA.

The charge of Collusion requires a common goal between the "conspirators" to commit a criminal act.

Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. Never had been and never will be.

Mark this post and see if the courts don't back me up on this.
For some trumpanzees it will never be collusion until it is...and then it won't matter if it is or not.
For ANY rational American it will not be collusion until it is proven. Your post reeks of partisan stupidity.
It's actually hillarious to turn them on and listen to them in their full panic spin modes. You wouldn't believe what they can come up with
Panic over what, that Republicans control the White House, both houses of Congress, the majority of governorships, and most state legislatures? Yeah, I'm sure they're in full panic mode. :lol:
It's actually hillarious to turn them on and listen to them in their full panic spin modes. You wouldn't believe what they can come up with
Panic over what, that Republicans control the White House, both houses of Congress, the majority of governorships, and most state legislatures? Yeah, I'm sure they're in full panic mode. :lol:

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the constitution is all about--which is also impeachable if a Democrat congress doesn't agree with the set up right now.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

It's not rocket science.
It's actually hillarious to turn them on and listen to them in their full panic spin modes. You wouldn't believe what they can come up with
Panic over what, that Republicans control the White House, both houses of Congress, the majority of governorships, and most state legislatures? Yeah, I'm sure they're in full panic mode. :lol:

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the constitution is all about--which is also impeachable if a Democrat congress doesn't agree with the set up right now.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

It's not rocket science.
And we're supposed to believe you're not a liberal? :lol:

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