Sheriff in Sandra Bland Case fired for racism in 2008


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
I'm surprised no one has been talking about this case, because it's pretty shocking. A young black woman was arrested for a minor traffic stop, and was found dead in her cell three days later. The Sheriff claimed it was suicide, something rejected by everyone who knew this lady.

Video has already surfaced showing white deputies handling this woman roughly and debunking police claims she struck officers.

Now we find out the Sheriff in charge of this county was previously fired for racism.

Sandra Bland sheriff fired racism allegations Sheriff Glenn Smith accused of abuse in previous job.

Details are relatively sparse, but pieces by the Houston Chronicle and an area TV reporter indicate that Smith was fired by the Hempstead City Council after several allegations of police misconduct, not all of which involved racial issues. The council did not name a formal reason why Smith was terminated, but the Chroniclereported the year before the firing on an incident in which council members suspended Smith "for two weeks without pay after viewing videotapes and hearing allegations of racism from local residents against him" and other officers.

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