Shocking: What planned parenthood wants to teach preschoolers about sex

What they are proposing is not what he OP describes. They are talking about parents dealing with kids questions in a "neutral" way. I cant see anything wrong with that. Somewhere down the line education might cut the enormous number of unwanted pregnancies out there.
I dont think that I would be comfortable doing it but Mrs T deals with anything that requires sensitivity.

You glossed right over the fact that this is small children below the age of 5. And includes notes and advice to parents who are wondering if their 3-4 years olds are transgender.
This is about as stupid as you can get. And just shows you how ludicrous a room full of lunatics can get.
Every 3 year old on the planet could be considered "transgender" because they don't even know what a boy or girl even is!!

This is all leading to what the Degenerates want and that's the normalisation of paedophilia, why else do they want to sexualise no more than babies. Fucking sick freaks, they should be taken out and shot.

"You glossed right over the fact that this is small children below the age of 5. And includes notes and advice to parents who are wondering if their 3-4 years olds are transgender."

Yes Preschool and it's even in the thread title.

Shocking: What planned parenthood wants to teach preschoolers about sex
Shocking: What Planned Parenthood Wants to Teach Preschoolers about Sex

What should we teach children that are three and four years old about sex? If you said “nothing” in response to that question, that was the right answer.Exposing very young children to graphic material about human sexuality at a very early age can be extremely detrimental, but that is precisely what Planned Parenthood wants to do.

Aww but we know the mentally challenged will love this idea. They will support it all the way without even knowing they're doing it. So sweet and special isn't it.

Why you all will have to be crazy not to support your local pedophiles why that's racist not to back them up on their " born this way" challenge. C'mon liberals isn't tolerance , love all, and peace oh so acceptable in your eyes. Love everyone awwwww. ( nooooot))
Planned Baby Murder needs defunding.
Its about how to deal with kids questions.Read the article if you can.

Did you read the article? No or you wouldn't make a comment like:

"Its about how to deal with kids questions."

From the article teaching 3 year olds and 4 year olds, how many questions like "am I a faggot?" "am I Gender Fluid?" is a 3 year old or a 4 year old going to ask? Answer, zero.

Fucking perverts.


From Planned Parenthood's new guidelines, to be taught to 3 year olds and 4 year olds.


To be taught to 3 year olds and 4 year olds.





To be taught to 3 year olds and 4 year olds. Lol 1% in America are Walking Freaks of Nature and Fucked Up In The Membrane aka Transgenders, they should be put in mental institutions to get the psychological help they need not treated as NORMAL by Leftist perverts and then want the Perverts Agenda brainwashed into 3 year olds and 4 year olds.


Advising parents to go to LGBTQ Perverts about their 3 year old and 4 year old.


Teaching My Preschooler About Gender Identity
Its about how to deal with kids questions.Read the article if you can.

An adult can make their own choices, but when these LGBTQ Perverts start pushing this degenerate and sordid propaganda on very young children then ALL responsible adults need to put a united front and effectively put the LGBTQ Perverts firmly under the iron rod.
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