Shoot Them On Sight?

I never said I was anti anything other than your reasoning and this last post of yours repackages the same illogical conclusions.

Defending your shop or yourself and your family against rioters and/or looters is illogical, but police shooting into crowds of people is logical to you? :D Oooookaaayyy then. Lol! What if the shop owner is out there amongst the looters trying to protect his wife or children or shop and he gets shot and killed by the police because he was mistaken for a looter? Then what? That's okay? Rather than the shop owner defending himself? Sorry, I don't get your "logic" at all.

That is not what I said.

Well then WHAT about my position are you claiming is illogical?
I never said I was anti anything other than your reasoning and this last post of yours repackages the same illogical conclusions.

Slag...its useless arguing with her with ChrisL .....she thinks that stealing candy when you are 5 years old is like looting and breaking the law like is happening now...

How can you argue with that kind of stupidity? bless her soull :cuckoo:

Sadly I think you are correct. I will pray that she gains an ounce of sense through all this.:eusa_pray:

Honestly, I'm having no trouble holding my own against you and Skye. :lol: Like taking candy from a baby. :D
I think if it will help restore order in a crime ridden area...then yes. Should give the cop that shot Brown a marksmanship medal. Scored a head shot while under attack. Of course it would be hard to miss the giant gourd on the perps shoulders.

^USMB Rightwinger.

Or, is it more than just the uneducated low life RWs we see here?

Is this the way the entire Republican party is going? The ones we see here rooting for the slaughter of US citizens are the same ones who hump Pootin's leg. They love that he's a bully and beats up, kills, starves on his own people.

I really hate to see the RW Pootarians killing our country but it really does look like they won't be happy until we are Russia and have a dictator instead of an elected president.

i see plenty on your side killing this Country people that think your "party" is gods gift to America and cant possibly do any wrong and keep voting for the same dam people over and over again are whats killing this Country.....
I think if it will help restore order in a crime ridden area...then yes. Should give the cop that shot Brown a marksmanship medal. Scored a head shot while under attack. Of course it would be hard to miss the giant gourd on the perps shoulders.

You hate African-Americans, which you're entitled to do.

And you have the right to express your ignorance and hate, that you'd like to see African-Americans 'shot on sight.'

You do not have the right, however, to implement your ignorance and hate.

No_Reply_Jones strikes again.....
Shoot Them On Sight?

Very simply, it depends on what the law is for a given situation.

If police life is threatened, then it should be ok to shoot on sight, but only as a last resort when other methods have failed.

Yup, that's what they did at Tiananmen Square. Roll in those tanks and start blasting those damn ******* away. Cons crack me up. They bitch about their rights being taken away, but as soon as they feel threatened in any way, then they want the rights of everyone else taken away.
So...what happens when the looters start in on private residences? Just go outside and let them take what they want as you stand there and watch? Really?
Really disturbing. Why not just adopt Sharia law then? As a matter of fact, I think according to Sharia law, they don't kill thieves, they just chop off their arms.

why is it disturbing?....people,if you can call them that,who take advantage of a disaster and start to loot are some of the lowest trash on the trash scale.....i suppose you think my mandatory prison time of 10 years is just to tough on the poor little basturds too right?.....

Like I said, I'm just answering the OP question with my own opinion. I never said you had to agree with me. I will NEVER agree to a police state though, and I wouldn't compromise my principals because you don't like it either. In other words, that's my opinion. Don't like it? Tough poop! :D

hey you are the one who had a problem with MY dont coddle let people loot and get are doing mandatory time....
why is it disturbing?....people,if you can call them that,who take advantage of a disaster and start to loot are some of the lowest trash on the trash scale.....i suppose you think my mandatory prison time of 10 years is just to tough on the poor little basturds too right?.....

Like I said, I'm just answering the OP question with my own opinion. I never said you had to agree with me. I will NEVER agree to a police state though, and I wouldn't compromise my principals because you don't like it either. In other words, that's my opinion. Don't like it? Tough poop! :D

hey you are the one who had a problem with MY dont coddle let people loot and get are doing mandatory time....

I don't have any problem with prison sentences. I was addressing the OP question which was is it okay for the police to shoot looters? Arrest them? Sure. Convict them and send them to prison? No problem. :)

In the case of the officer who shot the black teen, I have not opinion on that yet because there has not been a complete investigation into it as of yet. If the officer felt that he was in danger, then I do not believe he was wrong in that particular instance to shoot the suspect. He was a big aggressive guy IMO.

Having said that, generally speaking, I do NOT think it is okay for the police to shoot into crowds of looters or to shoot a person just because he or she MAY have looted. There are ALL kinds of abuses that can happen in such a situation. There are cases of mistaken identity, innocent bystanders, police misconduct, and all kinds of things. Nope, I don't feel comfortable at ALL with the police having this kind of power over we the people. Yeesh!
Like I said, I'm just answering the OP question with my own opinion. I never said you had to agree with me. I will NEVER agree to a police state though, and I wouldn't compromise my principals because you don't like it either. In other words, that's my opinion. Don't like it? Tough poop! :D

hey you are the one who had a problem with MY dont coddle let people loot and get are doing mandatory time....

I don't have any problem with prison sentences. I was addressing the OP question which was is it okay for the police to shoot looters? Arrest them? Sure. Convict them and send them to prison? No problem. :)

In the case of the officer who shot the black teen, I have not opinion on that yet because there has not been a complete investigation into it as of yet. If the officer felt that he was in danger, then I do not believe he was wrong in that particular instance to shoot the suspect. He was a big aggressive guy IMO.

Having said that, generally speaking, I do NOT think it is okay for the police to shoot into crowds of looters or to shoot a person just because he or she MAY have looted. There are ALL kinds of abuses that can happen in such a situation. There are cases of mistaken identity, innocent bystanders, police misconduct, and all kinds of things. Nope, I don't feel comfortable at ALL with the police having this kind of power over we the people. Yeesh!

So..the looters decide they are bored of businesses that MIGHT have owners inside with guns. They move to residential. You ok with that? The people in those homes should just file outside and let the looters take what they want? How about a hospital? Nursing home? School? Or...your house?
They are not citizens. They are TERRORISTS. Shoot them. Let God sort them out.
hey you are the one who had a problem with MY dont coddle let people loot and get are doing mandatory time....

I don't have any problem with prison sentences. I was addressing the OP question which was is it okay for the police to shoot looters? Arrest them? Sure. Convict them and send them to prison? No problem. :)

In the case of the officer who shot the black teen, I have not opinion on that yet because there has not been a complete investigation into it as of yet. If the officer felt that he was in danger, then I do not believe he was wrong in that particular instance to shoot the suspect. He was a big aggressive guy IMO.

Having said that, generally speaking, I do NOT think it is okay for the police to shoot into crowds of looters or to shoot a person just because he or she MAY have looted. There are ALL kinds of abuses that can happen in such a situation. There are cases of mistaken identity, innocent bystanders, police misconduct, and all kinds of things. Nope, I don't feel comfortable at ALL with the police having this kind of power over we the people. Yeesh!

So..the looters decide they are bored of businesses that MIGHT have owners inside with guns. They move to residential. You ok with that? The people in those homes should just file outside and let the looters take what they want? How about a hospital? Nursing home? School? Or...your house?

Of course not, there are other nonlethal means that the police use now to stop burglaries and such things. Do you want them to bust down your door and start shooting? What if there are children there?

Look here, in NY City a couple years ago. Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful that they got the bad guy, but they also shot NINE innocent bystanders. Those people are lucky they weren't killed!

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said all nine bystanders wounded in Friday's Empire State Building shooting had been hit with police gunfire, CNN reported Saturday morning.

According to Kelly, of the nine wounded, three suffered gunshot wounds and six were hit by fragments.

Gunfire broke out shortly after 9 a.m. on Friday when a gunman identified as 58-year old Jeffrey Johnson shot and killed former coworker Steve Ercolino near the Empire State Building.
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I don't have any problem with prison sentences. I was addressing the OP question which was is it okay for the police to shoot looters? Arrest them? Sure. Convict them and send them to prison? No problem. :)

In the case of the officer who shot the black teen, I have not opinion on that yet because there has not been a complete investigation into it as of yet. If the officer felt that he was in danger, then I do not believe he was wrong in that particular instance to shoot the suspect. He was a big aggressive guy IMO.

Having said that, generally speaking, I do NOT think it is okay for the police to shoot into crowds of looters or to shoot a person just because he or she MAY have looted. There are ALL kinds of abuses that can happen in such a situation. There are cases of mistaken identity, innocent bystanders, police misconduct, and all kinds of things. Nope, I don't feel comfortable at ALL with the police having this kind of power over we the people. Yeesh!

So..the looters decide they are bored of businesses that MIGHT have owners inside with guns. They move to residential. You ok with that? The people in those homes should just file outside and let the looters take what they want? How about a hospital? Nursing home? School? Or...your house?

Of course not, there are other nonlethal means that the police use now to stop burglaries and such things. Do you want them to bust down your door and start shooting? What if there are children there?

I don't have children in the house. And if they try to bust in my house, they are going to get more bullets in them than their buddy Michael got.

So....miss smarty pants...rubber bullets aren't working. Black sheriff isn't working. Tear gas is not working. Demands are not working. What exactly do you suggest to stop this insanity by a bunch of thugs, eh?
They are not citizens. They are TERRORISTS. Shoot them. Let God sort them out.

I understand that people are upset about the recent events that have been occurring, but to allow the police to shoot citizens indiscriminately is just not wise, IMO. Of course, you all are entitled to disagree. :D I'm just making my case. That's why I'm here. :)
So...what happens when the looters start in on private residences? Just go outside and let them take what they want as you stand there and watch? Really?

Twitter and Reddit are reporting that numerous homes have been broken into and more had lit fireworks thrown through broken windows.
So..the looters decide they are bored of businesses that MIGHT have owners inside with guns. They move to residential. You ok with that? The people in those homes should just file outside and let the looters take what they want? How about a hospital? Nursing home? School? Or...your house?

Of course not, there are other nonlethal means that the police use now to stop burglaries and such things. Do you want them to bust down your door and start shooting? What if there are children there?

I don't have children in the house. And if they try to bust in my house, they are going to get more bullets in them than their buddy Michael got.

So....miss smarty pants...rubber bullets aren't working. Black sheriff isn't working. Tear gas is not working. Demands are not working. What exactly do you suggest to stop this insanity by a bunch of thugs, eh?

Look, that is NOT what the OP question asked. The OP question is what I am addressing. Now I can see that people are starting to become hostile about this, so I'm just going to carefully back away. Lol! But my opinion has CERTAINLY not changed on this question. It's terrible and irresponsible to shoot into crowds of people.

Also, I would tell you to arm yourself and DO NOT rely on the police to save your ass. :D Have a good night.

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