Shooting at Dollar General

Gracie at least gets what I'm talking about, though there's absolutely nothing "cool" or "delish" about it.

What's described is a sick society. Not something to perpetuate or be proud of.

Gotta roll with the time, Pogo. Wringing our hands while we are sucker punched to see if we (old people) can be knocked out.....trailer trash bimbos attacking us because they are drunk on a bus....robbed....tripped....poked...shot...beaten....won't solve anything. Being armed WILL. The world sucks and it will get suckier. I aim to be armed to protect myself and those I love. And I didn't perpetuate it. Todays society did.

We're observing the same thing, Gracie. Where we differ is that it's "cool" or "delish" to live in a sick place like this. Obviously it isn't, and we don't extinguish that flame by adding fuel to it. Rhetorical fuel I mean.

Might one consider the possibility that we do not live in a ‘sick place,’ could it not be more an issue of perception that things are ‘worse today,’ where we’re made aware of every event that occurs everywhere in the world in an instant, often absent context.

Perhaps it’s my subjective perception predicated on the violence and turmoil I witnessed in my youth during the 60s. But I believe it can be objectively demonstrated that we are a much more just and peaceful Nation today than at any time in the past.

This is not to say we don’t face serious, difficult problems today, we do; but violence has been a consistent component of American society since the Foundation Era, what has likely changed is how Americans are now responding to violence and crime, where seeking to defend oneself with a firearm seems warranted and appropriate.
Gracie at least gets what I'm talking about, though there's absolutely nothing "cool" or "delish" about it.

What's described is a sick society. Not something to perpetuate or be proud of.

Gotta roll with the time, Pogo. Wringing our hands while we are sucker punched to see if we (old people) can be knocked out.....trailer trash bimbos attacking us because they are drunk on a bus....robbed....tripped....poked...shot...beaten....won't solve anything. Being armed WILL. The world sucks and it will get suckier. I aim to be armed to protect myself and those I love. And I didn't perpetuate it. Todays society did.

We're observing the same thing, Gracie. Where we differ is that it's "cool" or "delish" to live in a sick place like this. Obviously it isn't, and we don't extinguish that flame by adding fuel to it. Rhetorical fuel I mean.

Cool=I liked the freedom of the Wild West.
Delish=A thug got what he was aiming to give to unarmed people. Oops. Not ALL were unarmed.
Gotta roll with the time, Pogo. Wringing our hands while we are sucker punched to see if we (old people) can be knocked out.....trailer trash bimbos attacking us because they are drunk on a bus....robbed....tripped....poked...shot...beaten....won't solve anything. Being armed WILL. The world sucks and it will get suckier. I aim to be armed to protect myself and those I love. And I didn't perpetuate it. Todays society did.

We're observing the same thing, Gracie. Where we differ is that it's "cool" or "delish" to live in a sick place like this. Obviously it isn't, and we don't extinguish that flame by adding fuel to it. Rhetorical fuel I mean.

Might one consider the possibility that we do not live in a ‘sick place,’ could it not be more an issue of perception that things are ‘worse today,’ where we’re made aware of every event that occurs everywhere in the world in an instant, often absent context.

Perhaps it’s my subjective perception predicated on the violence and turmoil I witnessed in my youth during the 60s. But I believe it can be objectively demonstrated that we are a much more just and peaceful Nation today than at any time in the past.

This is not to say we don’t face serious, difficult problems today, we do; but violence has been a consistent component of American society since the Foundation Era, what has likely changed is how Americans are now responding to violence and crime, where seeking to defend oneself with a firearm seems warranted and appropriate.

Sure, I'm not in any way suggesting this is a recent phenomenon. On the contrary a long term consistent component is required to produce such a cultural fetish. Indeed we have a long legacy of general violence I would argue well before the Foundation Era, with genocide and general disregard for Life tracing back to Columbus. That just means it's deep. And deep means it doesn't heal overnight, nor can we expect it to.

But to combine two aphorisms, the longest journey begins with a single step, and if not now, when?
I visited a friend in Wyo some years ago. Small itty bitty town not far from Yellowstone. The Tetons were amazing. The carvings on rocks from a thousand years ago, awesome. What was mindblowing was going in to the little town and seeing people sauntering along the boardwalks in front of stores, arms around their honey's, holding hands, chatting on benches and rocking chairs...and all with side arms, Western style. And smoking. Even in the little cafe we ate at, it was all smoking. It looked like I stepped into the set of Bonanza...or Maverick...or Gunsmoke....but it was for real and so were the guns. All legal, according to my friend. Is it still that way now? I have no clue, but I found it fascinating.

And unfortunately due to the way things are and our slide downhill value/moral should be that way again where carrying said firearms might make a thug think twice about being an asshole.
It looked like I stepped into the set of Bonanza...or Maverick...or Gunsmoke....but it was for real and so were the guns. All legal, according to my friend. Is it still that way now? I have no clue, but I found it fascinating.
The smoking in restaurants may not be but open carry is still legal there, as it is in this state and numerous others.

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