Shooting Re-Creation Proves Oswald was Not Lone Gunman in JFK Murder


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


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Ted Cruz's dad was the second shooter on the grassy knoll!

Pass it on.
I like the bullshit here. How did Oswald know to get a job at the book depository before Kennedy had plans to go by there?

and the convoluted reasoning and arguments it takes to suggest the JFK staff and security had to be in on it

I've stood on the sidewalk right underneath the window of that book depository in Dallas, and looked out across Dealey Plaza. A couple observations I noticed: The area is a lot smaller than it looked on television. You could almost hit a passing car at that range with a rock and from the sixth floor, even an occupant would be an easy shot to a 1960's era trained Marine, as Oswald was. They generally trained with bolt-action rifles, and it would be no great feat to get off 5 or 6 rounds at a passing target.

The thing that puzzles me, is why the utter piece of crap 6.5mm scoped Italian Carcano that he paid $19.95 for for?


For only twice the amount, he could have bought a scoped U.S. Model 1917 rifle in 30-06, which is a far more accurate rifle. Or even a scoped British .303 Enfield for the same price, which has far better ballistics than the Carcano...


Another observation I got was the creepy way that sounds echo around that place. It probably has something to do with the way the buildings are laid out, but sounds coming from one location seem to sound like they're coming from another area. It's quite a moving experience to stand underneath that window and for some reason, my eyes got a little misty.

And then there was Oswald's shooting in the Dallas PD basement. I own the same model pistol Jack Ruby used, a Colt Cobra in .38 Special. Not a particularly powerful pistol, and it has a 2" barrel. One only wonders that given the advances we've had in battlefield medicine over the last couple decades, Oswald might have survived the shooting and we'd probably know more about what the hell happened there.
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I've stood on the sidewalk right underneath the window of that book depository in Dallas, and looked out across Dealey Plaza. A couple observations I noticed: The area is a lot smaller than it looked on television. You could almost hit a passing car at that range with a rock and from the sixth floor, even an occupant would be an easy shot to a 1960's era trained Marine, as Oswald was. They generally trained with bolt-action rifles, and it would be no great feat to get off 5 or 6 rounds at a passing target.

The thing that puzzles me, is why the utter piece of crap 6.5mm scoped Italian Carcano that he paid $19.95 for for?


For only twice the amount, he could have bought a scoped U.S. Model 1917 rifle in 30-06, which is a far more accurate rifle. Or even a scoped British .303 Enfield for the same price, which has far better ballistics than the Carcano...


Another observation I got was the creepy way that sounds echo around that place. It probably has something to do with the way the buildings are laid out, but sounds coming from one location seem to sound like they're coming from another area. It's quite a moving experience to stand underneath that window and for some reason, my eyes got a little misty.

And then there was Oswald's shooting in the Dallas PD basement. I own the same model pistol Jack Ruby used, a Colt Cobra in .38 Special. Not a particularly powerful pistol, and it has a 2" barrel. One only wonders that given the advances we've had in battlefield medicine over the last couple decades, Oswald might have survived the shooting and we'd probably know more about what the hell happened there.
and there is a guy who long ago proved how easily he could get off the amount of shots, with the same type of weapon as some people kept saying was impossible LOL
conspiracy thread NOT history

conspiracy thread NOT history

conspiracy thread NOT history

just sayin what needs to be said

that's all folks
Moron Ventura, a qualified expert rifleman, takes a Mannlicher-Carcano and tries to duplicate Oswald's alleged shooting sequence. He failed, yet some old guy did it and posted a video I've seen LOL
here's some idiot doing it himself LOL

and this is funny if you read it ... years later more than a few people showed themselves getting off a third shot LO:L

Howard C. H. Donahue, 77, ballistics expert, studied Kennedy's death

Three rounds from a bolt-action rifle in 6.5 seconds isn't all that hard to do. Remember, Owsald was a former member of the USMC, and they were trained in how to operate bolt-action rifles. He wasn't a particularly good shot, given his military record, but he was lucky enough to hit what he was aiming at.
There were four shots fired and that's proved by the forensic acoustic recordings. Forward to 19:00 in the following video and you can see it matches up perfectly.

Nobody has been able to prove Oswald was in the sixth floor window
There were four shots fired and that's proved by the forensic acoustic recordings. Forward to 19:00 in the following video and you can see it matches up perfectly.

Nobody has been able to prove Oswald was in the sixth floor window

And it was impossible for Oswald to fire the rifle, run the entire length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs entirely undetected by the numerous people in the building that day, enter the lunchroom buy a soda, then be confronted by a policeman who thought he looked completely composed and relaxed, all within seconds of the kill shot.
I've stood on the sidewalk right underneath the window of that book depository in Dallas, and looked out across Dealey Plaza. A couple observations I noticed: The area is a lot smaller than it looked on television. You could almost hit a passing car at that range with a rock and from the sixth floor, even an occupant would be an easy shot to a 1960's era trained Marine, as Oswald was. They generally trained with bolt-action rifles, and it would be no great feat to get off 5 or 6 rounds at a passing target.

The thing that puzzles me, is why the utter piece of crap 6.5mm scoped Italian Carcano that he paid $19.95 for for?


For only twice the amount, he could have bought a scoped U.S. Model 1917 rifle in 30-06, which is a far more accurate rifle. Or even a scoped British .303 Enfield for the same price, which has far better ballistics than the Carcano...


Another observation I got was the creepy way that sounds echo around that place. It probably has something to do with the way the buildings are laid out, but sounds coming from one location seem to sound like they're coming from another area. It's quite a moving experience to stand underneath that window and for some reason, my eyes got a little misty.

And then there was Oswald's shooting in the Dallas PD basement. I own the same model pistol Jack Ruby used, a Colt Cobra in .38 Special. Not a particularly powerful pistol, and it has a 2" barrel. One only wonders that given the advances we've had in battlefield medicine over the last couple decades, Oswald might have survived the shooting and we'd probably know more about what the hell happened there.
There were four shots fired and that's proved by the forensic acoustic recordings. Forward to 19:00 in the following video and you can see it matches up perfectly.

Nobody has been able to prove Oswald was in the sixth floor window

And it was impossible for Oswald to fire the rifle, run the entire length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs entirely undetected by the numerous people in the building that day, enter the lunchroom buy a soda, then be confronted by a policeman who thought he looked completely composed and relaxed, all within seconds of the kill shot.

What is so hard about that?
Very few people in the building knew what had happened

Oswald wanted to create an alibi that he was in the lunch room
There were four shots fired and that's proved by the forensic acoustic recordings. Forward to 19:00 in the following video and you can see it matches up perfectly.

Nobody has been able to prove Oswald was in the sixth floor window

And it was impossible for Oswald to fire the rifle, run the entire length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs entirely undetected by the numerous people in the building that day, enter the lunchroom buy a soda, then be confronted by a policeman who thought he looked completely composed and relaxed, all within seconds of the kill shot.

What is so hard about that?
Very few people in the building knew what had happened

Oswald wanted to create an alibi that he was in the lunch room

Not only was the timing impossible, but even the worthless WarrenReport documented several people who where near the stairway after the shooting, and they said they heard no one running down the stairs.

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