Shooting Re-Creation Proves Oswald was Not Lone Gunman in JFK Murder


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower

Who knows, not like assassinations are not part and parcel of what both the FBI and CIA have engaged in. And he was saying some things, as did King, that the power structure wasn’t on board with. And the truth in american society is kinda like a puddle of mercury.
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


There were no "large chunks" of skull and brain matter on the trunk.

Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.

A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


There were no "large chunks" of skull and brain matter on the trunk.

Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


The skull piece is what Jackie was reaching back for when she climbed out onto the trunk.


Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


That's not even a good photoshop and viewing the film will tell anyone his head snapped backward and the splash flew back. Unless of course you are Jew lawyer who makes black white.
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


There were no "large chunks" of skull and brain matter on the trunk.

Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


The skull piece is what Jackie was reaching back for when she climbed out onto the trunk.


Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


That's not even a good photoshop and viewing the film will tell anyone his head snapped backward and the splash flew back. Unless of course you are Jew lawyer who makes black white.

That's not a photoshop -- it's a screen capture from a video. And I didn't deny there were pieces of skull on the trunk. I challenged you to show it was "the biggest chunk," which is what you claimed. I even posted a link to a video which shows there was no large "chunk" on the trunk.

Consider yourself just another in the long line of exposed conspiracy nuts.
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

Definitions to Help Understand Disinformation Agendas

Therefore, in an attempt to explore the interactions between the pejorative term “conspiracy theory” and the prevalence of “disinfo agents”, I include here some relevant definitions of terms, obtained from easily accessible online sources:

Conspiracy theory: An explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact. Such conspiracy theories are frequently proven to be truthful when the bullying disinformation campaigns that try to silence them are revealed as false, misleading, impossible and/or unscientific.

False flag operation: A covert operation that is designed to deceive in such a way that the operation appears as though it is being carried out by entities other than those who actually planned and executed them. Usually there is an ulterior motive, such as starting a war or invasion under false pretenses and blaming the war on some other entity, such as the victim of the false flag op.

Misinformation: False or inaccurate information.

Disinformation: False information that is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization or a corporate advertiser.

Troll: A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose ancestors were thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Living in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges, they are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Internet shill: Someone who promotes something or someone online for pay without divulging that they are associated with the entity they shill for. Shills promote companies, products, public figures and viewpoints for profit, while pretending to have no motivation for doing so other than personal belief. Alternatively, they sometimes denigrate someone or something, such as a political viewpoint or a competitor’s product, that is in conflict with the entity they serve. Shill jobs are telecommute positions or are conducted from temporary offices which are frequently moved to avoid detection.

Conventional wisdom: opinions or beliefs, often theoretical and even erroneous, that are held or accepted by most people. Often such “wisdom” contradicts known facts. (Ex: “The earth is flat” was at one time conventional wisdom for over 99% of the population.)

Propaganda: Information of a biased or misleading nature and used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Corporations call it advertising.

Clandestine/Covert: Referring to secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception.
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


Not true

The recreation proves that the WC was correct

Much of the blood and brain matter ended up on the trunk because the limo was moving under it as it flew in the air, slowed down and was then pulled back by gravity
Nothing more mysterious than that and the evidence, including this recreatiob, overwhelmingly proves Oswald acted alone alone.

There is no evidence of a team of anyone else shooting at Kennedy.

Nor was there a standdown of any kind.

It was not and is still not common for national guard to be called for routine visits by the president and more Dallas cops were on duty than normal.
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


There were no "large chunks" of skull and brain matter on the trunk.

Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


The skull piece is what Jackie was reaching back for when she climbed out onto the trunk.


Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


That's not even a good photoshop and viewing the film will tell anyone his head snapped backward and the splash flew back. Unless of course you are Jew lawyer who makes black white.

Sorry but that is false.

First of all it is clear that his head moved forward before moving back.

Second it is irrelevant as heads and bodies do not move or act predictably when shot.

Third hating the joos is not an argument
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

Definitions to Help Understand Disinformation Agendas

Therefore, in an attempt to explore the interactions between the pejorative term “conspiracy theory” and the prevalence of “disinfo agents”, I include here some relevant definitions of terms, obtained from easily accessible online sources:

Conspiracy theory: An explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact. Such conspiracy theories are frequently proven to be truthful when the bullying disinformation campaigns that try to silence them are revealed as false, misleading, impossible and/or unscientific.

False flag operation: A covert operation that is designed to deceive in such a way that the operation appears as though it is being carried out by entities other than those who actually planned and executed them. Usually there is an ulterior motive, such as starting a war or invasion under false pretenses and blaming the war on some other entity, such as the victim of the false flag op.

Misinformation: False or inaccurate information.

Disinformation: False information that is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization or a corporate advertiser.

Troll: A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose ancestors were thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Living in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges, they are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Internet shill: Someone who promotes something or someone online for pay without divulging that they are associated with the entity they shill for. Shills promote companies, products, public figures and viewpoints for profit, while pretending to have no motivation for doing so other than personal belief. Alternatively, they sometimes denigrate someone or something, such as a political viewpoint or a competitor’s product, that is in conflict with the entity they serve. Shill jobs are telecommute positions or are conducted from temporary offices which are frequently moved to avoid detection.

Conventional wisdom: opinions or beliefs, often theoretical and even erroneous, that are held or accepted by most people. Often such “wisdom” contradicts known facts. (Ex: “The earth is flat” was at one time conventional wisdom for over 99% of the population.)

Propaganda: Information of a biased or misleading nature and used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Corporations call it advertising.

Clandestine/Covert: Referring to secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception.
The term conspiracy theory was never weaponised by anyone

It is an accurate term to describe people who wish to believe fictional takes with no evidence .

Defining terms such as shill do not make them real

It is ludicrous to believe anyone would care what is said on an obscure forum like this and the term shill is merely used to avoid valid argument.

If you accuse someone of being a shill it means you lack the ability to present any logical or reasonable evidence.
Who knows, not like assassinations are not part and parcel of what both the FBI and CIA have engaged in. And he was saying some things, as did King, that the power structure wasn’t on board with. And the truth in american society is kinda like a puddle of mercury.
Assassinations are not part and parcel of what the CIA and fbi engage in.
Oh brother… So how many gunmen were supposedly there?
More than just the alleged one. That's for damned sure!
Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise.

The vast majority of witnesses heard 3 and only 3 shots coming exclusively from Oswald position.

All of the physical evidence proves Oswald fired those three shots.

No evidence physical or other wise proves another shooter.
Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise.

The vast majority of witnesses heard 3 and only 3 shots coming exclusively from Oswald position.

All of the physical evidence proves Oswald fired those three shots.

No evidence physical or other wise proves another shooter.
Anyone firing an ancient bolt action Manlicher rifle in the time span given to Lee Harvey Oswald to supposedly shoot the president could not account for all the shots actually fired. The shot that hit the curb in Dealy Plaza is not one of the three supposedly fired by Oswald. Who fired it?
There are tons of contrary evidence as well as the corroborating evidence of people who died in unnatural ways
who had vital evidence of the JFK coup, like Dorothy Kilgallen.

I'm not discussing this with you.
Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise.

The vast majority of witnesses heard 3 and only 3 shots coming exclusively from Oswald position.

All of the physical evidence proves Oswald fired those three shots.

No evidence physical or other wise proves another shooter.
Anyone firing an ancient bolt action Manlicher rifle in the time span given to Lee Harvey Oswald to supposedly shoot the president could not account for all the shots actually fired. The shot that hit the curb in Dealy Plaza is not one of the three supposedly fired by Oswald. Who fired it?
There are tons of contrary evidence as well as the corroborating evidence of people who died in unnatural ways
who had vital evidence of the JFK coup, like Dorothy Kilgallen.

I'm not discussing this with you.
All false.

Yes the time span established was plenty of time to have fired 3 aimed shots even with a bolt action rifle.

This has been proven many times.

The time is estimated at between 6 and 8 seconds and is more than ample time to fire 3 aimed shots from a bolt action even an older one.

Many have done it including me on identical rifles.

You are also dead wrong about the bullet which hit the curb..

It was in fact one of oswalds three shots specifically the first of his shots.

There is no unusual number of people who have died.

Kilgallen had no such evidence someone only claimed she had such evidence long after she died.

There is no such evidence as you claim of a conspiracy.
Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise.

The vast majority of witnesses heard 3 and only 3 shots coming exclusively from Oswald position.

All of the physical evidence proves Oswald fired those three shots.

No evidence physical or other wise proves another shooter.
Anyone firing an ancient bolt action Manlicher rifle in the time span given to Lee Harvey Oswald to supposedly shoot the president could not account for all the shots actually fired. The shot that hit the curb in Dealy Plaza is not one of the three supposedly fired by Oswald. Who fired it?
There are tons of contrary evidence as well as the corroborating evidence of people who died in unnatural ways
who had vital evidence of the JFK coup, like Dorothy Kilgallen.

I'm not discussing this with you.
All false.

Yes the time span established was plenty of time to have fired 3 aimed shots even with a bolt action rifle.

This has been proven many times.

The time is estimated at between 6 and 8 seconds and is more than ample time to fire 3 aimed shots from a bolt action even an older one.

Many have done it including me on identical rifles.

You are also dead wrong about the bullet which hit the curb..

It was in fact one of oswalds three shots specifically the first of his shots.

There is no unusual number of people who have died.

Kilgallen had no such evidence someone only claimed she had such evidence long after she died.

There is no such evidence as you claim of a conspiracy.
You refuse to discuss it because you are wrong and out of your league
A Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies forward when hit from behind, just what we'd expect and familiar to every hunter on the planet. But the biggest part of JFK's head - brain matter and a chunk of his skull - wound up on the trunk of the limo, because the shooter was in front of him, not behind him where Oswald was. If Oswald made the shot JFK's brain would have been all over the inside of the windshield.


"When President Kennedy and his wife visited Dallas on November 22, 1963, nearly all of the protections were lifted. Available Texas Guard units were not called into the city and available Dallas policemen were temporarily released from duty. The result? A team of CIA, Cuban exile, and Mafia-related renegades organized a simple military ambush in Dallas and successfully gunned him down. The ambush and its coverup were brazen and astonishingly open." - John Stockwell, highest ranking CIA officer to resign and become a whistleblower


There were no "large chunks" of skull and brain matter on the trunk.

Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


The skull piece is what Jackie was reaching back for when she climbed out onto the trunk.


Some small fragments may have ended up on there as a result of the shot spraying skull in all directions, but the bulk of the spray was forward.


That's not even a good photoshop and viewing the film will tell anyone his head snapped backward and the splash flew back. Unless of course you are Jew lawyer who makes black white.

Actually it was a chunk of brain not skull she got off the trunk. The largest chunk of skull bounced off Mrs. Connolly’s seat onto the floor. SS agent Sam Kinney put it in his pocket and said it resembled a piece of clay pot. The spray from the head wound shot outwards and the wind blew it back as you can see on a good copy of the zapruder film hitting the motorcycle driver and SS follow up car
Actually it was a chunk of brain not skull she got off the trunk. The largest chunk of skull bounced off Mrs. Connolly’s seat onto the floor. SS agent Sam Kinney put it in his pocket and said it resembled a piece of clay pot. The spray from the head wound shot outwards and the wind blew it back as you can see on a good copy of the zapruder film hitting the motorcycle driver and SS follow up car
Brain or skull it demonstrates that at least one shot hit JFK from the side or front....not from behind where supposedly Lee Oswald was firing away on his mail order antique war surplus rifle.

There are literally dozens of scholarly investigative books all devoted to the JFK coup. And the number of people who died in the aftermath as part of the cover up only adds to the tragedy of this crime.
I'm speechless when I think of the people that still propagate a lie.

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