Shooting Re-Creation Proves Oswald was Not Lone Gunman in JFK Murder

He went to Dallas and spoke to Ruby

That is not ignoring him

They listened to Ruby and he had nothing to say he had not already said

He just wanted out and they said no
Ruby wanted to testify in Washington DC in front of the Commission. Warren refused. So much for getting to the bottom of things.
Yes but he still testified in front of them from his cell.

Just not in dc
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
OK….list the top ten “holes” then. This should be fun.
Did Someone Alter the Medical Evidence?
Altering the medical evidence would have to be near the top. The single bullet theory, which has been a joke for decades is also a real black mark on the WC.
Misrepresenting witnesses. How the Warren Commission misrepresented JFK witnesses - JFK Facts
The fact that Earl Warren refused to let Jack Ruby testify to the commission....etc.etc. etc.

You can find all this yourself, you know. You don't seriously care about the case.
Your claims are false

Ruby testified and the witnesses were not ignored their testimony was intact.

There was no altered medical evidence which is why your link ASKS if it was altered as opposed to providing evidence that it was altered

You still have left to point out a hole.

Any one claiming there are holes never read the report.

The single bullet conclusion is no hole at all it is quite reasonable and logical.
The single bullet theory (I used to be in your camp) was proven to not only be plausible but what actually occurred.
Did you see the bullet found on John Connolly's stretcher?
That is "plausible"? Not in a million years, deary.

As for witnesses; you’d have to be more specific...
That's what my link was for.

Ruby’s testimony was heard.
Ruby requested to testify in front of the entire Warren Commission so his remarks could not be ignored or misrepresented. Request denied....a very funny attitude for a body supposedly trying to get to the bottom of the crime of the century, don't you think?
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
There are no acoustics

He may or may not have been in parkland as only one person claims to have seen him there and only did so decades later.

The fact that Ruby may have been trying to stalk Oswald is irrelevant.
The single bullet theory (I used to be in your camp) was proven to not only be plausible but what actually occurred.
Did you see the bullet found on John Connolly's stretcher?
That is "plausible"? Not in a million years, deary.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.

As for witnesses; you’d have to be more specific...
That's what my link was for.

Ruby’s testimony was heard.
Ruby requested to testify in front of the entire Warren Commission so his remarks could not be ignored or misrepresented. Request denied....a very funny attitude for a body supposedly trying to get to the bottom of the crime of the century, don't you think?

They weren’t.
The single bullet theory (I used to be in your camp) was proven to not only be plausible but what actually occurred.
Did you see the bullet found on John Connolly's stretcher?
That is "plausible"? Not in a million years, deary.

As for witnesses; you’d have to be more specific...
That's what my link was for.

Ruby’s testimony was heard.
Ruby requested to testify in front of the entire Warren Commission so his remarks could not be ignored or misrepresented. Request denied....a very funny attitude for a body supposedly trying to get to the bottom of the crime of the century, don't you think?
Yes I did and it is plausible logical and reasonable

The bullet was damaged and deformed consistent with the damage it caused.

He did testify before the commission period

Just from his jail.

Nothing suspicious at all.

Your link includes people who milked their fame for years and is not reliable. Such as Beverly Oliver who is worthless
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
There are no acoustics

He may or may not have been in parkland as only one person claims to have seen him there and only did so decades later.

The fact that Ruby may have been trying to stalk Oswald is irrelevant.

You better study the subject more....I’m tired of educating you
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
There are no acoustics

He may or may not have been in parkland as only one person claims to have seen him there and only did so decades later.

The fact that Ruby may have been trying to stalk Oswald is irrelevant.

You better study the subject more....I’m tired of educating you
I am better informed on it than you and you have been the one getting schooled.

There is no acoustic evidence and you are ignorant of the facts.
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
There are no acoustics

He may or may not have been in parkland as only one person claims to have seen him there and only did so decades later.

The fact that Ruby may have been trying to stalk Oswald is irrelevant.

You better study the subject more....I’m tired of educating you
I am better informed on it than you and you have been the one getting schooled.

There is no acoustic evidence and you are ignorant of the facts.

You keep using stuff on Wikipedia....if you want to have a discussion educate yourself or I’ll be forced to ignore you
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.
My opinion has nothing to do with it Bullets don't smash through bones and come out of it perfectly intact and not all deformed. You aren't even arguing from ignorance. You are just ignorant on the issue period!
They weren’t.
They weren't what? Weren't trying to find out who really killed JFK in a coup? That's the first sensible thing you've said.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.
My opinion has nothing to do with it Bullets don't smash through bones and come out of it perfectly intact and not all deformed. You aren't even arguing from ignorance. You are just ignorant period!
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.

They weren’t.
They weren't what? Weren't trying to find out who really killed JFK in a coup? That's the first sensible thing you've said.

They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
Ruby was stalking Oswald several times that weekend waiting to strike. He was also at parkland after the shooting that is 100% fact. The single bullet theory is correct the zapruder film and accustics prove it.
There are no acoustics

He may or may not have been in parkland as only one person claims to have seen him there and only did so decades later.

The fact that Ruby may have been trying to stalk Oswald is irrelevant.

You better study the subject more....I’m tired of educating you
I am better informed on it than you and you have been the one getting schooled.

There is no acoustic evidence and you are ignorant of the facts.

You keep using stuff on Wikipedia....if you want to have a discussion educate yourself or I’ll be forced to ignore you
Actually I have yet to cite wikpedia

I have simply been citing facts

There was once a recording believed to have been of the assassination but in fact it was not.

The tape from.dallas is of an officers shoulder mic which was stuck in the transmit position
Unfortunately no gun shots are on the recording and there is simply no acoustics evidence

That is fact

The rest of your claims are also false and that is fact

The z film shows no evidence of more than two shots

Ignore if you like it only proves you can't stand the heat of being proven wrong.
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.
What you are claiming is utter nonsense! Try to understand , it's like a VW that slams into a stone pillar doing fifty and the only damage is a broken tail light. The supposed magic bullet has NOTHING in terms of real typical damage done to it that would make anyone with any knowledge at all of forensics think that bullet went through rib, wrist and thorasic bones and the bodies of two grown men.

If you are at all serious about this I implore you to see what the top forensic pathologist in the world, Cyril Wecht, has to say about the issue. I've already linked to him, by the way.
They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.
They came and saw Jack Ruby in private for three hours (so says this propaganda video ) and there isn't a single bit of information or publicly disclosed transcripts, unlike other Warren Commission witnesses, that were made of that visit and no one knows what was said or discussed.
And Jack Ruby definitely did NOT get his side of the story out in the public like he requested or had the right to do, exactly like he feared would happen.
Gee, I wonder why. Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tattler National/Item 05.pdf

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
I'm sorry. It's impossible to respect someone so gullible, naive and dumb. That's just how it is. The information is available and you might as well try to teach a donkey to tap dance.
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.
What you are claiming is utter nonsense! Try to understand , it's like a VW that slams into a stone pillar doing fifty and the only damage is a broken tail light. The supposed magic bullet has NOTHING in terms of real typical damage done to it that would make anyone with any knowledge at all of forensics think that bullet went through rib, wrist and thorasic bones and the bodies of two grown men.
Have you ever seen the bullet in question?

They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.
They came and saw Jack Ruby in private for three hours (so says this propaganda video ) and there isn't a single bit of information or publicly disclosed transcripts, unlike other Warren Commission witnesses, that were made of that visit and no one knows what was said or discussed.
And Jack Ruby definitely did NOT get his side of the story out in the public like he requested or had the right to do, exactly like he feared would happen.
Gee, I wonder why. Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tattler National/Item 05.pdf

Most witnesses are interviewed in the same manner as Jack Ruby.

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
I'm sorry. It's impossible to respect someone so gullible, naive and dumb. That's just how it is. The information is available and you might as well try to teach a donkey to tap dance.

Ok. Not sure what donkey and tap dancing has to do with anything but that Oswald was the lone gunman is proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
Your opinion is noted. And worthless.
My opinion has nothing to do with it Bullets don't smash through bones and come out of it perfectly intact and not all deformed. You aren't even arguing from ignorance. You are just ignorant on the issue period!
They weren’t.
They weren't what? Weren't trying to find out who really killed JFK in a coup? That's the first sensible thing you've said.
And this bullet did no such thing

It smashed through bone and flesh and came out looking as it should.

You just cannot wrap your head around the fact that the damaged part is near the base which is not uncommon when a bullet tumbles.

There was no coup and they did get to the bottom of who killed Kennedy and part of the evidence was Rubys testimony
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.
What you are claiming is utter nonsense! Try to understand , it's like a VW that slams into a stone pillar doing fifty and the only damage is a broken tail light. The supposed magic bullet has NOTHING in terms of real typical damage done to it that would make anyone with any knowledge at all of forensics think that bullet went through rib, wrist and thorasic bones and the bodies of two grown men.

If you are at all serious about this I implore you to see what the top forensic pathologist in the world, Cyril Wecht, has to say about the issue. I've already linked to him, by the way.
They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.
They came and saw Jack Ruby in private for three hours (so says this propaganda video ) and there isn't a single bit of information or publicly disclosed transcripts, unlike other Warren Commission witnesses, that were made of that visit and no one knows what was said or discussed.
And Jack Ruby definitely did NOT get his side of the story out in the public like he requested or had the right to do, exactly like he feared would happen.
Gee, I wonder why. Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tattler National/Item 05.pdf

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
I'm sorry. It's impossible to respect someone so gullible, naive and dumb. That's just how it is. The information is available and you might as well try to teach a donkey to tap dance.

Yes the information is available and you ignore it.

Yes the transcript of Ruby's testimony is publically available in the WC report.

Which obviously you never bothered reading and cannot poke a hole in.
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.
What you are claiming is utter nonsense! Try to understand , it's like a VW that slams into a stone pillar doing fifty and the only damage is a broken tail light. The supposed magic bullet has NOTHING in terms of real typical damage done to it that would make anyone with any knowledge at all of forensics think that bullet went through rib, wrist and thorasic bones and the bodies of two grown men.

If you are at all serious about this I implore you to see what the top forensic pathologist in the world, Cyril Wecht, has to say about the issue. I've already linked to him, by the way.
They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.
They came and saw Jack Ruby in private for three hours (so says this propaganda video ) and there isn't a single bit of information or publicly disclosed transcripts, unlike other Warren Commission witnesses, that were made of that visit and no one knows what was said or discussed.
And Jack Ruby definitely did NOT get his side of the story out in the public like he requested or had the right to do, exactly like he feared would happen.
Gee, I wonder why. Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tattler National/Item 05.pdf

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
I'm sorry. It's impossible to respect someone so gullible, naive and dumb. That's just how it is. The information is available and you might as well try to teach a donkey to tap dance.

Yes Ruby got his story out in more than one way

He had visitors up until he died to include his Rabbi

He always maintained he acted alone.
The bullet found on Conally’s stretcher is not pristine. There are pictures of the bullet not being pristine from the National Archives.
What you are claiming is utter nonsense! Try to understand , it's like a VW that slams into a stone pillar doing fifty and the only damage is a broken tail light. The supposed magic bullet has NOTHING in terms of real typical damage done to it that would make anyone with any knowledge at all of forensics think that bullet went through rib, wrist and thorasic bones and the bodies of two grown men.

If you are at all serious about this I implore you to see what the top forensic pathologist in the world, Cyril Wecht, has to say about the issue. I've already linked to him, by the way.
They weren’t ignoring the testimony of Ruby.
They came and saw Jack Ruby in private for three hours (so says this propaganda video ) and there isn't a single bit of information or publicly disclosed transcripts, unlike other Warren Commission witnesses, that were made of that visit and no one knows what was said or discussed.
And Jack Ruby definitely did NOT get his side of the story out in the public like he requested or had the right to do, exactly like he feared would happen.
Gee, I wonder why. Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tattler National/Item 05.pdf

They knew who killed Kennedy; found his rifle, knew from his actions once he left the building, etc…
I'm sorry. It's impossible to respect someone so gullible, naive and dumb. That's just how it is. The information is available and you might as well try to teach a donkey to tap dance.

Sorry but your wrong and your analogy is a false comparison.

A better analogy would be a vw hitting a small bush flipping and slamming into a tree.

The bullet flipped as tumblers do and the back end was caved and deformed because it would have began tumbling as soon as it struck the soft tissue of Kennedy

It did not hit bone until striking connally and by then it was tumbling.

If you knew anything about ballistics you would grasp what a tumbler is.

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