Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

...You do realize parties change right? ...

I realize how desperate democrat hypocrites like you are to run from your history and to deny what you have always been about. I don't expect an idiot like you to even understand it.
So you’re sticking to the story we are the same people who didn’t let blacks eat at the counter?

You claim to be a democrat dozens of times every day, but you have thrown around racial slurs on this very site hundreds of times.
So what?
So you're a fucking hypocrite.
No I just don't think it's that big of a deal if I've used racial slurs in the past.

My voting record and position on race say I'm not the racist, you are. That is if you admit to being a conservative/Republican. So far you don't have the balls to admit it.

Your voting record is what says you are racist. You support the party of racist policies. You support the party that has it's brown shirts committing race riots in the streets.
If you guys are the pro mlk civil rights party why did you republicans fight so hard against mlk day?

Do a search for mlk day on usmb and see what white racist republicans really think about mlk or the movement.
...You do realize parties change right? ...

I realize how desperate democrat hypocrites like you are to run from your history and to deny what you have always been about. I don't expect an idiot like you to even understand it.
So you’re sticking to the story we are the same people who didn’t let blacks eat at the counter?

You claim to be a democrat dozens of times every day, but you have thrown around racial slurs on this very site hundreds of times.
So what?
So you're a fucking hypocrite.
No I just don't think it's that big of a deal if I've used racial slurs in the past.

My voting record and position on race say I'm not the racist, you are. That is if you admit to being a conservative/Republican. So far you don't have the balls to admit it.

Still waiting to hear about ANYTHING Bobobrainless has EVER done for ANYONE but himself.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.
The Democrats will deny the history of civil rights in the USA until they die.

Really? What are they denying?

The Republican Party was founded with the express intent to end slavery. Democrats opposed abolition.

That was true in 1865, but it damn sure ain't that Republican Party today.

Lincoln was the first Republican President and he signed the emancipation proclamation.

Yep and 100yrs later, LBJ signed the CRA and the VRA and he was a Democrat.

Democrats opposed civil rights legislation until they realized they could garner votes by passing out trinkets in the welfare system.

Is that why so many whites vote Democrat today.

Democrats founded the KKK.

True, but they support the Republican Party today.
I wonder what Unkotare disagrees with
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.
Because it didn’t happen all in one day. It happened though.

I bet you deny evolution is real too because it happens gradually over time.

Oh, and the first time blacks started leaving the Republican Party was in the 20s. The great Mississippi flood. Republicans forced them to work on the levy’s at gunpoint. Really treated blacks in Mississippi like shit.
...You do realize parties change right? ...

I realize how desperate democrat hypocrites like you are to run from your history and to deny what you have always been about. I don't expect an idiot like you to even understand it.
So you’re sticking to the story we are the same people who didn’t let blacks eat at the counter?

You claim to be a democrat dozens of times every day, but you have thrown around racial slurs on this very site hundreds of times.
So what?
So you're a fucking hypocrite.
No I just don't think it's that big of a deal if I've used racial slurs in the past.

My voting record and position on race say I'm not the racist, you are. That is if you admit to being a conservative/Republican. So far you don't have the balls to admit it.

Still waiting to hear about ANYTHING Bobobrainless has EVER done for ANYONE but himself.
Because you’re trying to derail the thread and make it personal?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?

lol total rubbish. 'White America' specifically chose MLK to be their pet house boy. Too many of the educated black leaders were ignoring PC memes and pointing out blacks were their own worst enemies. Black people murdered Malcolm X.

That's the best you've got Shit head, sorry your dumb ass can't rewrite history. Funny how you had to jump from Dr King to Malcolm X. Smfh.

And we notice you can't refute that fact, shit for brains. Funny how you hold up King as some sort of role model, despite he obviously lacked any real morals, so I guess you just identify more with him than a lot of the more principled black leadership.

It's amazing how you will attack Dr King, but you hold a man like Trump as a role model for your kids. I will put Dr king up morally against any clown you can mention.
I thought these republicans here were trying to pretend to be fans of mlk. Do you see how they lie and distort history?

My voting record and position on race say I'm not the racist, you are. ....

Bullshit. Any comparison of attitude and actual behavior in the real world proves the opposite.
You don’t behave like a racist you just think like one
More lies from a brainless punk who has shown his true colors too many times pretend now.
Making it personal and not advancing the conspversation is your mo
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016
Pre civil rights 80% of southern whites were democrats. Post only 30%
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan was a republican he signed it into law. I am not sure why people voted no but members from both parties voted no...not just members of the GOP. But overall the vast majority of both parties supported it's passage and Reagan made it Federal law by signing,

After years of fighting against it.
nope...but typical of the all fight against what the man stood for, and you do so for 100 plus years, you attack the man, you even kill then man...then after he dies, try to make it all ok by having the Federal Govt take the day off work..and pat yourselves on the back....sad.

Are you kidding, it is white, right wing, conservatives who quote Dr. King today after they hated his guts when he was alive. If Dr. King were alive today it would be folks like you who would oppose and speak against him today. To try and make it seem as though the very folks who hated Dr King would support him is a damn disgrace.
King would be a Republican today. He said people should be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Racists like you think just the opposite. All you see is skin color. MLK would decry you and your racist positions.

You guys are so full of shit.

President Trump and Attorney General Sessions have decided to challenge affirmative action policies in higher education as a form of discrimination against white people. We should expect them to soon be citing Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech as evidence that Dr. King would be supporting their position if he were still alive.

King dreamed of a time when racism – and thus race – would be irrelevant, he was an active supporter of both kinds of affirmative action – race-based and class-based.

While Dr. King dreamed of a time when racism – and thus race – would be irrelevant, he was an active supporter of both kinds of affirmative action – race-based and class-based. As a supporter of race-conscious affirmative action, he spent much of the last six years of his life actively promoting it, including the use of racial quotas in employment. Specifically, from 1962-68 Dr. King orchestrated and implemented “Operation Breadbasket,” a civil rights boycott campaign that demanded racial quotas through the employment of Black American workers in proportion to their number in a workforce, neighborhood or city. With regard to class-based affirmative action Dr. King supported a massive war on poverty. In advocating for special benefits for poor Americans he sometimes used color-blind language and pointed out that it would benefit poor whites as well as poor Blacks, while at other times he justified it as an example of the kind of reparations to which Black Americans were entitled under the equitable remedy of restitution for unpaid wages.

....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.
...Oh, and the first time blacks started leaving the Republican Party was in the 20s. The great Mississippi flood. Republicans forced them to work on the levy’s at gunpoint. Really treated blacks in Mississippi like shit.
Another topic too complex for the likes of Bobobrainless to understand.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan was a republican he signed it into law. I am not sure why people voted no but members from both parties voted no...not just members of the GOP. But overall the vast majority of both parties supported it's passage and Reagan made it Federal law by signing,

After years of fighting against it.
nope...but typical of the all fight against what the man stood for, and you do so for 100 plus years, you attack the man, you even kill then man...then after he dies, try to make it all ok by having the Federal Govt take the day off work..and pat yourselves on the back....sad.

Are you kidding, it is white, right wing, conservatives who quote Dr. King today after they hated his guts when he was alive. If Dr. King were alive today it would be folks like you who would oppose and speak against him today. To try and make it seem as though the very folks who hated Dr King would support him is a damn disgrace.
King would be a Republican today. He said people should be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Racists like you think just the opposite. All you see is skin color. MLK would decry you and your racist positions.

You guys are so full of shit.

President Trump and Attorney General Sessions have decided to challenge affirmative action policies in higher education as a form of discrimination against white people. We should expect them to soon be citing Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech as evidence that Dr. King would be supporting their position if he were still alive.

King dreamed of a time when racism – and thus race – would be irrelevant, he was an active supporter of both kinds of affirmative action – race-based and class-based.

While Dr. King dreamed of a time when racism – and thus race – would be irrelevant, he was an active supporter of both kinds of affirmative action – race-based and class-based. As a supporter of race-conscious affirmative action, he spent much of the last six years of his life actively promoting it, including the use of racial quotas in employment. Specifically, from 1962-68 Dr. King orchestrated and implemented “Operation Breadbasket,” a civil rights boycott campaign that demanded racial quotas through the employment of Black American workers in proportion to their number in a workforce, neighborhood or city. With regard to class-based affirmative action Dr. King supported a massive war on poverty. In advocating for special benefits for poor Americans he sometimes used color-blind language and pointed out that it would benefit poor whites as well as poor Blacks, while at other times he justified it as an example of the kind of reparations to which Black Americans were entitled under the equitable remedy of restitution for unpaid wages. is the democrat party that is keeping Asian Americans out of colleges and universities and the democrat party that is creating segregated dorms and graduation ceremonies.....the democrat party has been the party of racism since it was founded by slave owners....
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.
Except not really.

You get to live anywhere you want as long as you act right.

Fool there is still housing discrimination taking place in this country.

If you don't, men like me run your trashy off and sooner or later, the only place left for a sorry ass fuck like you, is a sorry ass ghetto full of losers just like you.

You mean cowards like you will still try and run folks off that you don't like. Do you still wear white hoods while you are trying it. Punks jump up to get beat down.

Anyone worth a shit gets the fuck out of there and away from shitbags like you, first chance they get, and folks like me are happy to help them do so.

Well we know white trash like you doesn't live anywhere black folks are, so we really don't have to worry about cowards like you.

The rest of you can all rot, for all I care.

Like somebody really gives 2 fucks about a white POS like you, GFY.
Half my family is black, fuckface..... LOL

You're just a whiny li'l bitch.

Damn Fuck boy, you hate half your family.
No, but my family hates sorry ni ggers like you.

It makes your bitch ass feel good to say that word doesn't it, because your bitch ass wouldn't dare say that to a black man's face.
There are good black people out there...but you ain't one of them............not even close. You come across as a whiney ass blaming whitey for all of your poor life choices.
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016
Pre civil rights 80% of southern whites were democrats. Post only 30%
yep...folks were oppressed by the Dem party, through terrorist tactics....after the GOP was successful in getting Civil Rights legislation passed, the stranglehold of the left on the South weakened...slowly, very slowly, people were able to come out, Republicans won elections....the people started seeing that their policies brought more freedom, more wealth, and a better life....and we are seeing a great transformation and boom in the South today...compared to places like Chicago, NY, and Baltimore, losing revenue, poor, and very still much segragated..
Do you think any of these officers are going to be hired by any other department.

The problem is, most of these people who are killed aren't innocent.

Gurley had 24 arrests for dealing drugs.
Michael Brown robbed a convenience store
Laquan McDonald was vandalizing trucks
George Floyd was taking drugs and passing counterfeit money.
Breonna Taylor's boyfriend fired at police officers

yes, these cops made mistakes or overreacted.

But to put in perspective.

Police officers respond to 16 million calls for assistance a year. Of those, 1000 result in someone being shot.

Of those 1000 who were shot, most are ruled justified because the person came after a cop with a gun or a knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

So you maybe have a handful of cases a year where cops messed up. Yup. That's terrible. They need better training, we need to get the problematic cops off the police departments, we need to get the unions to stop protecting the bad apples.

Most of the time, though. The cops get it right.

So here's a crazy idea.

1) Don't do things you shouldn't be doing.
2) When the cops show up, cooperate with them.
This is BS Joe. What law did #BreonnaTaylor break?
The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".
Black folks don't seem to give a fuck either.

That's because you an idiot and don't have a clue what black folks give a fuck about.
It is apparent they do not mind killing each other.

You have been the most violent in the history of mankind.
No, we're the best at it..... that's not the same thing.

Same thing.
No it isn't.

It's why we don't live in violent shithole ghettos.

Of course it is, you created those ghettoes and you make sure they stay there.
Except not really.

You get to live anywhere you want as long as you act right.

Fool there is still housing discrimination taking place in this country.

If you don't, men like me run your trashy off and sooner or later, the only place left for a sorry ass fuck like you, is a sorry ass ghetto full of losers just like you.

You mean cowards like you will still try and run folks off that you don't like. Do you still wear white hoods while you are trying it. Punks jump up to get beat down.

Anyone worth a shit gets the fuck out of there and away from shitbags like you, first chance they get, and folks like me are happy to help them do so.

Well we know white trash like you doesn't live anywhere black folks are, so we really don't have to worry about cowards like you.

The rest of you can all rot, for all I care.

Like somebody really gives 2 fucks about a white POS like you, GFY.
Half my family is black, fuckface..... LOL

You're just a whiny li'l bitch.

Damn Fuck boy, you hate half your family.
No, but my family hates sorry ni ggers like you.

It makes your bitch ass feel good to say that word doesn't it, because your bitch ass wouldn't dare say that to a black man's face.
There are good black people out there...but you ain't one of them............not even close. You come across as a whiney ass blaming whitey for all of your poor life choices.
MLK wouldn’t tolerate the racist Superbadbrutha
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.
...Oh, and the first time blacks started leaving the Republican Party was in the 20s. The great Mississippi flood. Republicans forced them to work on the levy’s at gunpoint. Really treated blacks in Mississippi like shit.
Another topic too complex for the likes of Bobobrainless to understand.
Cause you’re so good at explaining your views
Um, yeah, that was an accidental discharge of a weapon. Despite it being a tragic accident, he was charged, convicted,
White supremacists will charge and even convict an officer that kills and unarmed black people but what they won't do severely punish them.

Peter Liang has not and will not spend one night in Shawshank.

He was spared Jail and was given five years probation which is some bullshit where he probably has to go the African America history museum or attend some racial awareness class

lost his job.
You don't lose your job for killing black people. You get transferred.

The other officer in the incident was also fired.
You don't lose your job for killing black people. You get transferred.

The city paid 4 million dollars to the family of the career criminal who was shot.
Yeah and guess what ? The settlement comes directly from the taxes. Not from the Cops or law enforcement. So they don't give a shit. Thus, property taxes go up to cover this nonsense.

If you are are upset about the settlements then stop encouraging cops 2 kill innocent Blks

Do you think any of these officers are going to be hired by any other department.

The problem is, most of these people who are killed aren't innocent.

Gurley had 24 arrests for dealing drugs.
Michael Brown robbed a convenience store
Laquan McDonald was vandalizing trucks
George Floyd was taking drugs and passing counterfeit money.
Breonna Taylor's boyfriend fired at police officers

yes, these cops made mistakes or overreacted.

But to put in perspective.

Police officers respond to 16 million calls for assistance a year. Of those, 1000 result in someone being shot.

Of those 1000 who were shot, most are ruled justified because the person came after a cop with a gun or a knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

So you maybe have a handful of cases a year where cops messed up. Yup. That's terrible. They need better training, we need to get the problematic cops off the police departments, we need to get the unions to stop protecting the bad apples.

Most of the time, though. The cops get it right.

So here's a crazy idea.

1) Don't do things you shouldn't be doing.
2) When the cops show up, cooperate with them.
Like the woman shot at the insurrection. She didn’t obey the officers lawful command so he justifiably shot her
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.
...Oh, and the first time blacks started leaving the Republican Party was in the 20s. The great Mississippi flood. Republicans forced them to work on the levy’s at gunpoint. Really treated blacks in Mississippi like shit.
Another topic too complex for the likes of Bobobrainless to understand.
Cause you’re so good at explaining your views
No, because you are so stupid.

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