Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?
I don't know any white americans that wanted him dead. Maybe you should start hanging out with other white people....

I certainly do...his earlier sermons? What speech in particular are you referring to? I know many of htem.,,..they all talked about God and his Christian faith for the most part

The KKK was created a terrorist wing of the Dem party

The ones that supported the RNC and liberty....also MLK's killer wasn't southern....I would think someone would claimed to know so much about MLK would know that
Today, it's a Republican President, Donald Trump, who has changed his allegiance to a Southern state, Florida, and is appealing to nostalgia for the Confederacy and stoking racial divisions, not trying to end them or get past them.

1. The celebrating of the Confederacy has for 150 been accepted by the nation as a whole as a healthy and harmless expression of regional pride as part of the larger American Identity. The move to change that is really anti-white racism.

You mean the celebration of racism in the South. It is harmless to those if didn't cause any harm to. What kind of pride is taken in the history of injustice to others.

2. Trump is not the one stroking wacial tensions. It is you people with your constant wace baiting that is doing that. It is not Trump supporters conducting race riots in the cities over the last 5 years but antifa and blm.

You are lying.

You're the stinking liar, it is folks like you who definitely want things to stay like they were in the Good Ole Days. Where the police can harass, beat and murder black and hispanic folks and never worry about being brought to the Bar of Justice for it.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan was a republican he signed it into law. I am not sure why people voted no but members from both parties voted no...not just members of the GOP. But overall the vast majority of both parties supported it's passage and Reagan made it Federal law by signing,

After years of fighting against it.
nope...but typical of the all fight against what the man stood for, and you do so for 100 plus years, you attack the man, you even kill then man...then after he dies, try to make it all ok by having the Federal Govt take the day off work..and pat yourselves on the back....sad.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?
I don't know any white americans that wanted him dead. Maybe you should start hanging out with other white people....

Of course not any that you are going to tell. Dr King was the most hated black man in America and that is fact no matter how much you try to sugar coat it.

I certainly do...his earlier sermons? What speech in particular are you referring to? I know many of htem.,,..they all talked about God and his Christian faith for the most part.]

Dr. King talked about a helluva lot more than Christian Faith.


There is nothing in all the world greater than freedom. It is worth paying for; it is worth losing a job for; it is worth going to jail for. I would rather be a free pauper than a rich slave. I would rather die in abject poverty with my convictions than live in inordinate riches with the lack of self respect.” MLK

"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” MLK

I could go on, but what would be the use.

The KKK was created a terrorist wing of the Dem party.

Of course they were after the Civil War, but in today's society the KKK supports the Republican Party not the Democrat Party.

The ones that supported the RNC and liberty....also MLK's killer wasn't southern....I would think someone would claimed to know so much about MLK would know that

When Dr King was murdered that was not the first time he was attacked, beaten, lied on, etc. to try and make it seem as though white republicans in the South supported Dr. King is an all out LIE.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan was a republican he signed it into law. I am not sure why people voted no but members from both parties voted no...not just members of the GOP. But overall the vast majority of both parties supported it's passage and Reagan made it Federal law by signing,

After years of fighting against it.
nope...but typical of the all fight against what the man stood for, and you do so for 100 plus years, you attack the man, you even kill then man...then after he dies, try to make it all ok by having the Federal Govt take the day off work..and pat yourselves on the back....sad.

Are you kidding, it is white, right wing, conservatives who quote Dr. King today after they hated his guts when he was alive. If Dr. King were alive today it would be folks like you who would oppose and speak against him today. To try and make it seem as though the very folks who hated Dr King would support him is a damn disgrace.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?
I don't know any white americans that wanted him dead. Maybe you should start hanging out with other white people....

Of course not any that you are going to tell. Dr King was the most hated black man in America and that is fact no matter how much you try to sugar coat it.

I certainly do...his earlier sermons? What speech in particular are you referring to? I know many of htem.,,..they all talked about God and his Christian faith for the most part.]

Dr. King talked about a helluva lot more than Christian Faith.

View attachment 471479

There is nothing in all the world greater than freedom. It is worth paying for; it is worth losing a job for; it is worth going to jail for. I would rather be a free pauper than a rich slave. I would rather die in abject poverty with my convictions than live in inordinate riches with the lack of self respect.” MLK

"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” MLK

I could go on, but what would be the use.

The KKK was created a terrorist wing of the Dem party.

Of course they were after the Civil War, but in today's society the KKK supports the Republican Party not the Democrat Party.

The ones that supported the RNC and liberty....also MLK's killer wasn't southern....I would think someone would claimed to know so much about MLK would know that

When Dr King was murdered that was not the first time he was attacked, beaten, lied on, etc. to try and make it seem as though white republicans in the South supported Dr. King is an all out LIE.
No doubt that many people hated him....but that's not really what's being discussed.

Of course he did...

That's a great quote by Dr. King....and he's 100 percent right...sadly so many people are willing to give up their freedom today, and be a slave to BIG Govt...and the promises of "free stuff" the left pushes.

Also, I would have expect a MLK expect like youself to have actually read his entire speech...not just that quote: The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III

In the speech he refers to his Christian faith a lot...even in the next line he talks about going home to the Father...

and just prior to that quote, he discusses this, in the same speech 'you are not a lone that God struggles with you. This belief that God is on the side of truth comes down to us from the long tradition of the Christian faith."

ah,.,..I don't know about that...

I agree...he was also beatened, arrested etc by other Dems....
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.

FUnny, the post you replied to did not qoute MLK, but just commented on how religious he was and how that would not be welcomed by the left today.

Strange that you choose to not respond to what was actually said.

Very strange....

View attachment 471341

What's even more stranger was that it wasn't supported by the right and they claimed to be the REAL Christians.
“More stranger”?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan was a republican he signed it into law. I am not sure why people voted no but members from both parties voted no...not just members of the GOP. But overall the vast majority of both parties supported it's passage and Reagan made it Federal law by signing,

After years of fighting against it.
nope...but typical of the all fight against what the man stood for, and you do so for 100 plus years, you attack the man, you even kill then man...then after he dies, try to make it all ok by having the Federal Govt take the day off work..and pat yourselves on the back....sad.

Are you kidding, it is white, right wing, conservatives who quote Dr. King today after they hated his guts when he was alive. If Dr. King were alive today it would be folks like you who would oppose and speak against him today. To try and make it seem as though the very folks who hated Dr King would support him is a damn disgrace.
nah....I am not kidding....the dems hated king, they killed him, opposed him etc at every turn.....until they no longer could...then you all are here today...literlaly on this thread trying to say it's ok because years later some of your party voted to give themselves the day off and say it's because it's his day
Really? What are they denying?
The Democrats will deny the history of civil rights in the USA until they die.
Can you read?

That was true in 1865, but it damn sure ain't that Republican Party today.
Throughout history, Republicans have promoted civil rights. Democrats opposed it until they saw that giving lip service to it could get them votes. Democrats like to create victim classes so they claim to have solutions to their problems.

Yep and 100yrs later, LBJ signed the CRA and the VRA and he was a Democrat.
He sure was. I was in my 20s. After signing one of those he said, "I'll have these n------ voting Democrat for the next hunderd years!" LBJ was a racist also.

Is that why so many whites vote Democrat today.
I have no idea why anyone white, black, Asian, Hispanic or any other brand votes Democrat.

True, but they support the Republican Party today.
I've not yet heard of one instance where the Republican Party solicited their support.

On the other hand:



....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.

FUnny, the post you replied to did not qoute MLK, but just commented on how religious he was and how that would not be welcomed by the left today.

Strange that you choose to not respond to what was actually said.

Very strange....

View attachment 471341

What's even more stranger was that it wasn't supported by the right and they claimed to be the REAL Christians.

What are you talking about? I don't recall any real resistance to it. You want to back up your claims with something?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....
How come republicans were the ones who voted against having a federal mlk day and black history month?
Reagan signed the MLK holiday, Dumbass.

Only after years of opposition against it from the Grand Old Party.

What the hell are you talking about?
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.

That is the lie that is told.

I've asked dozens of libs to back up this shit over the years. The BEST they come up with is empty rhetoric and secret code words.

....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?

lol total rubbish. 'White America' specifically chose MLK to be their pet house boy. Too many of the educated black leaders were ignoring PC memes and pointing out blacks were their own worst enemies. Black people murdered Malcolm X.
White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered.

White America elected the presidents that consistently supported civil rights.

Which presidents was that?

That you lie about it now, is spitting in the face of whites that fought for you, back when racism actually fought back.

Who were they racist they were fighting against?

You are an asshole.

You are a lying hag trying to rewrite History.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.

FUnny, the post you replied to did not qoute MLK, but just commented on how religious he was and how that would not be welcomed by the left today.

Strange that you choose to not respond to what was actually said.

Very strange....

View attachment 471341

What's even more stranger was that it wasn't supported by the right and they claimed to be the REAL Christians.

What are you talking about? I don't recall any real resistance to it. You want to back up your claims with something?

It only took 15yrs to pass the bill, but I guess that really isn't any real resistance.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
I want to know when republicans stopped being the racists. Or started being the racist white party. When did they stop advocating for black people?

Supposedly when Nixon started the Southern Strategy, but when you go looking for the exact time, or how it manifested, it is like trying to nail down fog.

Because it never actually happened.

That is the lie that is told.

I've asked dozens of libs to back up this shit over the years. The BEST they come up with is empty rhetoric and secret code words.


You are a Southern white racist hag, I am pretty sure you know what it is.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.
I didn't I thought it was just and right

So what was done to black folks in this country wasn't quite that bad, was it?
I never said that. If you can show me one person that was a slave, I'd be happy to have reparitations paid to them....just like we did in 88 to the Japanese that were interred by FDR.
Hell, we shouldn’t give blacks reperations for slavery we should give it to them for how we have treated them since slavery

There is nothing stopping you from finding a deserving African American in your state and giving him all your money, or getting up off your ass and doing anything at all to help him in some way.
and there is the issue....dembots don't actually want to do something themselves to address the issues they bring up....they want other people to do it for them. They really are a whiny selfish bunch

......and republicans ignore the issues and don't do a damn thing other than try and feed us some BS.
huh? They freed the slaves, passed numerous Civil Rights legislation, not to mentioned created numerous bills the left blocked....moreover, tried, and in some cases, provided a economy to grow...and undid unjust laws targeting african-americans...such as Xiden 94 Crime Bill sentencing

Give me a break. Civil rights bills were passed by regions North/South and it was a Democrat president that signed those bills into law. Also not ONE Republican opposed that crime bill or voted against it. What numerous bills? Since Trump lost look at the Jim Crow bills being passed by state Legislators trying to stifle the minority vote.
It's laughable when they suggest they were the ones who freed the slaves or passed civil rights laws when today they are clearly the confederates who lynched blacks and defended Jim crow laws.
Lincoln was a Republican, Stupid.

Dimwingers filibustered the Civil Rights Act...........including Biden's mentor and Owlgore's father.

Your party is the party of racists.
Do you understand something changed between now and then? You southerners who hated lincoln are today's republicans.
Really? Your party kept electing a KKK leader to the Senate until 2010.

Your party is the party of racists. Own it.
Not anymore. You guys carry the confederate flags and try to throw out black votes. Literally last year trump tried to throw out all the votes in wayne county. Aka Detroit.

The gop today are the white good old boys yesterday.

Its simple. Did us liberals want Rosa parks to sit at the back of the bus? No. It was people like you. Back then you were the democrats.

Moron....the democrats are the ones attacking Asian Americans.....the democrats are the ones pushing for segregated dorms, cafeterias, keeping Asians out of colleges and universities, it is the democrats who want skin color identified on products in grocery stores....the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism, violence and hate...

If that is the case then why does all of the racism always come from right wing, assholes like you.
what did he say that was racist? I think you are projecting a little too much here
I love it when suddenly the racists are claiming they aren’t racist. Now they don’t openly admit to not hiring colors. Now they claim they gave the black guy a fair shot and he just unfortunately wasn’t the most qualified. Completely denying the obvious that bias is playing a factor.

When in a society as diverse as ours 90% of the executive boardroom is white males, something is wrong.

But notice now we have to prove you are a racist. Even though we know you are based on you policies, we have to prove it. Covert vs overt.
I do too...and they rewrite an absurd level.....but hey...the dems are here trying to claim they supported Civil Rights, opposed Jim Crowe and freed the's rather comical....
We were republicans back then. i Would have been a Lincoln republican northerner you’d be pro general lee pro slavery and against blacks marrying whites.

We don’t forget it was conservatives in the 60s who hated blacks and loved viet nam. Just like you demonize blm today you did it to Mohammad Ali and muslims back then.
No you weren't....Republicans were Republicans back then....they still personally might have been then flipped to the darkside...I don't know...

hahaha....keep dreaming....Johnson and his Admin were Dems...Vietnam was their baby

In fact, he's the leading Republican at the time, in 1964..running against the Dems warmongers: "

"And no, we will not let our support today silence our basic criticism that the war in Vietnam -- and let's call it what it is, a war--that the war in Vietnam is being fought under policies that obscure our purposes, confuse our allies, particularly the Vietnamese and encourage the enemy to prolong the fighting.

We must, instead, prosecute the war in Vietnam with the object of ending it along with the threats to peace that it poses all over the world."
I know so then how come it was people like me who supported the viet nam protests and Mohammad Ali and you guys back then hated meatheads like me?

Was Archie biunker a democrat back then? Was meathead a republican?
Archie was a TV character...from the 70s

Some people certianly dind't like the Nation of Islam back then, and still don't today....they are racist....and violent....Dr. King didn't like them...Malcolm X woke up to what they were and left them...for that they killed him
Ok so why are Republicans the ones who hate MLK day?
They don't....I know many that enjoy the day off work...then again I know many that are indifferent and stilly work

It was actually signed into law making it a Federal holiday by a Republican President.

But rather Govt offices are open or not, doesn't not mean one doesn't support Civil Rights for all Americans...many might suggest that after decades of Dem controlled Govt oppressing African-Amricans, means maybe Govt shouldn't be taking a day off of fact just the opposite...maybe Govt should be worrking to continue to undo the years of oppression by the left.

I don't hate it. I do, considering the current state of what passes for his legacy, consider whether he deserves it.

But it is more a minor skepticism, nothing that any honest person could call "hate".
Considering he was a very religious man, a Southern Baptist Minister, that invoked God/Jesus and Christian values in his sermons and speeches on Civil Rights....I think we can assume he would not be welcome and likely attacked by the left today

Are you serious!!! Your ilk are the ones who wanted him dead. After you murdered him not you want to quote Dr King, what a disgrace.
what are you talking about? Nobody I know, or know who was alive then, wanted him dead.

White America wanted him dead, the Dreamer didn't die the Visionary was murdered. John Kennedy was spying on Dr King while he was meeting with him. Dr. King was the most hated black man in America.

In fact his last speech...sermon really...was at a Christian Church....where he discussed at great length the Bible: " I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

You don't have a clue what Dr. King was talking about, tell you what research Dr. King's early speeches as compared to the ones he was delivering when he was murdered.

The Civil Rights movement was greatly supported by Christians...

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time. The Klan claimed to be "Good God Fearin Christians". So what is your point?

King's killer....James Earl Ray, actually campaigned for the DNC in 1967.,....

No shit, how many Southern whites didn't campaign for the DNC in 1967?

lol total rubbish. 'White America' specifically chose MLK to be their pet house boy. Too many of the educated black leaders were ignoring PC memes and pointing out blacks were their own worst enemies. Black people murdered Malcolm X.

That's the best you've got Shit head, sorry your dumb ass can't rewrite history. Funny how you had to jump from Dr King to Malcolm X. Smfh.

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