Should 10M non-citizens,14M Medicaid & 18 million


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
people under age 34 that make over $50,000 and that DO NOT want to spend money on employer health insurance even though they can afford it be counted as part of the supposedly 50 Million "uninsured"
After subtracting 10 million NON Citizens, 14 million already covered under Medicaid and the 18 million THAT don't NEED or WANT health insurance we come up with 8 million truly need health insurance coverage but can't afford it!

NOT 50 million the MYTH used to destroy the health care for the remaining 98.5%!

NOT 50 million nor 30 million --- but 8 million!
And all of them could be covered by a simple 10% tax on the $100 billion a year income millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers earn!
After all Obamacare's logic on taxing tanning salons was they caused cancer.. well
90% of physicians say $600 billion a year in defensive medicine, duplicates ALL out of fear of lawsuits CERTAINLY is cause of high health care costs!

Thus with 8 million covered THERE WILL BE NO NEED for hospitals to overcharge Medicare in some cases 6,000% over costs! You thinking I making that up?
HERE is a hospital in Tampa..

Univ. Community Hospital Tampa..
Sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast in 2009
Each claim Medicare PAID was for $2,635 each claim!!!
BUT IT Cost the hospital $43 each...
A 6,127.91% that Medicare PAID!! 2,110 times!
And that is part of the
$250 billion a year in WASTE and FRAUD in Medicare!

AND the reason is Medicare ACCEPTS these 6,000% overcharges because the KNOW under the 1986 EMTALA law the hospitals must see "uninsured" patients IF they are paid by Medicare!
So it ballooned , snowballed until today nearly $100 billion a year in Medicare payments made to hospitals are totally OVERCHARGED ... just to absorb the uninsured costs!

SO again force all "uninsured" go to hospitals. Hospitals register uninsured with govt paid health insurance and claims sent directly to govt which uses the $10 billion in lawyer tax revenue!

WOW...not ONE SOURCE for ANY of your numbers.

Can I try?

MAGIC REAGAN PIXIE FAIRIES shoot JOB DUST out their little glowing hinders and grow more jobs than we could possibly fill. Then, super tax cutting ninjas free the imprisoned capital princess who then weedles on all our heads, trickling down her wealth on EVERYONE'S heads, not just the rich.

After that...the GOVERNMENT REGULATION MONSTER appears and tries to STOMP out the small businessman with is massive regulatory footprint. But the small businessman grabs his 2nd amendment blunderbuss o freedom and blasts him back to where he came from.

How'd I do?

What the HELL is so hard to understand about cutting out the insurance companies saving taxpayers money?
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WOW...not ONE SOURCE for ANY of your numbers.

Can I try?

MAGIC REAGAN PIXIE FAIRIES shoot JOB DUST out their little glowing hinders and grow more jobs than we could possibly fill. Then, super tax cutting ninjas free the imprisoned capital princess who then weedles on all our heads, trickling down her wealth on EVERYONE'S heads, not just the rich.

After that...the GOVERNMENT REGULATION MONSTER appears and tries to STOMP out the small businessman with is massive regulatory footprint. But the small businessman grabs his 2nd amendment blunderbuss o freedom and blasts him back to where he came from.

How'd I do?

What the HELL is so hard to understand about cutting out the insurance companies saving taxpayers money?

IDIOT!!!! So WHO do you think TAXPAYERS work for?
1,400 health insurance companies PAY
YOU idiot... $100 billion a year in
Federal TAXES... STATE INcome TAXES City Taxes!!!
AND YOU idiot... right destroy the people that PAY local property taxes!
THEN how about the 500,000 people that work for health insurance companies you want to DESTROY!!!!

NOW want some facts!!!! PER THE CENSUS BUREAU!!!
Not a citizen 9,936,000
Newsroom: Income & Wealth: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009

14 Million covered by Medicaid:
Another problem with the CPS was noted in an April 26, 2005 Los Angeles Times article: The survey may count some individuals as uninsured even though they are covered by Medicaid.
Experts who have examined Census Bureau figures estimate 10 to 14 million individuals who are counted as uninsured likely qualified for Medicaid or S-CHIP coverage.
Few Americans Lack Access to Health Coverage | Heartlander Magazine

Even the most extreme estimate (the Current Population Survey) contains some positive news. One is the fact that one-third of the uninsured, nearly 15 million people, live in households with annual incomes of $50,000 or above. Half of those earn more than $75,000. Moreover, (as noted earlier) 10 to 14 million uninsured people may be eligible to enroll in Medicaid and CHIPs but simply have not done so.

Few Americans Lack Access to Health Coverage | Heartlander Magazine

In 2007, 17.6 million of the uninsured had annual incomes of more than $50,000 and 9.1 million earned more than $75,000. In fact, as Sally Pipes notes in the Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen's Guide, those making more than $75,000 per year are part of the fastest growing segment of the uninsured population.

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
Read the facts.. Census says 10 million are NOT citizens, 14 million already covered!
JUST Between those two there are NOT 50 million but 26 million..
AND of the 26 million left there are 18 million people THAT DON'T NEED TO HAVE HEALTH insurance even though they can afford (make over $50,000) even though their employers offer!

That leaves 8 million that truly need coverage!

AGAIN.. Obamacare taxed tanning salons..
WHY not tax lawyers $100 billion in yearly fees which will provide all the coverage needed for the truly 8 million!

Then as the lawsuits diminish which is the FEAR 90% of physicians have diminishes
the $6000 billion a year in defensive medicine declines!

The bogus 6,000% overcharges of MEDICARE diminishes at least $100 billion of the bogus OVERCHARGES hospitals do just to recover EMTALA requirements!

FACTS totally show these truly 8 million CAN be covered without DESTROYING the
current health care system for ALL OF US!!!

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