Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
State? These creeps think they will be the ones rule the world just like the others before them who were crushed underfoot but this time they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.
13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield
God said also that his own law was superior to any government. Consult Jude 1 for details on homosexual Law. If there is ever a question, a Christian is to find God's Law superior to mens laws.

Jude 1 doesn't say anything about 'homosexual law'- again- you are just lying. Which of course is a sin.

Romans 13 says that Christians are to follow the law because 'those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded'

Why are you against what God has commanded.

And what is God's law? Well Roman's addresses that too.

Do not owe people anything, except always owe love to each other, because the person who loves others has obeyed all the law. 9 The law says, “You must not be guilty of adultery. You must not murder anyone. You must not steal. You must not want to take your neighbor’s things.”a]">[a] All these commands and all others are really only one rule: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”b]">[b] 10 Love never hurts a neighbor, so loving is obeying all the law.

Notice how Romans doesn't say "Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple is the law?

If that bakery wants to follow God's law- Romans tells them exactly how.

It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

What Syriusly and her cult are trying to do is to push various states to create a superior set of (a)moral edicts over established religious ones (PA laws that require people to worship gay sex values over Judeo/Christian ones specifically, though on muslims they've remained quite restrained on the legal kabuki theater.. :popcorn: )

The Constitution forbids this. And so the issue of inborn vs behaviors will be the final focus on this ruse and outright attempt at sedition of one of the basic building blocks of American freedoms (freedom of religion and separation of church and state). They use the separation laws to force people to remove crosses etc. And on the other hand they ignore it when it serves their purpose of forcing Christians to adopt their perverse sex lifestyle values.

It's a very transparent and weak legal position and they're going to lose it. People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.
A lot of people see the writing on the wall but the blind still walk in their own darkened shadows.

A few bigots hide behind their religion in order to justify their bigotry.
Yes I am a total bigot when it comes to demons and those who choose to carry that antichrist spirit who desires are to take control of the minds of God's people and their children by force.
Why do you care what kind of sex people are having in private- when you refuse to serve them coffee?
You ignored my last post, obviously. .

I responded to your post in the same manner your responded to my post.

Again- why do you care what kind of sex people are having in private?
So called religious people like Silly seem to spend a lot of time imagining what gay people do in bed. It must be a christer thing....because when I see straight people....I don't immediately imagine their sexual antics.
Christians are already protected by PA laws and the USSC has already declared PA laws your only route is to get them repealed at the state level.

Well we've seen the lightening speed with which the USSC reverses its own decisions. Case in point, Windsor 2013 said 56 times that the right to set marriage constructs rests with the states; and on that premise, Windsor was awarded her money. Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout: State Authority vs Federal? Then just two years later, in Obergefell they said "oh, now, we changed our mind, now that power rests with the fed".
There was no mind-changing between those two ruling.

Well there was a fundamental change in law however in that five lawyers in the USSC said "we no longer believe as we did with Windsor that states have the right to set marriage parameters. We now believe that just we five have that exclusive right now when it comes to stripping children in the marriage institution of both a mother and father.".

I could point out once again how everything that you said is incorrect- but its just easier to point out that you are lying about what the court said.

Just flat out lying
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

What Syriusly and her cult are trying to do is to push various states to create a superior set of (a)moral edicts over established religious ones (PA laws that require people to worship gay sex values over Judeo/Christian ones specifically, though on muslims they've remained quite restrained on the legal kabuki theater.. :popcorn: )

The Constitution forbids this. And so the issue of inborn vs behaviors will be the final focus on this ruse and outright attempt at sedition of one of the basic building blocks of American freedoms (freedom of religion and separation of church and state). They use the separation laws to force people to remove crosses etc. And on the other hand they ignore it when it serves their purpose of forcing Christians to adopt their perverse sex lifestyle values.

It's a very transparent and weak legal position and they're going to lose it. People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.
A lot of people see the writing on the wall but the blind still walk in their own darkened shadows.
So...both of you threaten us with a NAZI-like regime. Fascinating. We don't go down so easily anymore.
Hyperbole but I'd expect nothing less from you. You are free to be a sexual deviant and remain that away as long as you follow the law and I am still free to call you one.

And you are free to be a bigot and remain that way as long as you follow the law- and I am still free to call you one.
Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
State? These creeps think they will be the ones rule the world just like the others before them who were crushed underfoot but this time they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.
Well I assume that you're interested in stopping them, correct?

And the best way to do that is to come to this thread and state the legal reasons they can be defeated in court. But for a more specific focus on that argument you can visit this thread and cite legal reasons to shut them down. Was The Windsor/Obergefell Reversal A De Facto Fed Established Religion Move?

Just complaining and hurling insults is their bread and butter. It sometimes even helps them gain sympathies against Christians if the Christian seems to out there, citing demons and such, in their defense of preserving 1st Amendment protections for Christians vs the gay (neo state established) religion.
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

What Syriusly and her cult are trying to do is to push various states to create a superior set of (a)moral edicts over established religious ones (PA laws that require people to worship gay sex values over Judeo/Christian ones specifically, though on muslims they've remained quite restrained on the legal kabuki theater.. :popcorn: )

The Constitution forbids this. And so the issue of inborn vs behaviors will be the final focus on this ruse and outright attempt at sedition of one of the basic building blocks of American freedoms (freedom of religion and separation of church and state). They use the separation laws to force people to remove crosses etc. And on the other hand they ignore it when it serves their purpose of forcing Christians to adopt their perverse sex lifestyle values.

It's a very transparent and weak legal position and they're going to lose it. People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.
A lot of people see the writing on the wall but the blind still walk in their own darkened shadows.

A few bigots hide behind their religion in order to justify their bigotry.
Yes I am a total bigot when it comes to demons and those who choose to carry that antichrist spirit who desires are to take control of the minds of God's people and their children by force.

And by force- you of course mean expecting that Christians will follow the law everyone else is expected to follow- as the Bible tells Christians to do.
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

What Syriusly and her cult are trying to do is to push various states to create a superior set of (a)moral edicts over established religious ones (PA laws that require people to worship gay sex values over Judeo/Christian ones specifically, though on muslims they've remained quite restrained on the legal kabuki theater.. :popcorn: )

The Constitution forbids this. And so the issue of inborn vs behaviors will be the final focus on this ruse and outright attempt at sedition of one of the basic building blocks of American freedoms (freedom of religion and separation of church and state). They use the separation laws to force people to remove crosses etc. And on the other hand they ignore it when it serves their purpose of forcing Christians to adopt their perverse sex lifestyle values.

It's a very transparent and weak legal position and they're going to lose it. People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.
A lot of people see the writing on the wall but the blind still walk in their own darkened shadows.

A few bigots hide behind their religion in order to justify their bigotry.
Yes I am a total bigot when it comes to demons and those who choose to carry that antichrist spirit who desires are to take control of the minds of God's people and their children by force.
So you admit that you would discriminate against people of a different religion or no religion in your day to day dealings.....don't get a business license in any state then. It's illegal to discriminate like that in business.
So you admit that you would discriminate against people of a different religion or no religion in your day to day dealings.....don't get a business license in any state then. It's illegal to discriminate like that in business.

When the gay cult can discriminate against Christians you seem to have no problem with that. But when it's reversed on issues of marriage and baking cakes, you fly into a righteous frenzy. Care to explain the reason one set of moral values is legally dominant to the other?
Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
State? These creeps think they will be the ones rule the world just like the others before them who were crushed underfoot but this time they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.
"These creeps".....your bigotry is showing there, christer.
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

What Syriusly and her cult are trying to do is to push various states to create a superior set of (a)moral edicts over established religious ones (PA laws that require people to worship gay sex values over Judeo/Christian ones specifically, though on muslims they've remained quite restrained on the legal kabuki theater.. :popcorn: )

The Constitution forbids this. And so the issue of inborn vs behaviors will be the final focus on this ruse and outright attempt at sedition of one of the basic building blocks of American freedoms (freedom of religion and separation of church and state). They use the separation laws to force people to remove crosses etc. And on the other hand they ignore it when it serves their purpose of forcing Christians to adopt their perverse sex lifestyle values.

It's a very transparent and weak legal position and they're going to lose it. People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.
A lot of people see the writing on the wall but the blind still walk in their own darkened shadows.
So...both of you threaten us with a NAZI-like regime. Fascinating. We don't go down so easily anymore.
Hyperbole but I'd expect nothing less from you. You are free to be a sexual deviant and remain that away as long as you follow the law and I am still free to call you one.

And you are free to be a bigot and remain that way as long as you follow the law- and I am still free to call you one.
Obviously one of your demon filled atheist buds did not consider that a whole group included babies and children were free to enjoy their Christian lives as they saw fit the other day and the law meant nothing to him as he slaughtered them.
Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
State? These creeps think they will be the ones rule the world just like the others before them who were crushed underfoot but this time they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.
"These creeps".....your bigotry is showing there, christer.
I don't like your demons and you will have to live with that as that won't be changing.
I see the low level comprehension perverts with demons use their own special version of the Bible to read from. That is a first for me..... lol

Shame your version of the Bible doesn't include Romans. Of course Paul is a bit of a prude- maybe you use Thomas Jefferson's version of the Bible?

You don't like the New Century Version? What perverted version of the Bible do you use?

Here is the best selling version of the Bible- which of course says fundamentally the same thing that you choose to ignore before.

Romans 13New International Version (NIV)
Submission to Governing Authorities
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.

Poor little baby.

When Christians used to have the legal authority to throw homosexuals in jail- that was like Germany in the 1930's.

Telling business owners that they have to do business with Jews and homosexuals is the antithesis of Nazi Germany.

Isn't it telling that you are taking the side of Nazi Germany in this argument?
More telling that you believe you have the right to alter the word

What word have i 'altered'?

Why do you ignore the clear instructions of Romans 13?

What other parts of the Bible ignore as you cherry pick to rationalize your bigotry?
More telling that you believe you have the right to alter the word and push your NWO agendas on innocent children. You are free to remain as the dead and you can keep your own demons but you will never overtop what God created and already put into the hearts of those who love him. What is telling that you and the others following that beast whose head rising again are promoting your filth that government is the authority of the word of God.
Not just promoting their deviant value system but instead FORCING it on other faiths.

No one is forcing any value system on anyone.

Business owners are being told to follow the law.

You know- like the Bible tells Christians to do.
Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.

Apparently you find the 'true Word of God' from some place other than the Bible.

Since you ignore Romans 13.
Again...this is the United States. Here you have no right to force your religion on our secular laws.
And, your cult has no right to force (PA laws) its religion on our secular laws protecting freedom of religious practice in Christians (Jude 1 NT). Just look at the number of folks in the poll above who believe your cult does have a right to force its moral edicts on others but that others don't have that same right in reverse. What else is that but the (gravely mistaken) belief that the state can establish an official (a)morality?
State? These creeps think they will be the ones rule the world just like the others before them who were crushed underfoot but this time they will be crushed by the true Word of God not some bogus 'government' loving propaganda crap dreamed up.
Well I assume that you're interested in stopping them, correct?

And the best way to do that is to come to this thread and state the legal reasons they can be defeated in court..

Because of course- posting an opinion in your thread will of course be used by the
It is still a country with free speech and telling you that you as an atheist and an obvious perverter has no legal authority over me or my beliefs and my mind is perfectly legal.

People have had enough. It's like Germany in the 1930s, no lie.

Poor little baby.

When Christians used to have the legal authority to throw homosexuals in jail- that was like Germany in the 1930's.

Telling business owners that they have to do business with Jews and homosexuals is the antithesis of Nazi Germany.

Isn't it telling that you are taking the side of Nazi Germany in this argument?
More telling that you believe you have the right to alter the word

What word have i 'altered'?

Why do you ignore the clear instructions of Romans 13?

What other parts of the Bible ignore as you cherry pick to rationalize your bigotry?
You need to get a real Bible if you are going to read one instead of an altered Communist one written expressly to indoctrinate children into believing "government" should be their authorities of God.

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