Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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Obviously one of your demon filled atheist buds did not consider that a whole group included babies and children were free to enjoy their Christian lives as they saw fit the other day and the law meant nothing to him as he slaughtered them.

It is a tragedy that one of your Christian raised gun loving buds decided to kill a bunch people in Texas.

Not sure how you think that a murderer disobeying the law justifies why you think you get to disobey Romans 13.
I do not go by your altered version of the Bible written to indoctrinate people to believe like you that "government" is their god. You are free to practice Communism and believe 'the government is your god' but you will have to do so in a Communist country. Run quickly to the nearest airport and get to one of those Communist regimes if you are not already in one.

Your killer was a self proclaimed denier of God. That makes him an atheist. He should have moved to a Communist country also instead of killing innocent people.
And before Syriusly erroneously cites Loving again,.

I cited Windsor-which cited Loving- as an example of how State's control of marriage law is limited.

And Obergefell- cited both Windsor and Loving- was like Loving- an example of how State's control of marriage law is limited by the U.S. Constitution.
Limited as to race, not behaviors. You're going to see this come up so you'd better get your cult's lawyers sharpened up on the argument now. Loving never anticipate butt-sex addicts. Sorry to put it so bluntly but blunt is how it's going to be parsed out in the end to put a stop to gays forcing Christians to bend to the new state-sanctioned cult values. Butt sex addiction isn't mentioned at all in the 14th Amendment.
Where in the ruling of Loving v. Virginia does it limit the ruling to by race? If, as you want, marriage can be limited by behaviors....even LEGAL behaviors by law-abiding, tax-paying long will it be before christers like you try to keep divorced people from remarrying? After all, divorce is a behavior. How about preventing people of other religions or of mixed religions from marrying? After all, religion is also a behavior.

(Again, I see that christers like to think and talk about gay sex way more than even gays do)

She is certainly obsessing about butt sex....which is not mentioned in Loving, Windsor or Obergefell.
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
It is a tragedy that one of your Christian raised gun loving buds decided to kill a bunch people in Texas.

Not sure how you think that a murderer disobeying the law justifies why you think you get to disobey Romans 13.
I do not go by your altered version of the Bible written to indoctrinate people to believe like you that "government" is their god. You are free to practice Communism and believe 'the government is your god' but you will have to do so in a Communist country. Run quickly to the nearest airport and get to one of those Communist regimes if you are not already in one.

Your killer was a self proclaimed denier of God. That makes him an atheist. He should have moved to a Communist country also instead of killing innocent people.
And before Syriusly erroneously cites Loving again,.

I cited Windsor-which cited Loving- as an example of how State's control of marriage law is limited.

And Obergefell- cited both Windsor and Loving- was like Loving- an example of how State's control of marriage law is limited by the U.S. Constitution.
Limited as to race, not behaviors. You're going to see this come up so you'd better get your cult's lawyers sharpened up on the argument now. Loving never anticipate butt-sex addicts. Sorry to put it so bluntly but blunt is how it's going to be parsed out in the end to put a stop to gays forcing Christians to bend to the new state-sanctioned cult values. Butt sex addiction isn't mentioned at all in the 14th Amendment.
Where in the ruling of Loving v. Virginia does it limit the ruling to by race? If, as you want, marriage can be limited by behaviors....even LEGAL behaviors by law-abiding, tax-paying long will it be before christers like you try to keep divorced people from remarrying? After all, divorce is a behavior. How about preventing people of other religions or of mixed religions from marrying? After all, religion is also a behavior.

(Again, I see that christers like to think and talk about gay sex way more than even gays do)

She is certainly obsessing about butt sex....which is not mentioned in Loving, Windsor or Obergefell.
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.
I do not go by your altered version of the Bible written to indoctrinate people to believe like you that "government" is their god. You are free to practice Communism and believe 'the government is your god' but you will have to do so in a Communist country. Run quickly to the nearest airport and get to one of those Communist regimes if you are not already in one.

Your killer was a self proclaimed denier of God. That makes him an atheist. He should have moved to a Communist country also instead of killing innocent people.
Limited as to race, not behaviors. You're going to see this come up so you'd better get your cult's lawyers sharpened up on the argument now. Loving never anticipate butt-sex addicts. Sorry to put it so bluntly but blunt is how it's going to be parsed out in the end to put a stop to gays forcing Christians to bend to the new state-sanctioned cult values. Butt sex addiction isn't mentioned at all in the 14th Amendment.
Where in the ruling of Loving v. Virginia does it limit the ruling to by race? If, as you want, marriage can be limited by behaviors....even LEGAL behaviors by law-abiding, tax-paying long will it be before christers like you try to keep divorced people from remarrying? After all, divorce is a behavior. How about preventing people of other religions or of mixed religions from marrying? After all, religion is also a behavior.

(Again, I see that christers like to think and talk about gay sex way more than even gays do)

She is certainly obsessing about butt sex....which is not mentioned in Loving, Windsor or Obergefell.
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
Where in the ruling of Loving v. Virginia does it limit the ruling to by race? If, as you want, marriage can be limited by behaviors....even LEGAL behaviors by law-abiding, tax-paying long will it be before christers like you try to keep divorced people from remarrying? After all, divorce is a behavior. How about preventing people of other religions or of mixed religions from marrying? After all, religion is also a behavior.

(Again, I see that christers like to think and talk about gay sex way more than even gays do)

She is certainly obsessing about butt sex....which is not mentioned in Loving, Windsor or Obergefell.
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything that is rule by his spirit but communist filled with the spirit of satan and his demons would sure like to believe that and surely keep telling themselves that. Thankfully we have a Constitution that was written for the people by the people under God's direction so your crap won't get very far once the people see it and hear it with their own eyes.
She is certainly obsessing about butt sex....which is not mentioned in Loving, Windsor or Obergefell.
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
I haven't said a word about your butt sex you nasty little communist but I will definitely point out that you are a demon filled liar from hell /QUOTE]

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No
I will point out that you keep calling me a liar- because I am quoting the Bible.

When I ask you why you don't follow Romans 13- you just call me names.

What a faux Christian- cherry picking all the hate to obsess over in the Bible- ignoring what the Bible actually says.

Hell you are sinning every time you call me a liar- sinning right out of the 10 commandments.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
Nope, the moment the Word was altered trying to usurp God's authority you and your people committed a grievous sin against God. You are a liar and a thief that has been exposed. Chew on that and swallow hard as it won't go down easily.

And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.
There are two facets to this argument. On the side of loving those around you, absolutely Christians should serve everyone. It's good business too.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

Christians aren't not serving people because they practice gay sex habits. Nowhere have I heard of a Christian baker refusing to sell a cupcake or a scone to a gay person (whatever that is, just heard yesterday about yet another lesbian giving up and marrying a man with the real dildo attached to him). It's when a "gay wedding" order comes in. That's where Christians are told to draw the line or else risk eternity in hell. (Jude 1 New Testament). They are not permitted to promote gay sex addictions into the fabric of normal society. That's where they must draw the line. And marriage is the epitome of that line.

As to your second comment, correct. I notice from the poll that a full 64% of voters to date believe that the state should de facto declare one set of behavioral edicts as superior to another in law. That is one and the same as the state declaring an official religion over others; which is expressly forbidden in the US Constitution. If a Christian baker must bake a "gay wedding" cake, then a gay graphic designer must print a billboard for a Christian that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God!". Or else face the exact same consequences as the Christian baker. One set of values cannot get a superior status in law over another set.

That is a good point. It is a flat out lie to say that Christian businesses are refusing to serve gay customers. They don't ask.

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In order to get a business license, you have to agree to abide by the law. It’s a condition of your business license. That means you must abide by public accommodations laws. You cannot bar people you don’t like from using your services. You have to serve people of every race, religion or sexual orientation without discrimination.

You are not being forced to open a business. That’s a choice you make. The Bible is very clear that citizens must obey the laws of the land.

You can’t even make a reasonable religious argument for these people. They aren’t discriminating against people who disobey the 10 Commandments which are the ONLY laws that God Himself laid down. Only people who violate one or two Biblical passages written by men.

There is much in the Bible which is no longer used. Blood sacrifice is now illegal and yet the Bible says to make blood sacrifices. Adulterers aren’t stoned to death.

Using religion as a basis for one specific type of discrimination is a very dodgy excuse, at best. Especially when the passages used don’t relate to anything that Jesus said or that God laid down in His Commandments.

Paul, who is the only New Testament writer to eschew homosexuality was not one of the Apostles and never even met or spoke to Jesus so his words carry less weight on the topic than others.

You have Syriusly. The two of you can get together and give each other your personal opinions about which Bible verses mean what since you both seem to be claiming expertise on the good book but you cannot over ride another person's religious beliefs and convictions or opinions, nor can you force me or anyone else to work for you, agree with you or like you. Both of you are blinded fascist living in your own sins and you both appear to think that you can over rule the Word of God and what the Lord put into the hearts of that which he created to be pure through your own erroneous interpretations and precepts. If you two believe on Jesus Christ as your savior you will be saved but that is not to say you will not be given over to your own sinful natures nor does it say you will not pay a price in the flesh for your sins.

You are right- not murder- instead the Bible tells us that God says such people should be executed.
God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death,

What is "God's righteous decree"?

Paul was referencing the Law out of the Old Testament- here are God's righteous decrees from the OT on these issues:
Deuteronomy 21:18–21

If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
Obviously you are hanging on tight to that which is evil that you birthed in your spirit and unwilling to "execute" the evil within yourself. Again that is a personal issue you will have to take up within yourself as the law of God remains whether you know it or not, even if you can't see it or can't perceive how that works. That is what happens when you are spiritually dead, blinded in your own sin and asleep in the dust of the earth. You may want to get with dragonlady and take it up with her as she seems to think that the word is not wholly applicable.

They are public accommodations- and covered by the law.

For the same reason why you can't legally refuse to serve a Jew just because you find their religion offensive- in the few states which have laws against discrimination based upon sexual orientation, you can't refuse to serve homosexuals just because you don't like them.
I refused to do business with anyone I do not care to do business with and never have continued to work with assholes. Liberty gave me that right and I do not foresee you or anyone else being able to force me to do something against my will if I have any say about at all. Others can cave in to you and your bullish ways but I won't.

Jesus also warned about judging people lest you be judged. And he warned against false religion and false teachers. And those who would claim to be righteous while doing evil.

It’s not hard to see how you are twisting His teachings as an excuse for hate.

Many people chastised Jesus for befriending sinners and lepers - the unclean, and Jesus rebuked them for doing so. He exhorted people to “Love one another as I have loved you”. He stopped people from stoning the adulterer by saying “Let you who is without sin among you cast the first stone”.

I don’t see a lot of love in refusing service. I don’t see Christians obeying Jesus words to obey the laws of the land in refusing service. I don’t see how you can treat other people so badly and then claim you are doing so in Jesus’ name.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

The law doesn't care who the business owner is.

A business owner can't refuse to do business with Jews- because of their religion.

But he can refuse to do business with the KKK- or the NRA- or the
ACLU- for whatever reasons he wants.
Exactly....political reasons are not protected.

But religious ones are. Thus, fairness would dictate that a billboard owner could not refuse a customer who wanted to post anti homosexual messages.
There are two facets to this argument. On the side of loving those around you, absolutely Christians should serve everyone. It's good business too.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

That's where Christians are told to draw the line or else risk eternity in hell. (Jude 1 New Testament). .

Jude 1 says no such thing- as you well know- but you find your lies more compelling than the truth.

Romans 13 tells Christians to follow the law- which you and the other faux Christians ignore- because it is inconvenient to your bigotry

13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield

The argument has not been that some should not follow the law, but that the law is not being applied fairly.

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And by 'liar and thief'- you mean I have pointed out how you reject the word of your God in Romans 13.

Good thing your God doesn't exist or you would have brimstone in your future.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.

Your lord called- he would like his sword back since you keep stabbing yourself with it while dancing away from the truth.
My God did not make government the authority of anything.

I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.

Your lord called- he would like his sword back since you keep stabbing yourself with it while dancing away from the truth.
You are lying again because you definitely don't have his voice.
There are two facets to this argument. On the side of loving those around you, absolutely Christians should serve everyone. It's good business too.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

Christians aren't not serving people because they practice gay sex habits. Nowhere have I heard of a Christian baker refusing to sell a cupcake or a scone to a gay person (whatever that is, just heard yesterday about yet another lesbian giving up and marrying a man with the real dildo attached to him). It's when a "gay wedding" order comes in. That's where Christians are told to draw the line or else risk eternity in hell. (Jude 1 New Testament). They are not permitted to promote gay sex addictions into the fabric of normal society. That's where they must draw the line. And marriage is the epitome of that line.

As to your second comment, correct. I notice from the poll that a full 64% of voters to date believe that the state should de facto declare one set of behavioral edicts as superior to another in law. That is one and the same as the state declaring an official religion over others; which is expressly forbidden in the US Constitution. If a Christian baker must bake a "gay wedding" cake, then a gay graphic designer must print a billboard for a Christian that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God!". Or else face the exact same consequences as the Christian baker. One set of values cannot get a superior status in law over another set.

That is a good point. It is a flat out lie to say that Christian businesses are refusing to serve gay customers. They don't ask.

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Most Christians don't care whether someone is gay or not, or whether a couple getting married is straight or gay.

Most Christians follow the law and serve their customers in accordance with the law.

A very, very few- a handful- have refused to provide their wedding services to gay couples. Some places that is legal- some places it is not.

However it is always illegal to refuse to provide wedding services to Christians because of their faith.
You have Syriusly. The two of you can get together and give each other your personal opinions about which Bible verses mean what since you both seem to be claiming expertise on the good book but you cannot over ride another person's religious beliefs and convictions or opinions, nor can you force me or anyone else to work for you, agree with you or like you. Both of you are blinded fascist living in your own sins and you both appear to think that you can over rule the Word of God and what the Lord put into the hearts of that which he created to be pure through your own erroneous interpretations and precepts. If you two believe on Jesus Christ as your savior you will be saved but that is not to say you will not be given over to your own sinful natures nor does it say you will not pay a price in the flesh for your sins.

Obviously you are hanging on tight to that which is evil that you birthed in your spirit and unwilling to "execute" the evil within yourself. Again that is a personal issue you will have to take up within yourself as the law of God remains whether you know it or not, even if you can't see it or can't perceive how that works. That is what happens when you are spiritually dead, blinded in your own sin and asleep in the dust of the earth. You may want to get with dragonlady and take it up with her as she seems to think that the word is not wholly applicable.

I refused to do business with anyone I do not care to do business with and never have continued to work with assholes. Liberty gave me that right and I do not foresee you or anyone else being able to force me to do something against my will if I have any say about at all. Others can cave in to you and your bullish ways but I won't.

Jesus also warned about judging people lest you be judged. And he warned against false religion and false teachers. And those who would claim to be righteous while doing evil.

It’s not hard to see how you are twisting His teachings as an excuse for hate.

Many people chastised Jesus for befriending sinners and lepers - the unclean, and Jesus rebuked them for doing so. He exhorted people to “Love one another as I have loved you”. He stopped people from stoning the adulterer by saying “Let you who is without sin among you cast the first stone”.

I don’t see a lot of love in refusing service. I don’t see Christians obeying Jesus words to obey the laws of the land in refusing service. I don’t see how you can treat other people so badly and then claim you are doing so in Jesus’ name.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

The law doesn't care who the business owner is.

A business owner can't refuse to do business with Jews- because of their religion.

But he can refuse to do business with the KKK- or the NRA- or the
ACLU- for whatever reasons he wants.
Exactly....political reasons are not protected.

But religious ones are. Thus, fairness would dictate that a billboard owner could not refuse a customer who wanted to post anti homosexual messages.

And again- it depends on the message. Not that 'fairness' really enters into it.

Is it fair that someone cannot refuse to do business with someone because he is a Jew- but can refuse to do business with someone because he is fat?
There are two facets to this argument. On the side of loving those around you, absolutely Christians should serve everyone. It's good business too.

On the legal, moral, and ethical side, though, it would be patently unfair to force Christian business owners to go against their consciences while allowing gay business owners to refuse service to someone because of what they want to say or who they are.

Is that clear?

That's where Christians are told to draw the line or else risk eternity in hell. (Jude 1 New Testament). .

Jude 1 says no such thing- as you well know- but you find your lies more compelling than the truth.

Romans 13 tells Christians to follow the law- which you and the other faux Christians ignore- because it is inconvenient to your bigotry

13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield

The argument has not been that some should not follow the law, but that the law is not being applied fairly.
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Actually Silly and others have been arguing exactly that.

Let me put it quite another way.

Is it fair that the law in most states says that it is okay to refuse to do business with someone because he is gay- but illegal to refuse to do business with someone because he is a Christian?
I wonder what God inspired Romans 13.

Maybe you worship Mithra?
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.

Your lord called- he would like his sword back since you keep stabbing yourself with it while dancing away from the truth.
You are lying again because you definitely don't have his voice.

No- he just called me on the phone, pointing out how you don't have the cojones to stand up for your Bible.
The first one you posted from your New Century Version that you quoted was created for/by the false prophet of propaganda.

To the question you pose. No

And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.

Your lord called- he would like his sword back since you keep stabbing yourself with it while dancing away from the truth.
You are lying again because you definitely don't have his voice.

No- he just called me on the phone, pointing out how you don't have the cojones to stand up for your Bible.
Why would I stand up for your bogus revisionist version you initially posted. Actually the spirit stands on its own and the true Word confirms that but then again a demon filled lying devil atheist such as you claim to be wouldn't know that would you?

Be gone I have had enough of you wasting time.
And yet you have yet to have the balls to step up and answer:
a) What version of the Bible you read and
b) Whether or not you actually believe and follow Romans.
My lord loaned me his (s)word to speak with people who have that antichrist spirit claiming outright they are government worshiping atheist trying to quote from their communist bibles like you do.

Your lord called- he would like his sword back since you keep stabbing yourself with it while dancing away from the truth.
You are lying again because you definitely don't have his voice.

No- he just called me on the phone, pointing out how you don't have the cojones to stand up for your Bible.
Why would I stand up for your bogus revisionist version you initially posted. .

Of course- why would you actually what your beliefs are based upon?

How can anyone expect you to have the balls to answer questions honestly about your faith?

Clearly it is far beyond your testicular ability to do.

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