Change the Premise and Opposition Wins Gay Legal Challenges: Simple as That

After reading the OP's articles, do you think LGBTs are "born that way"?

  • Yes, I still believe in spite of all those studies, that gays are born that way.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • No, it looks like they're learned behaviors from the studies.

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • I'm still unclear after reading the articles.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Any male can't marry any female. No civil right was infringed

Any male can marry any female that agrees to the marriage, but should either he or she decide not to, no right was infringed.

Got it. are still making no sense and I think it might be getting worse. Are you trying to argue history? Are you still attempting to justify your bigotry by saying it's somehow different from a racists bigotry? You can't be drunk already. Dementia?

There is no bigotry in my argument Wytch. You need me to be a bigot as is anyone who argues from a warped perspective.

Yes Pop, when the intent of all your "arguments" is to keep consenting adult gays from civilly marrying, you're a bigot. You're no different than racist bigots that used the kitchen sink to justify anti fact, you use many of the same "arguments". Fortunately, their "arguments" lost as yours do.
Greenbean Snow and Pop23 continue to whine and pine.

Yes, they are bigots because they have no compelling health, medical, or civil rights reasons to prevent same sex marriage.

LDS social services says it is getting out of the adoption business. It can see the future. are still making no sense and I think it might be getting worse. Are you trying to argue history? Are you still attempting to justify your bigotry by saying it's somehow different from a racists bigotry? You can't be drunk already. Dementia?

Remembering of course the content, studies and links of the OP of this thread, Seawytch expects people to equate bigotry with objecting to behaviors.

Using that yardstick, people against others who show up to work naked, or who talk on their cellphone during a movie at a theater are "bigoted".

Your broad use of certain demonizing terms Seawytch, betrays the fact that the topic here makes you quite nervous and you're looking for a strawman to beat up as a diversion..

You cannot be "bigoted" about a behavior.

Greenbean Snow and Pop23 continue to whine and pine.

Yes, they are bigots because they have no compelling health, medical, or civil rights reasons to prevent same sex marriage.

LDS social services says it is getting out of the adoption business. It can see the future.

The entire country of Russia and others and LDS social services are getting out of the adopotion business to Americans. That's because they don't want to be forced into adopting out vulnerable orphans to a group of behaviors/cult that worships a guy who sodomized orphaned minor teens off the streets. Harvey Milk.

Their logic may seem weird to you Jake, but others understand it.
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Yes Pop, when the intent of all your "arguments" is to keep consenting adult gays from civilly marrying, you're a bigot. You're no different than racist bigots that used the kitchen sink to justify anti fact, you use many of the same "arguments". Fortunately, their "arguments" lost as yours do.

In addition to allowing just some deviant sexual behaviors to re-write the foundation of American law by setting a precedent for minority behavior to dictate to the majority who regulate behaviors in the penal and civil law systems... marriage poses another problem stemming from yet another false premise: "gays make just as good parents/potential adopters as hetero ones".

I submit the following as evidence against that:

Whereas heterosexual pedophilia, and by extension, a heterosexual pedophile are not a celebrated social value among heterosexuals, they are among homosexuals.

If a group of heterosexuals discovers one of their own molesting children, they will put him on trial, find him guilty and sentence him to prison and registry thereafter on the sex-offender's list. Once in prison, he is placed in protective custody because the number one murder target in prison is a child molestor: so hated and reviled are they that even the lowest of the low consider them untouchable and needing to be exterminated.

In extremely stark contrast, the cult of LGBT knows that its messiah, Harvey Milk, was compulsively plucking troubled teen minor boys off the streets to bring home and sodomize while officiating as their "father figure/guardian". Instead of denouncing him, putting him on public trial or distancing their movement from those despicable crimes, they elevated him to their "socio-sexual icon", defend his sex practices against anyone who confronts them about it; even suggesting as a remedy for his crimes that the age of consent should be lowered!..but never NEVER should he be punished for what he did. Very recently over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Canada and Mexico petitioned tirelessly, in full knowledge of the documented child sex crimes of their hero [his biography by Randy Shilts] to have a US Postage stamp issued with a rainbow "USA" on it. It was issued just last month I think.

Knowing how the two different groups, hetero vs homo, regard child molestors within their respective populations, as an adoption agent, which would you screen out as potential guardians for the orphaned wards placed in your trust and care?

It's OK, we all know the answer to the question. And so, the problem with "gay marriage" rears its ugly head again.
Too late kiddo...we're marrying AND we have societies blessing.

Only in 3 states by law according to Windsor 2013. And not in California. For having "society's [sic] blessing", why did you have to try to force gay marriage on California, and Utah, and Oklahoma, and .... with judicial activists acting as fascist dictators? [By the way did you know there's a movement in Congress to impeach those judges upon any decision that upholds Windsor and denounces their tyranny at the SCOTUS level? ie: they are going to be held accountable for circumventing the majority rule and the intent of Windsor by their contempt of Windsor 2013]

You may be "marrying" [and I use the term loosely] but you are not doing so legally and not with the blessing of society. Do you think you can just lie long enough and a lie becomes the truth? It may work sometimes. Not this time though.

Your behaviors-in-minority are objectionable to the majority. That's how we do law here in the US. You are NOT a member of a specific race, gender, religion or country of origin. Ergo, your cult fails at the 14th.
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CINCINNATI (AP) — A federal appeals court will hear arguments in gay marriage fights in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee in a single session, setting the stage for historic rulings in each state.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati, scheduled arguments in five cases from the four states for Aug. 6. Though the cases are unique, each deals with whether statewide gay marriage bans violate the Constitution.
“I think the way the court’s approaching it is significant,” said Al Gerhardstein, a Cincinnati civil rights attorney who represents plaintiffs in two Ohio cases that will go before the appeals court. “They see the need to do some basic rulings on core principles cutting across all these state lines. It’s very exciting...

What's disturbing is how the media handles coverage of these things. They speak as if the decision has already been handed down and the Hearing is just mere formality.

Of course, that's part of the "fake it till you make it" strategy. It's aim is to beat down any hopes in the opposition so they just surrender so the "don't look silly" and are "on the wrong side of history"...

I submit thta in the future, looking backwards, the normalizing of gay sex and the inroads in that cult getting closer and closer to gay sex with children [Harvey Milk as messiah] will be seen as one of the lowest points in history.

Think about how we regard Ancient Greece's practice of gay men slowly lowering the age of consent to where boys as young as 6 were being freely offered up by their mothers to be the sodomite "toy" of full grown men? Are we proud of that historical fact? Are the people who participate in that "on the right side of history"?

:eek: :cuckoo:

Clear your eyes people. Rub the smudges off those rose-colored glasses and take a good hard look at the direction this is going. LGBTs have elevated as their socio-sexual icon, a man who openly bragged about plucking minor teen boys off the streets to be their "father" and their "lover" at the same time. Will YOU be on the "right side of history" in supporting that?..............
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We have the right to discriminate against behaviors that we deem harmful to society. That's all there is to it, Wenchy.

The science is bogus, there will never be a genetic reason for your behavior, you're just a deviant pervert.
Greenbean Snow and Pop23 continue to whine and pine.

Yes, they are bigots because they have no compelling health, medical, or civil rights reasons to prevent same sex marriage.

LDS social services says it is getting out of the adoption business. It can see the future.

Right there you've admitted that you're wrong in the same post. You say LDS is getting out of the adoption business. So you clearly identified right there a compelling health, medical and civil rights reason to defeat gay marriage: the civil rights of CHILDREN to not be farmed out to homes where the people belong to a subculture that revers child sex predators as their socio-sexual icon!

Do you agree or disagree that orphans have civil rights to be protected from adoption to people who iconize child sex predators?

This guy below, of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, Canada and the US petitioned tirelessly to get a postage stamp of, liked to pluck minor teen boys off the streets to sodomize and officiate as "father figure/guardian' to at the same time. He preferred that they were drugged as well.

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Leftists in Hollywood celebrated him by producing the film "Milk", starring that slack jawed faggot, Sean Penn.
So when are any of you pro-gays going to acknowlege the point being made, I.e. That homosexuality is a behavior, you have zero definite proof of a gay gene, they are not a race & normalizing homosexual marriage is completely different than interracial marriage?

All you all seem to have are insults.

If you cannot answer civilly, I take it as your admissions of having nothing.
So when are any of you pro-gays going to acknowlege the point being made, I.e. That homosexuality is a behavior, you have zero definite proof of a gay gene, they are not a race & normalizing homosexual marriage is completely different than interracial marriage?

All you all seem to have are insults.

If you cannot answer civilly, I take it as your admissions of having nothing.

Post 270, for the fifth time, proves that there are man loving genes and women loving genes.
So when are any of you pro-gays going to acknowlege the point being made, I.e. That homosexuality is a behavior, you have zero definite proof of a gay gene, they are not a race & normalizing homosexual marriage is completely different than interracial marriage?

All you all seem to have are insults.

If you cannot answer civilly, I take it as your admissions of having nothing.

Post 270, for the fifth time, proves that there are man loving genes and women loving genes.

Post #1 shows over 300 of the world's leading researchers and research institutions know factually that sexual orientation is learned and, ergo, a behavior.
So when are any of you pro-gays going to acknowlege the point being made, I.e. That homosexuality is a behavior, you have zero definite proof of a gay gene, they are not a race & normalizing homosexual marriage is completely different than interracial marriage?

All you all seem to have are insults.

If you cannot answer civilly, I take it as your admissions of having nothing.

Post 270, for the fifth time, proves that there are man loving genes and women loving genes.

Post #1 shows over 300 of the world's leading researchers and research institutions know factually that sexual orientation is learned and, ergo, a behavior.

Post 270 proves post 1 wrong.
Post 270 proves post 1 wrong.

So let me get this straight. You're saying that one study funded by the gay cabal that owns and runs the APA with an iron fist outweighs not just 300+ studies from the Mayo Clinic, the CDC and universities all over the world, but that an entire industry [artificial insemination in agriculture and zoology] has been training [and going to the bank off of] artificial sexual orientations in animals across all species, somehow "erroneously"?

For centuries laymen and scientists have know that sexual orientation is not just behavioral, but easily trainable too. It's a matter of ease to fixate an animal on any number of associated objects or the same gender using classical conditioning. Next I suppose you'll be arguing that classical conditoning [the bedrock of all modern psychology] is "an outdated concept"? :cuckoo:

I'll have to send out a memo to the ag and zoo industries to tell them they no longer can train artificial sexual orientations to collect semen safely anymore. They'll be so bummed...having relied on those practices for centuries now...
So when are any of you pro-gays going to acknowlege the point being made, I.e. That homosexuality is a behavior, you have zero definite proof of a gay gene, they are not a race & normalizing homosexual marriage is completely different than interracial marriage?

All you all seem to have are insults.

If you cannot answer civilly, I take it as your admissions of having nothing.

Post 270, for the fifth time, proves that there are man loving genes and women loving genes.

No. For the fifth time, post 270 shows youre susceptable to information that confirms your biases & need to feel like you're "right". There is no woman or man loving gene confirmed. Stop it already...for the 5th time. Hopefully the 5th time is the charm & you stop trying to convince me a lie is true.

We are born with equipment which is intended to make us want to have sex with the opposite sex instinctually. All this gene talk is rubbish, so give it up.
You'll notice Lockejaw that the normal suspects of the LGBT cult are not here posting? The title is something they don't want on the front page of the Current Events section for any reason. They don't even want to hint about the topic. So you know what to do, right?

Well, more importantly, in the faces of any pro-traditional marriage people like below, who are confused as to why they keep losing court cases...

Paris, France 2013


And America...


What's also quite funny, Sil, is they always seem to show up in groups when they do show up on threads on this topic, usually when anti-gay normalization folks aren't on the thread. And all they do is stack up more pages with nothing of substance, just insults.

It's like they PM each other & say,"C'mon everybody! Let's mock these folks & hope it deters anyone with an objective mind about the subject will not want to even consider the points they've made! We can't beat them in a debate about it!".

I wouldn't doubt they do exactly that..

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