Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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I've been against public accommodation laws for many years now. We've had this discussion on numerous occasions in the past. Hell, I said as much on the first page of this thread. Do you oppose PA laws? Or only when they cover fags?
Not sure exactly. I think they apply when they violate ACTUAL, REAL constitutional protections such as race, religion or country of origin, or gender (not what one does with one's private parts, but the actual private parts & DNA denoting "male" or "female"). I don't think it should be legal to say "I'm not serving you because you are black, or a woman, or from Lithuania originally or you're a Christian". If you're open to the public, you serve protected people. But deviant sex behaviors-as-identities are NOT protected Constitutionally. I don't give a rat's ass how many activist judges say they are, there is NO LANGUAGE that even vaguely implies protection for such behaviors calling themselves "an identity". Otherwise we'd have protections for bulimic-Americans and cleoptomaniac-Americans and drug-addict-Americans....etc. etc. in the interest of fairness.

If a compulsive addictive behavior gets to call itself "an identity" and get special protections from the Constitution (without that being actually legally done: ie legislated), then ALL compulsive addictive behaviors can have that umbrella without having to apply. We cannot express a discriminatory preference for one set of majority-rejected deviant behaviors to the disadvantage of any other majority-rejected deviant behaviors. Equality. And you know I can cite precedent on equality.

If people doing deviant sex want specific protection for themselves as a waffling, vauge, amorphic "identity" (a new class) they need to petition their representatives to LEGISLATE new protection under the Constitution for that brand spanking new class. Otherwise the judges are doing nothing but a power grab from the Legislature which is a violation of the separation of powers.

The founding fathers went to great pains to be specific in written law precisely to keep this type of bullshit from happening. They meant what they said when they wanted separation of powers. Judicial activism stealing power from the legislature is nothing but sedition. The fact that it's being done to forward a deviant sex cult's agenda on decent people who object to those values is a chunk of rock salt in that wound. That this agenda (for the first time in human history) legally separates children from either a father or mother for life as a new (illegal) institution is monstrosity beyond the pale.

You support the government forcing people to do business with people against their wishes, unless they are gay. "Bake the fucking cake already, unless you're gay!" Hypocritical twat!

No, I support protected people from discrimination. I would also not be in favor of forcing a Christian to bake a cake that says "heroin is the best!" or print postcards that say "throw up after you eat, stay slim!". Deviant addictive behaviors HAVE NO PROTECTION under the US Constitution.

A man and a man do not make a mother and father for children we anticipate (and always have) in marriage. A woman and a woman do not make a mother and father for children we anticipate in marriage. Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? 85% of the Governed responding to that poll said they think that having both is important. So unless they are apathic monsters, they would extend that same regard for other children not just themselves.

I highlighted the mis-quoted paragraph above to illustrate your deceptive nature. Yes, I think you are a liar.
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Not sure exactly. I think they apply when they violate ACTUAL, REAL constitutional protections such as race, religion or country of origin, or gender (not what one does with one's private parts, but the actual private parts & DNA denoting "male" or "female"). I don't think it should be legal to say "I'm not serving you because you are black, or a woman, or from Lithuania originally or you're a Christian". If you're open to the public, you serve protected people. But deviant sex behaviors-as-identities are NOT protected Constitutionally. I don't give a rat's ass how many activist judges say they are, there is NO LANGUAGE that even vaguely implies protection for such behaviors calling themselves "an identity". Otherwise we'd have protections for bulimic-Americans and cleoptomaniac-Americans and drug-addict-Americans....etc. etc. in the interest of fairness.

If a compulsive addictive behavior gets to call itself "an identity" and get special protections from the Constitution (without that being actually legally done: ie legislated), then ALL compulsive addictive behaviors can have that umbrella without having to apply. We cannot express a discriminatory preference for one set of majority-rejected deviant behaviors to the disadvantage of any other majority-rejected deviant behaviors. Equality. And you know I can cite precedent on equality.

If people doing deviant sex want specific protection for themselves as a waffling, vauge, amorphic "identity" (a new class) they need to petition their representatives to LEGISLATE new protection under the Constitution for that brand spanking new class. Otherwise the judges are doing nothing but a power grab from the Legislature which is a violation of the separation of powers.

The founding fathers went to great pains to be specific in written law precisely to keep this type of bullshit from happening. They meant what they said when they wanted separation of powers. Judicial activism stealing power from the legislature is nothing but sedition. The fact that it's being done to forward a deviant sex cult's agenda on decent people who object to those values is a chunk of rock salt in that wound. That this agenda (for the first time in human history) legally separates children from either a father or mother for life as a new (illegal) institution is monstrosity beyond the pale.

Awful lot of words to say, "Yes I support Public Accommodations laws for things I agree with but not for queers."

(My apologies for the use of an offensive word to those who are romantically attracted to those of the same sex.)

Awful lot of words to say, "Yes I support Public Accommodations laws for things I agree with but not for queers."


It's OK. I know you just "forgot" to include bulimics & drug addicts etc.. :itsok:

And I know you didn't want such a comprehensive answer that directly addressed how the Judiciary is attempting to add language to the US Constitution that in no way shape or form exists or even alludes to exist, outside their limited power. It's just that a complete explanation of what's going on is LONG overdue.. It is nothing but sedition on behalf of a deviant sex cult using its proxies and sympathists placed in the Judiciary, seeking to overthrow the ability of decent people to fight back using our Rule of Law from the Legislative Branch.

In American law, behaviors don't get to dominate other behaviors unless expressly protected by the Constitution to do so. Anything else is the State or Fed establishing an official set of (a)moral edicts, which is forbidden. Outside religion, we VOTE on what behaviors we allow to be tolerated and which we don't in this or that institution or format.
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It's OK. I know you just "forgot" to include bulimics & drug addicts etc.. :itsok:

And I know you didn't want such a comprehensive answer that directly addressed how the Judiciary is attempting to add language to the US Constitution that in no way shape or form exists or even alludes to exist, outside their limited power. It's just that a complete explanation of what's going on is LONG overdue.. It is nothing but sedition on behalf of a deviant sex cult using its proxies and sympathists placed in the Judiciary, seeking to overthrow the ability of decent people to fight back using our Rule of Law from the Legislative Branch.

In American law, behaviors don't get to dominate other behaviors unless expressly protected by the Constitution to do so. Anything else is the State or Fed establishing an official set of (a)moral edicts, which is forbidden. Outside religion, we VOTE on what behaviors we allow to be tolerated and which we don't in this or that institution or format.

The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

We'll just have to await and see (since Masterpiece Cakeshop oral arguments are next months) if States can limited discrimination against queers in their PA laws.

As I've noted in many of your threads, I'm for the repeal of Public Accommodation laws. If a shop owner can refuse full and equal service because someone is queer, then queer shop owners should be able to refuse service based on a person religious behavior.

(My apologies for the use of an offensive word to those who are romantically attracted to those of the same sex.)

You asked a question that wasn't simple. So I answered it thoroughly. I'm sure you didn't want/expect such a comprehensive argument in reply...

So, you want special privileges based on your religion.
fuck you. Re read my post.
I read your want people forced to "bake the cake" for you based on religion...but you don't want the same rules to apply for your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens if they are gay. You are asking for special privileges because of religion.
You asked a question that wasn't simple. So I answered it thoroughly. I'm sure you didn't want/expect such a comprehensive argument in reply...

So, you want special privileges based on your religion.
fuck you. Re read my post.
I read your want people forced to "bake the cake" for you based on religion...but you don't want the same rules to apply for your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens if they are gay. You are asking for special privileges because of religion.
No, I want the separation of powers to be respected. I don't believe anyone, Christian or not, should be forced to bake a cake that says "heroin is cool!" or print cards that say "throw up after you eat, stay slim!". You see, you're dodging the fundamental flaw in your argument which is THAT DEVIANT BEHAVIORS ARE NOT PROTECTED UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION and no amount of judicial activism can erase THAT FACT.

If you want to force people to support deviant sex addiction, you have to first prove that those BEHAVIORS are protected under the Constitution. Which they are not. Not even alluded to in the slightest. The Judiciary CANNOT rewrite legislation in the US Constitution. Only the Legislative branch can do that.
The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

So why didn't the USSC cite the Commerce Clause to support DOMA? Why did they reserve that citation JUST for deviant sex behavior practitioners and not Christian religion practitioners? (Obergefell's Gay DOMA) Where in the Constitution does it say that deviant sex addicts have enumerated protections? Or even alluded to protections? Are there protections for bulimics under the Commerce Clause? Drug addicts or other majority-rejected behavioral addictions?
The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

So why didn't the USSC cite the Commerce Clause to support DOMA?

Why would they cite the Commerce Clause when it didn't apply to DOMA?
Imagine that! Sil supports public accommodation laws so long as they don't cover gays. Protections for me, but not for thee. Poor little hypocrite.
Imagine that! Sil supports public accommodation laws so long as they don't cover gays. Protections for me, but not for thee. Poor little hypocrite.
Gay sex addicts, drug addicts, food addicts, those addicted to stealing (cleptomania), etc. All majority-rejected deviant behaviors have NO Constitutional protections. Please be comprehensive in your quotations mdk. Otherwise you look dishonest/lying.
The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Why did they reserve that citation JUST for deviant sex behavior practitioners and not Christian religion practitioners?

The only case the Supreme Court has rule on regarding 'deviant sex behavior practitioners' was Lawrence v Texas- where the Supreme Court said that Government has no business policing private sex acts between consenting adults.

None of the marriage cases had anything to do with sexual behavior.
The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

So why didn't the USSC cite the Commerce Clause to support DOMA? Why did they reserve that citation JUST for deviant sex behavior practitioners and not Christian religion practitioners? (Obergefell's Gay DOMA) Where in the Constitution does it say that deviant sex addicts have enumerated protections? Or even alluded to protections? Are there protections for bulimics under the Commerce Clause? Drug addicts or other majority-rejected behavioral addictions?

Why didn't the dissent cite The Prince's Trust in their opinion? My guess is the same reason why the majority didn't use the Commerce Clause: b/c they had nothing to do with the case being heard.
You asked a question that wasn't simple. So I answered it thoroughly. I'm sure you didn't want/expect such a comprehensive argument in reply...

So, you want special privileges based on your religion.
fuck you. Re read my post.
I read your want people forced to "bake the cake" for you based on religion...but you don't want the same rules to apply for your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens if they are gay. You are asking for special privileges because of religion.
No, I want the separation of powers to be respected. I don't believe anyone, Christian or not, should be forced to bake a cake that says "heroin is cool!" or print cards that say "throw up after you eat, stay slim!". You see, you're dodging the fundamental flaw in your argument which is THAT DEVIANT BEHAVIORS ARE NOT PROTECTED UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION and no amount of judicial activism can erase THAT FACT..

And really this identifies what Silhouette is all about.

She considers homosexuals to be deviants- and wants Americans to be able to discriminate against them.

This is all about her personal bugaboo obsession with homosexuals and 'buttsex'- though I don't think it actually explains her delusional interpretations of the facts.
[ Outside religion, we VOTE on what behaviors we allow to be tolerated and which we don't in this or that institution or format.

Again- your interpretation of the Constitution and the law are frankly idiotic.

Birth Control, voting, private consensual sex, mixed race marriage, abortion- all issues decided by the Supreme Court based upon the Constitution- because we have Constitutional protections against people like you.

Because of the Supreme Court- people like you can no longer pass laws to throw homosexuals in jail just for daring to love someone of the same gender.
Imagine that! Sil supports public accommodation laws so long as they don't cover gays. Protections for me, but not for thee. Poor little hypocrite.
Gay sex addicts, drug addicts, food addicts, those addicted to stealing (cleptomania), etc. All majority-rejected deviant behaviors have NO Constitutional protections. Please be comprehensive in your quotations mdk. Otherwise you look dishonest/lying.

And yet all those people are allowed to marry whether you piss your pants about it. They were able to marry yesterday, they will be able to marry today, and, they will be to marry tomorrow. The only thing you can do about it is whine and throw legal bullshit against the wall. How has that worked out for you thus far? Not good.
The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

So why didn't the USSC cite the Commerce Clause to support DOMA? Why did they reserve that citation JUST for deviant sex behavior practitioners and not Christian religion practitioners? (Obergefell's Gay DOMA) Where in the Constitution does it say that deviant sex addicts have enumerated protections? Or even alluded to protections? Are there protections for bulimics under the Commerce Clause? Drug addicts or other majority-rejected behavioral addictions?

Why didn't the dissent cite The Prince's Trust in their opinion? My guess is the same reason why the majority didn't use the Commerce Clause: b/c they had nothing to do with the case being heard.

Yeah- why would they cite something that would get them laughed out of court. They were real attorneys after all.
Imagine that! Sil supports public accommodation laws so long as they don't cover gays. Protections for me, but not for thee. Poor little hypocrite.
Gay sex addicts, drug addicts, food addicts, those addicted to stealing (cleptomania), etc. All majority-rejected deviant behaviors have NO Constitutional protections. Please be comprehensive in your quotations mdk. Otherwise you look dishonest/lying.

Let us look at a relevant Public Accommodations law- shall we?

Colorado law prohibits discrimination in
places of public accommodation based on
marital status
or actual or perceived
sexual orientation
. According to the Color
ado Anti-Discrimination Act
(“Act”), “sexual orientati
on” means heterosexuality, homosexuali
ty (lesbian or gay), bisexuality,
and transgender status. Transgender status means
a gender identity or gender expression that
differs from societal expectations based on gender assigned at birth.

Notice none of those refer to 'sex addicts' of any kind. It refers to sexual orientation.

I know in your sick twisted mind, you obsess over homosexuals having sex- but sexual orientation exists regardless of whether someone is having sex or not.
Yeah- why would they cite something that would get them laughed out of court. They were real attorneys after all.

It's why almost all her legal rambling never get used in oral arguments. Either the lawyers are bright enough or her arguments are retarded. I am guessing the latter is the real reason why.
So you're assisting Syriusly in not answering the question by not answering the question also and introducing gibberish as a strawman. Time to report you again.

Report who? Since you don't use the reply button- are you going to report everyone?
It's OK. I know you just "forgot" to include bulimics & drug addicts etc.. :itsok:

And I know you didn't want such a comprehensive answer that directly addressed how the Judiciary is attempting to add language to the US Constitution that in no way shape or form exists or even alludes to exist, outside their limited power. It's just that a complete explanation of what's going on is LONG overdue.. It is nothing but sedition on behalf of a deviant sex cult using its proxies and sympathists placed in the Judiciary, seeking to overthrow the ability of decent people to fight back using our Rule of Law from the Legislative Branch.

In American law, behaviors don't get to dominate other behaviors unless expressly protected by the Constitution to do so. Anything else is the State or Fed establishing an official set of (a)moral edicts, which is forbidden. Outside religion, we VOTE on what behaviors we allow to be tolerated and which we don't in this or that institution or format.

The Judiciary hasn't added jack. The PA law cases have all been under State Public Accommodation laws under the states power to regulate intrastate commerce. These laws were passed by State legislatures, not the Judiciary (which can't pass laws anyway). PA laws have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

We'll just have to await and see (since Masterpiece Cakeshop oral arguments are next months) if States can limited discrimination against queers in their PA laws.

As I've noted in many of your threads, I'm for the repeal of Public Accommodation laws. If a shop owner can refuse full and equal service because someone is queer, then queer shop owners should be able to refuse service based on a person religious behavior.

(My apologies for the use of an offensive word to those who are romantically attracted to those of the same sex.)

No offense taken. :smiliehug:

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