Should Biden Officially Recognize The New Taliban Govt Before All Stranded Americans Are Brought Home?

Partisan Biden bashers are going to be very disapointed with this.

As passengers — including scores of Canadians, and a handful of U.S. and British citizens — were being checked in for the flight, there was a sense of relief that stood in stark contrast to the desperation and chaos at the airport just over a week ago.

Safi, 42, from Toronto, was among those passing through security and planning to board the waiting Boeing 777.

He said that he had tried to leave during the evacuation but had given up as chaos enveloped the streets outside the airport.

“Things are good,” said Safi, who only identified himself by his first name. “It seems the authorities are keeping their promises.”

So AGAIN, Are you saying EVERY American trying to leave Afghanistan, ALL of the Americans Joe left behind, are now out of Afghanistan?

(No thanks to Biden or his failed State Department....)


Psaki and others in the Biden administration - and snowflakes - had already declared that every American who was left behind WANTED to remain....even those begging for help/rescue on the Internet, those who were rescued and evacuated from Afghanistan by retired Spec Ops members with other private citizens' help to do so.

Psaki, when asked about how Biden and his State Department had prevented 142 (ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO) Americans left behind and who had been waiting for 6 days to leave at the mazai-i-sharif Intl airport, replied by declaring the Biden administration estimated LESS THAN 100 AMERICANS REMAINED IN AFGHANISTAN.

Literally, WTF? It was just made clear to Psaki that there were 142 Americans at the mazai-i-sharif airport alone trying to get out....
- Someone should inform Psaki that 142 is MORE than 'Less than 100'.

The State Department followed up by contradicting Psaki's LIE by declaring they were talking to 'every' American remaining in Afghanistan WHO WANT TO GET OUT (I thought Joe and Psaki stated 'every American who wanted out was evacuated - no American who wanted out was left behind'?) The State Department stated the number they have is approx. 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, thanks to Joe.

SOME of the Biden administration's problems here, beside his failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and his lying / leaving Americans behind, include:

1. Complete loss of credibility

2. There is not 1 unified message: Different admin reps are not on the same page and contradict the hell out of each other, which is highly unprofessional, promotes impression of a dysfunctional, disorganized administration, one in which you don't know who to believe. (or just do like me - don't trust anything anyone in this administration, as all of them have been proven to have repeatedly lied to the American people.)

3. Not only did Biden make the decision NOT to help Americans make it to the airport to be rescued (remember, their whole mission was to RESCUE - identify, locate, go out and bring back US citizens), he lied and pulled out, leaving American citizens and allies behind....and he & his administration have actively taken action to prevent Americans from being rescued.

There is an old adage: "Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the way."
So far Biden and his administration have proven they can't do any of those. Instead, they stand n the middle of what's going on and get in the way / f* things up.
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So AGAIN, Are you saying EVERY American trying to leave Afghanistan, ALL of the Americans Joe left behind, are now out of Afghanistan?

(No thanks to Biden or his failed State Department....)

No, I'm saying that Taliban is now explicitly allowing Americans to leave as they have promissed.

Things are looking good, as much as you hate to see it because it undercuts rw's "left behind by Buiden to be raped and murdered!!!" hysterics.
It's not legitimacy they need. It's money. Funds from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund, both of which are located in the USA. Without formal recognition from the USA and other Western governments, the Taliban will have no access to funding, loans or assistance from the IMF, World Bank or UN.

Recognition from China and Russia gets them little. Russia is broke, and they will be just as suspicious of China, who is abusing Muslims within its borders, as they are of any other invading force.
Russia and China are both permanent members of the UN Security Council. In the UN that means they are equal to us. Their recognition gives the Taliban access or forces us to veto. For Russia and China it's less about Afghanistan and more about increasing their own influence.

If the Taliban is recognized they can freely open relations with other countries with little fear American reprisals. If the US wants to place sanctions on the Taliban they would need to offer Russia and China something in return or risk them using their veto power.
No, I'm saying that Taliban is now explicitly allowing Americans to leave as they have promissed.

Things are looking good, as much as you hate to see it because it undercuts rw's "left behind by Buiden to be raped and murdered!!!" hysterics.
1. Regarding what's highlighted above - STFU. Don't attempt to falsely declare what YOU want to project on me, what YOU falsely claim I believe. You don't know me or what I have done for my country. I have served over 30 years to protect and defend the Constitution, this country, and every American citizen, to include those Biden cared so little about that he broke his promise and left behind 'to be raped, murdered', and/or be held hostage by the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and/or ISIS.

2. Biden DID leave hundreds of Americans behind 'to be raped and murdered'

That's why retired Spec Ops military members went on their own to Afghanistan to do what President Biden would not do: Get the Americans he left behind out. That's why private parties / entities funded, provided transportation, and backed the non-government rescue of the Americans Biden left behind,

3. The safety, security, and evacuation of several hundreds of Americans Biden lied to and left behind should NEVER have been up to the Taliban - that was BIDEN'S job. He FAILED.

He did not fight for those Americans, he did not stand up to the Taliban and TELL them we were staying longer - until we got all of our people out.

He and his administration did not leave the 'safety' of the Kabul airport to GO GET /RESCUE Americans who were being blocked from getting to the airport and beaten, like the Brits and French were doing. No, Biden/Austin/Milley ordered our troops to stay inside the airport and secure / defend an Airport Americans could not get to.

Once it was made known that the Taliban were blocking Americans from getting to the airport, was taking and destroying their passports, and were beating them - threatening to kill them if they came back to try again, Biden and his '3 Stooges' should have cut our own Spec Ops loose to go get those stranded Americans while TELLING the Taliban that if they attempted to prevent our forces from carrying out this mission or if they continued to block Americans at check points we would 'light up' those check points, that if any of our military witnessed any Taliban beating Americans during the evacuation they were 'dead'
- But dementia-ravaged Joe and his puppet master were pu$$ies who took their orders from the Taliban, to include leaving when the Taliban told them to, even when they knew doing so would strand hundreds of Americans and allies, leaving them behind.

Some things are worth fighting for - like American citizens, instead of lying to them, turning our backs on them, and leaving them behind because the Taliban told us to.

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