Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Why? Call it marriage or civil union, the govt will still be involved.

And marriage equality is open to hetero and LGBT.

It is not the sole purview of ultra social conservative religion.

There are Christian churches that wed LGBT now: can't take 'marriage' away from them.

How will the government be involved if they get out of the business of "Marriage"?

It won't because it can't, because of the perqs and responsibilities and the reciprocity that protects members of families from being abused by other members.

It won't because American churches who marry LGBT will continue to marry them.

You can't stop them.
Why? Call it marriage or civil union, the govt will still be involved.

And marriage equality is open to hetero and LGBT.

It is not the sole purview of ultra social conservative religion.

There are Christian churches that wed LGBT now: can't take 'marriage' away from them.

How will the government be involved if they get out of the business of "Marriage"?

It won't because it can't, because of the perqs and responsibilities and the reciprocity that protects members of families from being abused by other members.

It won't because American churches who marry LGBT will continue to marry them.

You can't stop them.

More racist far left Obama drone propaganda!

Yes I know the far left wants government to control every aspects of a person life. That is no secret. And yes you can get government out of "Marriage", but the problem is that the racist far left Obama drones will not allow this to happen.
How will the government be involved if they get out of the business of "Marriage"?

It won't because it can't, because of the perqs and responsibilities and the reciprocity that protects members of families from being abused by other members.

It won't because American churches who marry LGBT will continue to marry them.

You can't stop them.

More racist far left Obama drone propaganda!

What idiocy. Neither far left, left, center left, center, center right, right, or far right would ever get government out of marriage.

Do you live in an echo chamber?
.. I just wanted to point out that many, many gays are "flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids."

And they're not lesbians before some smartass says something. :)

Well some lesbians do look act and talk like that; about half of them anyway. Kind of makes you wonder what their partners are really attracted to. Plenty of closeted heterosexuality in the homo camp from all appearances.

Of all those guys you mentioned though, how come 86% of them are voting that gay marriage should not be forced on churches by the fed?

Look at the poll at the top of this page. That's how many people feel gay marriage should not be forced upon people.
I know you're on our side, but....

I've known quite a few homos that fit that description, even with kids. :)

No offense to anyone but I am not gay as I was not born that way.

lol...and I didn't mean to imply you were. I just wanted to point out that many, many gays are "flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids."

And they're not lesbians before some smartass says something. :)

I totally agree with that 100% and that is one of the reasons I support their rights now. Did not fully see your point.
I played with a guy that came out years later in his mid 30s. He fits that definition to a T.
Guy coached high school ball in another state and he stayed on a few years and just teaches there now.
But he has no kids as he never dated women other than a few in college but looking back that was strange.
>> How are your liberties "bullied" or "affected" by the courts ruling gay folk can marry?

They are not. FYI I'm a libertarian leaning conservative. Thought you knew that. My opinion is that the laws restricting gays marriages should be thrown out by the court.

>> That claim would be "leaning libtard" wimpy. Unlike you, I can articulate my opinions without guessing.

Again, not my fault you don't know how to use the word bullying. But it is apparent that you are practiced at the art of bullying. For example, by using terms like wimpy, and telling people they can't articulate their opinions without guessing. You're not the only one that played football and can carry themselves.

"But it is apparent that you are practiced at the art of bullying"
You are full of shit and do not know me.
I have never, ever bullied anyone in my life. Defended myself apprehending felon criminals fleeing the justice system. You may support them but someone has to go get them. And when they attacked me I defended myself.
And never bullied anyone on the football field also. Not even a late hit 15 yard penalty in 15 years on the field.
So stick to the subject Brown because you are an Ofer bust in your weak attempts to bash me.
I do not know you and do not make childish claims about you.

How do you play football without applying force? You think late hits are the only way to apply force on the football field? Are you mentally handicapped?

"Playing foot ball is bullying people." Brownie :cuckoo:

"applying force" in football is "bullying people" Brownie :lol:

Brownie believes playing football and "applying force" is bullying people.:cuckoo:

And Brownie claims I am "mentally handicapped"

Brownie can not articulate his points so he goes with the trash talk.
Always knew when I had my man beat, or bullied as Brownie calls it, when the trash talk started.
"But it is apparent that you are practiced at the art of bullying"
You are full of shit and do not know me.
I have never, ever bullied anyone in my life. Defended myself apprehending felon criminals fleeing the justice system. You may support them but someone has to go get them. And when they attacked me I defended myself.
And never bullied anyone on the football field also. Not even a late hit 15 yard penalty in 15 years on the field.
So stick to the subject Brown because you are an Ofer bust in your weak attempts to bash me.
I do not know you and do not make childish claims about you.

How do you play football without applying force? You think late hits are the only way to apply force on the football field? Are you mentally handicapped?

"Playing foot ball is bullying people." Brownie :cuckoo:

"applying force" in football is "bullying people" Brownie :lol:

Brownie believes playing football and "applying force" is bullying people.:cuckoo:

And Brownie claims I am "mentally handicapped"

Brownie can not articulate his points so he goes with the trash talk.
Always knew when I had my man beat, or bullied as Brownie calls it, when the trash talk started.

He's not the one trying to pass himself off as internet tough guy - you are - you seem to think claiming you're 6'5" and 200 + lbs - is supposed to intimidate people or somehow garner you some extra respect - it ain't happening candy ass - this is the internet - you earn your laurels by the quality of your posts -not by some fantasy life you built in your overly vivid imagination - "Stay Thirsty My Friend"
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Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

You can't. Marriage is a public contract. Without the support of enforcement, contracts have no validity. If that circumstance were applied to marriage, then the same argument could be made to render all contacts unenforceable. In this specific case, even in this day and age, women would largely be far more disproportionately ill affected.

Not gonna happen. Let's be practical.
"But it is apparent that you are practiced at the art of bullying"
You are full of shit and do not know me.
I have never, ever bullied anyone in my life. Defended myself apprehending felon criminals fleeing the justice system. You may support them but someone has to go get them. And when they attacked me I defended myself.
And never bullied anyone on the football field also. Not even a late hit 15 yard penalty in 15 years on the field.
So stick to the subject Brown because you are an Ofer bust in your weak attempts to bash me.
I do not know you and do not make childish claims about you.

How do you play football without applying force? You think late hits are the only way to apply force on the football field? Are you mentally handicapped?

"Playing foot ball is bullying people." Brownie :cuckoo:

"applying force" in football is "bullying people" Brownie :lol:

Brownie believes playing football and "applying force" is bullying people.:cuckoo:

And Brownie claims I am "mentally handicapped"

Brownie can not articulate his points so he goes with the trash talk.
Always knew when I had my man beat, or bullied as Brownie calls it, when the trash talk started.

Listen, retard. Can you effing read? How many times do I have to show you the definition of bullying? I effing put in it bold once already for you numb nuts. Affect by means of force or coercion. The line backer bullied the QB into submission by sacking him 5times in the first quarter. Run your own company and you can't frigging read a simple definition with even a modicum of comprehension? Besides bullying which word do you not understand? Affect? Means? Force? Coercion? Which one?

bul·lied bul·ly·ing
transitive verb
1: to treat abusively
2: to affect by means of force or coercion
Bully - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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Look at the poll at the top of this page. That's how many people feel gay marriage should not be forced upon people.
Forced upon Churches. Exactly how many times must I correct you on this?
I'm more liberal here than most. I support gay marriages but I don't think churches should be forced to marry anyone.

Then why should voters be forced to allow anyone to marry? I suppose you support that churches must be made to marry blacks, jews or Latvians, right?
My opinion is that the laws restricting gays marriages should be thrown out by the court.

Yes I also agree that since Marriage is spiritual/religious, the state cannot enforce laws that impose on people's beliefs about marriage.

On that same note, neither can the state endorse laws that impose beliefs or bias
that violate other people's beliefs.

So that is why the laws must be written carefully to be neutral
and passed by consent of the people to ensure no biases are imposed.

If people object because their beliefs are violated, that means to go back and
revise them to remove the bias causing objection. If this cannot be resolved
through the state, then keep it private for the churches and people to decide.
If they can reach an agreement, the state can endorse that; but cannot
impose marriage laws that impose or discriminate against anyone's beliefs
affected in that state.

Civil Marriage: a marriage solemnized as a civil contract without religious ceremony.

Religious Marriage: When clergy or congregations of religious faith communities marry couples it is a religious rite/ceremony, not a civil contract. Clergy and congregations choose whom they marry. They are not compelled or required to accept the government's definition of marriage.

There is a distinct difference between the two. There is nothing to reconcile. If some people don't like gays using the word marriage, then it is up to those individuals to petition their government to change the name.
I don't think the answer is to recognize both sides, I think the answer is to have our government leave both sides alone.

The only valid restriction is that the marriage be between consenting adults. Two consenting adults of the same sex, consenting adults of opposite sexes, three consenting adults, ten consenting adults. Whatever.

Further there should be no advantages thrown at the feet of married people to the exclusion of single people. Why should we shower riches on people who get married and thus punish people who do not get married?

Less is more here.

YES! More Bingo! Across, up and down!
We should open up a casino. This looks like a winning streak!

Gee that is what I have been saying all along!

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

And I'm sure you've contacted your legislator and told him to remove all the benefits and protections associated with Civil Marriage, right?

Tax Benefits
Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.

Estate Planning Benefits
Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.

Government Benefits
Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
Receiving public assistance benefits.

Employment Benefits
Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.

Medical Benefits
Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
Making medical decisions for your spouse if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.

Death Benefits
Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
Making burial or other final arrangements.

Family Benefits
Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
Applying for joint foster care rights.
Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

Why should we shower riches on people who get married and thus punish people who do not get married? ...

Because it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children.

But these benefits and protections are not relegated only to those that procreate. Gays and lesbians also provide stable homes in which to raise children.
Look at the poll at the top of this page. That's how many people feel gay marriage should not be forced upon people.
Forced upon Churches. Exactly how many times must I correct you on this?
I'm more liberal here than most. I support gay marriages but I don't think churches should be forced to marry anyone.

I'm more liberal than most and gay and I know churches will never be forced by the government to marry anyone. They will by public opinion just as they always have.
GreenBean ironically writes, "this is the internet - you earn your laurels by the quality of your posts" and wondering why everyone laughs at him on the Board
Forced upon Churches. Exactly how many times must I correct you on this?
I'm more liberal here than most. I support gay marriages but I don't think churches should be forced to marry anyone.

Then why should voters be forced to allow anyone to marry? I suppose you support that churches must be made to marry blacks, jews or Latvians, right?

Another statement by Sil that demonstrates her constitutional illiteracy.

The 21st straight ruling for gay marriage was made in Ky yesterday.

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