CDZ Should companies seek people to fill jobs based on their skin color/gender?

Should companies seek people to fill jobs based on their skin color/gender?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters
If they want, they should be able to.
The government shouldnt discriminate, however.
It's not a simple question. No job should be filled based on a single factor but if two people are equally qualified for a job it is reasonable to look at other factors, race being one of them. This would be especially true of companies have a history of racial preference that reflects a employee numbers skewed in a way that doesn't reflect the general population.
What benefit is there to employee numbers that "reflect the general population"?
It's a simple question.

Joe Biden sought out a black woman to be a SCOTUS justice, thus excluding approximately 95% of the public from the possibility of being hired for the job.

Are "(add any race) people only!" signs good for our democracy and country? In the past, it has signified horrible times in our country, such as "Whites only" in the Democrat south before they were liberated from such racism.
Yes that was the right call. Just like Reagan did
Employers are allowed to pick and choose a candidate of their choice.

Nope. All citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the Law. It is illegal to discriminate based on skin color, gender etc. That is unless you're white.....then you can discriminate as much as you like. :D
Have no problem with the extra factor of a preference that a black woman was put forth, As long as that woman was a fully qualified person being put on the court.
As apposed to a person who is the very least qualified put on the court Only because of political affiliation.
Politicks has becoming an engine to promote them self's & the money people that support them.
They have picked white people on the basis of skin color for centuries. I think it is extremely bad faith to only have a problem with it now that it is anyone other than white or heterosexual.
They have picked white people on the basis of skin color for centuries. I think it is extremely bad faith to only have a problem with it now that it is anyone other than white or heterosexual.
They picked white people against other white people. There were very few of anything else. Most blacks were slaves and most others were not considered citizens. Completely different dynamic from the bigotry being applied by democrats today.
They picked white people against other white people. There were very few of anything else. Most blacks were slaves and most others were not considered citizens. Completely different dynamic from the bigotry being applied by democrats today.
There haven't been slaves for almost 200 years. From the freeing of slaves to present time, they have picked white people because they were white. And don't forget sexism. You could only own land if you were male. Women were discriminated against in workforce and excluded for males. Picking based on immutable characteristics is no new precedent. The white man started the game and now is lamenting that he isn't solely playing by himself, and taking all the fruits.Also, Republicans admit that the picked Michael Steele because he is black. They picked uncle tom sellouts like Herschel Walker or a Candace Owens because they are black.They love using identity politics when it's their white Conservative agenda.
There haven't been slaves for almost 200 years. From the freeing of slaves to present time, they have picked white people because they were white. And don't forget sexism. You could only own land if you were male. Women were discriminated against in workforce and excluded for males. Picking based on immutable characteristics is no new precedent. The white man started the game and now is lamenting that he isn't solely playing by himself, and taking all the fruits.Also, Republicans admit that the picked Michael Steele because he is black. They picked uncle tom sellouts like Herschel Walker or a Candace Owens because they are black.They love using identity politics when it's their white Conservative agenda.
So if non-democrats pick blacks because they’re black, it’s bad. But when democrats do it, it’s good?
Women were discriminated against because of physiology. With more automation they are becoming more successful. Currently, black females are surpassing black males in part because of that and in part because they have mothers while black males lack fathers.
You typically avoid the context of era as you present your hypocrisies.

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