Should hillary be charged with treason?

A person is innocent until proved guilty, MacTheKnife.

Thinking about that person makes me a little sick at the stomach, but she's an American, and if charges are filed, her sugar daddy will pay for the best lawyers, I'm sure. Yes, she sold out the American people when she put American uranium in Socialist republic hands and miraculously increased her Clinton 'Library' fortune considerably from what I've heard. It's just that so much garbage is going on lately, everyone is a little sick about the lies and hypocrisy going around leftist omerta circles.
The Pilgrims had it right.

Should "Crooked" Hillary be charged with Treason?
The answer is a definitely "YES!"

Will she be ever charged with Treason?
The answer is a definitely "NO!"

As much as America would like to see that ever happen, I highly doubt she will even come close to ever seeing inside a prison. For two reasons:

A.) She will continue to "buy" her way out of any prison time. She will continue to manipulate her way, because she thinks she is "Untouchable". And since her ego is the size of Russia, who is going to be the one to put her in there?

B.) She is about to retire from politics in a few years. So, she will probably spend the rest of her time (from public and political life) in some nursey home. Instead of some "permanent" home such a federal prison.

She will, however, go down in US History as being the "Woman that Got Away". Despite her already "damaged" political life she endured since she was "First Lady" of Arkansas and Co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Just saying...

Bonnie and Clyde have nothing on Bill and Hillary.

is that supposed to be funny or amusing or something

those two pieces of shit Clintons have to dry in jail.....if not hanged first

The Clintons knew that the OKC bombing was a false flag and they were complicit in the cover-up. You might say that I am an expert as it pertains to the events of the Murrah building bombing.
Hillary Should Be Charged With Obstruction Of Justice
Defying A Subpoena, And Destroying Evidence

Those Are Felonies On It's Face
a witch is a witch is a witch

The Clinton witch must be locked up for life !!
But if we start to criminalize legal behavior then retroactively punish people for it, that is pretty much tyranny.

Being short sighted and arrogant is not really a crime yet, is it?
Should "Crooked" Hillary be charged with Treason?
The answer is a definitely "YES!"

Will she be ever charged with Treason?
The answer is a definitely "NO!"

As much as America would like to see that ever happen, I highly doubt she will even come close to ever seeing inside a prison. For two reasons:

A.) She will continue to "buy" her way out of any prison time. She will continue to manipulate her way, because she thinks she is "Untouchable". And since her ego is the size of Russia, who is going to be the one to put her in there?

B.) She is about to retire from politics in a few years. So, she will probably spend the rest of her time (from public and political life) in some nursey home. Instead of some "permanent" home such a federal prison.

She will, however, go down in US History as being the "Woman that Got Away". Despite her already "damaged" political life she endured since she was "First Lady" of Arkansas and Co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Just saying...

Conspiracy Nut Job. Like most GOP voters.

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