It's America, speak what you want

Smoke a peace pipe Tonto. You would still be killing each other over buffalo meat if the white man didn't come along. Staying angry and cozying up to the illegal alien hoard ain't going to do you any good. At least you still have your language and your pride. The Spanish Conquistadores took everything from Mexico and most of South America including their treasure and their language and their pride.
Know what else we wouldn’t have? Disease. Crime. Jails. Lawyers. Generational Trauma. Stolen children.
If you consider scalping and kidnapping and the rest of tribal warfare to be a social exercise, maybe there would be no crime and you wouldn't need a lawyer.
Why do maga types tell black people to go back to Africa when they were born here?

There's very, very few actual African-Americans here. Very few.

It's just another catch phrase that people arbitrarily invoke.

Here is an example of a true African-American by proper definition...

Look at it rationally. Europeans built cathedrals and were slaughtering each other with sophisticated weapons while indigenous North American people lived a nomadic stone age life. How long could it last? Sooner or later there had to be a clash of cultures like there was across Europe and the Mid East and Africa. American Indians got a raw deal from the U.S. Grant administration but so did the reconstruction South after the Civil War. Deal with it and try not to let hatred cloud your vision.
whitehall, you are babbling nonsense. What I was saying is don't be such in a hurry to get mad at others. That's what you do, not me.
Smoke a peace pipe Tonto. You would still be killing each other over buffalo meat if the white man didn't come along. Staying angry and cozying up to the illegal alien hoard ain't going to do you any good. At least you still have your language and your pride. The Spanish Conquistadores took everything from Mexico and most of South America including their treasure and their language and their pride.
If you consider scalping and kidnapping and the rest of tribal warfare to be a social exercise, maybe there would be no crime and you wouldn't need a lawyer.
Your European ancestors were every bit as blood thirsty. You just don't think. I will always defend what I think is right. You get mad when told "no".

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