Zone1 Should Husbands Share Housework With Their Wives?

I do.

My grandma raised me to vacuum, clean up after myself, help her cook dinner, when dinner was over I had to clear the table, help wash, do my own laundry in addition to cut the grass, fix things around the house and so on. She wanted me to be self sufficient and if I ever did get married I'd have an appreciation for them doing stuff for me.

So I spent 25 years single and I kept my place in excellent shape and did everything.

Now that I'm married I vacuum the house, clear the dishes, clean and such. My wife and I kind of just without discussing it just split up the duties. I do my laundry and she does hers. I am more particular in a lot of ways about orginzation and neatness so I do a lot myself because it's easier than trying to train her so to speak.

That is the way you do it.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
Spouses should do what works for them and stop trying to fit some outdated template of what other folks from 100 years ago thought marriage should be....
plumbing repairs are always taken for granted.. and god help you if there's one drip or you gotta go to the hardware store more than twice!
No project is considered a success with less than 3 trips to Home Depot.

1) Buy everything you will need in excessive quantity.
2) Buy the stuff you missed and/or measured wrong
3) Return the stuff not needed.

On occasion, 2.5) Buy more tools. Need not be related to the project. Just buy more tools.
In the Arab world that’s how it works. In some places of course even there… there’s all sorts of differences happening. It would’ve been pretty cool to grow up in 1970s or 1980s Iraq. Actually they had women in the workforce.

But in America my friend there are now “stay at home dad‘“ s. Or stay at home boyfriends. They don’t even work they stay at home take care of the house while the wife works.

A friend of mine has been doing this for like 10 years and I don’t even know if he knows that his gf doesn’t wanna have kids.,, she does not want to get married. What a disaster. They have been together for perhaps 10 years she has changed him for the worse and to being a fanatical LGBT supporter. He went from a blue-collar worker to this guy who stays at home and does nothing. Maybe I can steer him in the right direction but you see how it is with a lot of Democrats they’re so brainwashed they see the country burning before their eyes and they don’t care about it.
What the heck does he do all day?
For over 40 years my wonderful wife did all the cooking and household duties in addition to being a teacher and running the kids around while I did my 60+ hr work week.

Now in retirement she is having some back problems so I do all the cooking and most of the household duties.

Don't feel bad about it at all.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
If you live there, you should help keep it clean.
When did dinosaurs get married?
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
The question is from the "dinosaur age", it should say wife not husband.

Should Husbands Share Housework With Their Wives?​

I try to share it but she wants nothing to do with it.
No project is considered a success with less than 3 trips to Home Depot.

1) Buy everything you will need in excessive quantity.
2) Buy the stuff you missed and/or measured wrong
3) Return the stuff not needed.

On occasion, 2.5) Buy more tools. Need not be related to the project. Just buy more tools.

Wish the Wife could understand that !!
Well, you don't seem very squaw-ish.

Welp; That's entirely up to the woman as to whether she wants him to do it or not.

Squaws just do it. It's what they do. They don't let the man do it because they know how to do it better and his dumb ass wouldn't do it right.

So sometimes it's best to hang outside for an hour or 2.

And hope your name doesn't get called, because if it does: You're going to be moving furniture around.

Better still is going over to a friend's house. :D
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I'll never do housework to Mrs. MOe's standards.

Just pretend to be really bad at folding clothes, doing dishes, etc. and pretty soon she’ll just do it all anyway
I didn't even have to pretend. I don't mind dishes but, hey, it's all good. Lemme gtfo the kitchen.

Domestic duties she did. That wasn't why I had to go. She was just bad. :(

I remember a time I went to bed and said "Don't ever touch me again." Was done.

Well, she convinced me differently about 2AM; Wait! She was bad. Tried to do bad things; If she had a brain, she'd be dangerous.

She'd try to take me for everything she could if I let her. She did exactly that when I had a lot less and

was supporting her.

It was over then, really. It just took some time to get away.
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I didn't even have to pretend. I don't mind dishes but, hey, it's all good. Lemme gtfo the kitchen.

Domestic duties she did. That wasn't why I had to go. She was just bad. :(

I remember a time I went to bed and said "Don't ever touch me again." Was done.

Well, she convinced me differently about 2AM; Wait! She was bad. Tried to do bad things; If she had a brain, she'd be dangerous.

She'd try to take me for everything she could if I let her. She did exactly that when I had a lot less and

was supporting her.

It was over then, really. It just took some time to get away.
Throw a dawg and a truck in that and ya got a country tune.
In the Arab world that’s how it works. In some places of course even there… there’s all sorts of differences happening. It would’ve been pretty cool to grow up in 1970s or 1980s Iraq. Actually they had women in the workforce.

But in America my friend there are now “stay at home dad‘“ s. Or stay at home boyfriends. They don’t even work they stay at home take care of the house while the wife works.

A friend of mine has been doing this for like 10 years and I don’t even know if he knows that his gf doesn’t wanna have kids.,, she does not want to get married. What a disaster. They have been together for perhaps 10 years she has changed him for the worse and to being a fanatical LGBT supporter. He went from a blue-collar worker to this guy who stays at home and does nothing. Maybe I can steer him in the right direction but you see how it is with a lot of Democrats they’re so brainwashed they see the country burning before their eyes and they don’t care about it.
I wonder if it's to do with increasing female hormones in the water supply that's making more men pussified?
If both people work, then they share the housework. If only one of the persons work, then the other does all the housework.

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