Zone1 Should Husbands Share Housework With Their Wives?

My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
shoot....i thought you were going to ask if we can share their hot girlfriend
To do with, ".....being a fanatical LGBT supporter. He went from a blue-collar worker to this guy who stays at home and does nothing."
When my oldest child was born my wife was on active duty in the US Navy. I had been out for almost a year. We didn't want our child raised by a daycare worker. I stayed home. If that is "pussification" we need more of it. Putting family before macho nonsense would do us good.
There's never been any need to talk about those things in our house, we just do them. If a man and woman have to sit down and have big discussions about it they really shouldn't be together. If I come home and my wife is doing homework with my son, well...I break out with pots and pans and start cooking dinner. If I get home late with bags of groceries, SHE cooks dinner. If needs to go shopping, boy stays with me. If the dryer stops working, I fix it. If I'm at work and it acts up, SHE tries her hand at fixing it. I do the heavier yardwork because I weigh 1.8x as much and am 10" taller. And sometimes we put the boy to work too!...because boys AND girls need to learn how to work and earn things.

There has never been any need for us to talk about WHO exactly should do these things. We both have day jobs, a son, and a house that needs maintenance like any other. Who does what is purely circumstantial and has been mostly fair across the board. I feel sorry for people who need to sit down and talk about such menial bullshit. If you do, then one or both of you simply isn't mature, reasonable or responsible enough to share a household with someone else.
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My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.

If you can get my wife to paint the barn or bale hay then I will say 'yes'; I would love to just run the vacuum cleaner while listening to music my headphones under the air conditioning while she spends the day outside in the middle of summer doing stuff.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
Depends. Do both of you work full-time? Whoever works less should shoulder more of the housework.
When my oldest child was born my wife was on active duty in the US Navy. I had been out for almost a year. We didn't want our child raised by a daycare worker. I stayed home. If that is "pussification" we need more of it. Putting family before macho nonsense would do us good.
So when you're at home, you're a fanatical LGBT supporter and do nothing.
So when you're at home, you're a fanatical LGBT supporter and do nothing.
If I was a fanatical LGBT supporter, why would be such only at home?

No, I was a househusband with a newborn. I was busier than a one-armed paper hanger.

I am an LGBT supporter. But far from fanatical.
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If a home has two people working, then doing housework is a peacemaker. And the amount determined by the wife being a neatnik, a slob or something in between.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
Share? During my first marriage ... I had to clean the house after I got home from work. She was a lazy bum.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
Of course.

Now, if one half is working constantly and the other is not, that's different, but that's a separate issue from gender.

Congratulations on the imminent marriage, too!


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