Should Islam be allowed to build a Mosque near ground zero? Why?

Yes or No?

They are allowed to build it there, but no, they should not, because it is in poor taste. I have posed the following question before. How would everyone feel about a neo-Nazi group building a monument to Hitler 200 ft from Auschwitz?

I would have no problem at all with your suggestion. The Jews were housed in Auschwitz - it was a work camp - that's it. This fairy tale about extermination of the Jew in WWII is nothing but lies designed to force the German people into paying reparations.
do you people realise there are two titty bars just as close to ground zero?
They also should be allowed to have a huge TV screen outside the temple with a video in a repeated loop showing the twin towers being hit by the planes,then collapsing...but before that it should show the people,those evil Americans jumping to their deaths rather then burn alive.Maybe to top it all off those videos that showed the Muslim people around the world dancing in the streets as the towers collapsed....

Anyone that supports this building should not have any problems whatsoever with what I just said.You all say that they own the property,they should be allowed to do whatever they want right....freedom of speech and all that.Well then what the Hell let's all enjoy the reason why they are putting this building where they are.
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If you allow someone/something to change your state of being, then you are letting them/it control your life! By ignoring or just passing by without reflection you relegate them/it to insignificance.

There never were plans for a mosque at “ground zero.” The entire story is made up by a public relations agency working with the Israeli government and the GOP. There are plans for an Islamic center in an old Burlington Coat Factory store blocks away. That far down the island of Manhattan, a couple blocks away is “across town.” The idea that Israel is financing the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy when Mossad agents were arrested, dancing in the streets on 9/11, is an obscenity.

Let’s get some facts straight. Since 2001 alot has happened, none of it reported widely in the press. It has been categorically proven that the supposed hijackers could never have flown any of the planes on 9/11. Start with a reality check. This is why “9/11″ as people are still being misinformed simply never happened
A symbol of that size is hardly unnoticeable or insignificant. 15 stories high.

Ahhh! It is there physically but mentally it is background. Doesn't mean nothing! You let it into to your mind and it becomes something. You ignore it and it isn’t there..
A symbol of that size is hardly unnoticeable or insignificant. 15 stories high.

Ahhh! It is there physically but mentally it is background. Doesn't mean nothing! You let it into to your mind and it becomes something. You ignore it and it isn’t there..

Oh well, by that reasoning, fuck those sand ******* they can shove their ass raping religion up their smelly brown asses

Gee, nothing offensive there, unless you let it be..................:eusa_whistle:
Muslims died in 9/11 too, I don't see why it wouldn't be. I can understand why people find it offensive, but other than that...

I notice you consistently ignore the fact that the people heading up and funding the Cordoba House are terrorists and supporters of Hamas.

I wonder why?

Forgive me if I don't believe words coming from someone who has wished more 9/11s on their fellow Americans. I wonder why you hate the Muslim terrorists so much, you'd seem to fit right in with their desire to kill Americans.

I wonder why.

So you have no problem with putting Americans (innocent ones, not dumbasses such as yourself who essentially run around painting big bull's eye signs on our schools and cities) in jeopardy for the sake of protecting Islam.

Don't believe me about his terrorist ties, jackass. The people behind his missive are the terrorists. They're right there on the copywright page:

"The book’s copyright page tells the tale:


Both ISNA and IIIT have been up to their necks in the promotion of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s ruthless Palestinian branch, which is pledged by charter to the destruction of Israel. In fact, both ISNA and IIIT were cited by the Justice Department as unindicted co-conspirators in a crucial terrorism-financing case involving the channeling of tens of millions of dollars to Hamas through an outfit called the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. "

Rauf’s Dawa from the World Trade Center Rubble - Article - National Review Online
do you people realise there are two titty bars just as close to ground zero?

Titty bars don't recruit killers.

Titty bars don't represent Islam's conquest of the Western world and joy at the slaughter of innocents.

Titty bars aren't being funded by terrorists.

Anything else, nitwit?
The question my child is why shouldn't they be able to build their Mosque? Is it because right-wing rectal passages like you despise Islam? I think so.

Wry is right wing right now? Dang you have got to be pretty far left to think Wry is on the right.
Not sure how a religion can build a mosque. but why shouldnt they be allowed to? This is the United States of America. We have freedom of Religion.
Yes or No?

Yes, just as soon as the Christian church is rebuilt and just as soon as Christian churches flourish in the middle east and just as soon as they start recognizing that women have rights. but they are still assholes for putting a mosque in that spot.. you can't take the ass outta hole.
Yes, of course they have the right. Our rights guaranteed us by our Constitution are not conditional upon what other countries might allow or disallow. Because Muslim countries may restrict religious freedoms is no reason that we should. To do so, is to play into the hands of the terrorist.
Freedom of religion does NOT mean that religions have carte blanche when it comes to building.

Why is this so difficult for people? If it was a RIGHT to build anything you want wherever the fuck you like, we'd be able to build whatever the fuck we want wherever the fuck we want to build it.

It has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of religion. Denying a permit for a place of worship in one place is NOT unconstitutional. They sure as shit shut the Christian church down post haste. I don't see anyone screeching that THAT is a violation of our constitutional rights and freedom of religion.

These fuckers are terrorists and they want to build a mosque at ground zero. You dumbasses are so fucking concerned with enabling the butchers you've lost all touch with reality. The man who is behind the Cordoba House wrote a book about dawa at Ground Zero. You fucking dumbasses, even when these people say themselves what they intend to do, you still want to bend over backwards and lick the anuses of the people who want to kill you.

The term CORDOBA is symbolic of the butchery of Christians in Spain, where a cathedral was pulled down and a mosque built over it, and Muslims established themselves for 800 years. The word literally means muslim dominance.

All I can do is re-iterate my sincerest hope that the only people who are hurt by this supreme ignorance and folly are the ones who helped to bring it about. I know that won't be the case, but one can dream.
Yes or No?

Yes, just as soon as the Christian church is rebuilt and just as soon as Christian churches flourish in the middle east and just as soon as they start recognizing that women have rights. but they are still assholes for putting a mosque in that spot.. you can't take the ass outta hole.
Yes, of course they have the right. Our rights guaranteed us by our Constitution are not conditional upon what other countries might allow or disallow. Because Muslim countries may restrict religious freedoms is no reason that we should. To do so, is to play into the hands of the terrorist.

Religious freedom does NOT guarantee you can build a church any fucking place you like.

How many of you people have actually attended school? Because this is a really simple concept, and it seems to be beyond the leftist mind.
We should have a right to build wherever we want on whatever property we want.
More confusing the issue because some people are dishonest

Should they be allowed to build the mosque? You bet, the government should not tell them they shouldn't build it.

But, they should CHOOSE not to in light of the fact that the people they claim to want to build bridges with oppose it 2:1.

I liken this to our own soldiers in Afghanistan, they sometimes come upon villages where they should destroy the whole village because it is infested with with Taliban soldiers and supporters, but they CHOOSE not to because that would offend those who we really do want to build bridges with.

Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you SHOULD do something.

no, you're the dishonest person...that isn't the question at all....

the question is: should our government deny muslims a permit to build a building solely because it is an islamic mosque....

your analogy is total and complete rubbish

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