should jews leave or defend themselves in the ukraine

If Russia takes Ukraine the Jews are safe. If the nazi leaning EU does, Jews are in as much danger as if they were in Paris. They should get out.
The people of Ukraine, like other Europeans, have lived around the Jews for centuries and are sick of being around them.

Because they do nothing but corrupt their host country and work to lower it's morals with their filth.

So it stands to reason the Ukrainian people want to use this opportunity to kick them out once and for all. .. :cool:

Congratulations, Sunni Man!

You won the "Most Despicable Anti Semite Jew Hater Award", hands down.

The way you described Jews is far more fitting for the suicidal/homicidal/genocidal followers of the murderous, brutal illiterate pedophile.

A muslim filled with hate for people hes never even met. Who woulda thought? :lol:
i think the leaflets were more terror threats to jews than official but should the jews see it as foreshadowing and leave or get ready to fight?

i am normally all about keeping the peace...but the first jew they round up....the first jewish family they wake up in the middle of the night and take away....the world should stomp them ..but then how does the world defend stomping the ukraine over the jews when we have daily genocides in other countries?

how does one decide what genocides to stop or let go?

TIME magazine had a write-up about hose leaflets, they were a hoax, a cruel hoax but a hoax none the less. I can't find the TIME piece but here is one from Snopes and another from The Jerusalem Post

Ukraine rabbi calls anti-Semitic leaflet a political hoax | JPost | Israel News Jews Ordered to Register in East Ukraine?
The U.S has no business getting involved in the Ukrainian civil conflict.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO and thus we are not obligated to defend it. ... :cool:

Even if we were obligated to defend Ukraine, there is no obligation to defend some Ukranians from other Ukranians. This is a civil war with one side saying "I don't love you and I don't want to live with you anymore. I want to go live with someone else."

In that kind of conflict we have no place. We can no go over there and forcibly integrate some other country.

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