Should public monies be used to celebrate religious holidays?

I think we should finance the muslim holiday of FukYurBuddy!

I really don't care. There are hundreds of more important issues to worry about.
I honestly dont care much since christmas is turning more into a comercial rather than religous holiday.

Even in communits China and shinto Japan people celebrate christmas, mainly because it was pushed by government and buisness because of it`s ecomonic holiday boost.
Sure, if states or cities want to use their tax money that way, why not?

It's forbidden to the Fed govt by the Constitution (just as running health insurance programs is), but the rest certainly can do it if they want.
I honestly dont care much since christmas is turning more into a comercial rather than religous holiday.

Even in communits China and shinto Japan people celebrate christmas, mainly because it was pushed by government and buisness because of it`s ecomonic holiday boost.

I don't think Christmas qualifies as a religious holiday unless you're some ACLU ranter looking for something to bolster your hate addiction. I spent Christmas 1970/71 in Japan. Lots and lots of pretty Christmas trees. It isn't a Jesus anything there. It's a holiday celebrating young love, when young lovers reinstate their affection for one another (is that cool or what).

Anyway, it's time for all you Christians out there to stop apologizing for your faith because some Hassidic rabbi decides the world's donkies should bend to his singular will. Fuck him. If he wants to spend his life miserable, let him. But don't let grinches like that spoil your own celebration. It's really not so different a holiday here as it is in Japan. Yes it's commercial, but there's a high degree of humanity and love involved, which is why it'll always be my favorite time of year.
And you say others are hateful. A Nazi Christmas, really?

Those same 'religious' holidays are celebrated all over the nation in a secular manner.

Easter Bunny a religious symbol? Santa Clause?
Yes, your argument is asinine.

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