Should Puerto Rico become a state?

Would you be in favor of accepting Puerto Rico as the 51st state in the Union?

  • In favor of accepting Puerto Rico as a state.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Not in favor of accepting Puerto Rico as a state.

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters


*****istrator Emeritus
Mar 13, 2006
Just testing the water on this. Would you be in favor of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state in the union?
They don't much seem to like the US, except for all the money we pour into the island. I say, grant them independence.
Certainly not now:


The government of Puerto Rico ran out of money Monday, forcing the U.S. commonwealth to close public schools and shut down government offices, putting almost 100,000 people out of work.

The legislature and governor failed to reach a last-minute accord that would have averted the first-ever partial shutdown of the government in island history.

All 1,600 public schools on the island were closed two weeks before the end of the academic year, and 43 government agencies were shut down after negotiations between lawmakers and Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila failed.

Acevedo blamed "legislative inaction" for the shutdown.

"As of 8 a.m. this morning, I don't have in hand a single legislative proposal that resolves this crisis," he told reporters.

The closure gave an unplanned holiday to 500,000 students and threw almost 100,000 government employees -- including 40,000 teachers -- temporarily out of work. The governor has said essential services, such as police and hospitals, would continue during the shutdown.
We've already got our own INTERNAL welfare state here in America. It's called *ILLEGAL ALIENS*. Wetbacks. We don't need another one.

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