Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I think you are upset I shot down his dumb example.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I think you are upset I shot down his dumb example.

Not at all. It is an accurate description of your behavior here on the board.

Very juvenile, immature, "everyone is out to get me" paranoid behavior, I must add.
These despicable Liberals always think they should not be held accountable for the consequences of their incompetent and misguided principles.

It doesn't make any difference if it is domestic policies, foreign policies or failed economics.

They never take responsible and they always try to blame somebody else. For example, the Libtards almost have an industry to blame Obama's corruption and incompetency on Bush.

Instead of taking responsibility for the racing baiting that incited marches with chants of "death to the police" that led to the deaths of these two officers they will say simply that the police officers were shot by a nutcase. Nothing to see here, right?

Of course when we had the shootings at Sandy Hook the hypocritical SOBs were the first to blame the NRA or other gun owners.
They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .

Nah. I'm certain not all liberals want a race war, because that would bring about much suffering and death. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric helps no one, Keys.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I think you are upset I shot down his dumb example.

Not at all. It is an accurate description of your behavior here on the board.
If you say so. His example was still a dumb one and I shot it down. Frequently you retards have trouble figuring out the cause of things. If you need help just ask instead of running around bumping into each other.
These despicable Liberals always think they should not be held accountable for the consequences of their incompetent and misguided principles.

It doesn't make any difference if it is domestic policies, foreign policies or failed economics.

They never take responsible and they always try to blame somebody else. For example, the Libtards almost have an industry to blame Obama's corruption and incompetency on Bush.

Instead of taking responsibility for the racing baiting that incited marches with chants of "death to the police" that led to the deaths of these two officers they will say simply that the police officers were shot by a nutcase. Nothing to see here, right?

Of course when we had the shootings at Sandy Hook the hypocritical SOBs were the first to blame the NRA or other gun owners.

:up: They sure did, and at NO time was there any violent rhetoric being thrown about by the NRA or honest gun owners.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the OP and many others on the right would attempt to exploit the tragic deaths of two police officers for some perceived partisan gain, by contriving and seeking to propagate the lie that 'liberals' or African-Americans are somehow 'to blame.'

I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.
When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I think you are upset I shot down his dumb example.

Not at all. It is an accurate description of your behavior here on the board.
If you say so. His example was still a dumb one and I shot it down. Frequently you retards have trouble figuring out the cause of things. If you need help just ask instead of running around bumping into each other.

If you were to shoot anything, it would probably be your own foot.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I think you are upset I shot down his dumb example.

Not at all. It is an accurate description of your behavior here on the board.
If you say so. His example was still a dumb one and I shot it down. Frequently you retards have trouble figuring out the cause of things. If you need help just ask instead of running around bumping into each other.

If you were to shoot anything, it would probably be your own foot.
Why would I shoot my foot? Are you off your meds today or something?
They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .

Nah. I'm certain not all liberals want a race war, because that would bring about much suffering and death. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric helps no one, Keys.

Fascinating... you seem to be applying reason to the 'desires' of the Left, a wholly irrational, thoroughly unreasonable species of reasoning.

Now, may I ask, on what basis do you find "Left-think" reasonable?
They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .

Nah. I'm certain not all liberals want a race war, because that would bring about much suffering and death. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric helps no one, Keys.

Fascinating... you seem o be applying reason to the 'desires' of the Left, a wholly irrational, thoroughly unreasonable species of reasoning.

Now, may I ask, on what basis do you find "Left-think" reasonable?
The opposite is your view. Of course the leftist way is more reasonable than insanity.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Isn't that what you want? You certainly don't want to get along. You are just a criminal sympathizer POS. Nobody respects your opinion except for the other whackos around here. Lol! :lol: Everyone else thinks you're pretty much an idiot. Maybe we should start a poll or something?
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .

Nah. I'm certain not all liberals want a race war, because that would bring about much suffering and death. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric helps no one, Keys.

Fascinating... you seem to be applying reason to the 'desires' of the Left, a wholly irrational, thoroughly unreasonable species of reasoning.

Now, may I ask, on what basis do you find "Left-think" reasonable?

Logic is a fascinating rarity these days, it seems.

I'm neither liberal nor Leftist, and I am not inclined to point out whatever aspects of those concepts I personally find reasonable. Whether one thinks the whole of it is reasonable or not is up to one's fallible opinion. It would be the same if I asked you on exactly which baseis you've found "Right-think" reasonable. If we are going to discuss these issues, let's be more specific, please.
When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Isn't that what you want? You certainly don't want to get along. You are just a criminal sympathizer POS. Nobody respects your opinion except for the other whackos around here. Lol! :lol: Everyone else thinks you're pretty much an idiot. Maybe we should start a poll or something?
Why would I want a race war moron? I have white family and friends. I dont sympathize with criminals. I dont care what people think of me on a message board. Sad you get your respect online.
obama, holder, Sharpton, di blasio and the media all have blood on their hands over this.
They all gave direction and righteous indignation to his crazy.

I suppose then, next time someone attempts to assassinate the president, we can put that on Sean Hannity?
you liberal assholes were pretty quick to lay giffords shooting on palin. but the again memory was never a strong point of you pinheads
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Isn't that what you want? You certainly don't want to get along. You are just a criminal sympathizer POS. Nobody respects your opinion except for the other whackos around here. Lol! :lol: Everyone else thinks you're pretty much an idiot. Maybe we should start a poll or something?
Why would I want a race war moron? I have white family and friends. I dont sympathize with criminals. I dont care what people think of me on a message board. Sad you get your respect online.

Oh well, that's my opinion based upon your crazy whackiness.

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