Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.

I have seen no evidence of ANY American being desirous of a race war. While, simultaneously, the whole of the Ideological Left appear to be intent upon igniting such.

Now I wonder what would be the distinction in those two diametrically opposed perspectives? Any chance you can offer any insight into that?
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.
You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Isn't that what you want? You certainly don't want to get along. You are just a criminal sympathizer POS. Nobody respects your opinion except for the other whackos around here. Lol! :lol: Everyone else thinks you're pretty much an idiot. Maybe we should start a poll or something?
Why would I want a race war moron? I have white family and friends. I dont sympathize with criminals. I dont care what people think of me on a message board. Sad you get your respect online.

Oh well, that's my opinion based upon your crazy whackiness.
Your opinion is valueless to anyone else but yourself. Sorry you dont understand you get respect in real life and not online. Message boards are for discussion and not social ladder climbing.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.
It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.

The leftist rhetoric, distrust and hatred of the police, constantly referring to them as being racists and murderers, wanting to kill blacks, has certainly contributed to the racial divide and the divide between the police and the citizenry has definitely played a role in the latest incidents of violence.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.
I definitely think that the hateful rhetoric that has been tossed about, even by our OWN president (remember when he called the Cambridge police department "stupid?") has definitely contributed to greater racial tension in our country, as well as a deep seated hatred and distrust for the police. It's disgusting. This kind of stuff is RUINING our country and causing MUCH division. If you can't see that, then you need help.

When you have a big crowd chanting they want dead cops....and we get dead can't walk away from that.
I guess thats why home teams always win at home. The crowd made them win.

You really never have anything of substance to add to any argument. Your posts are boring and predictable black talking points and violent anti-police rhetoric. YOU are part of the problem with your race baiting and stirring the pot. You are not part of the solution. How does that make you feel? Proud? You aren't doing your "brothers" any favors. You are creating division and nothing more. I hope you are ashamed, if not now, then maybe some day when you grow up and mature a little bit.

They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

arrogance. They think they can use it to get power. Or just to make others as miserable as they are.

people want stupid things all the time. The cigarette industry is one such example
They want a race war. Which is a demonstration of the 'ignorance' portion of the Elements of Leftism. They 'want' a race war, because they erroneously 'feel' that such will serve their interests... .
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Isn't that what you want? You certainly don't want to get along. You are just a criminal sympathizer POS. Nobody respects your opinion except for the other whackos around here. Lol! :lol: Everyone else thinks you're pretty much an idiot. Maybe we should start a poll or something?
Why would I want a race war moron? I have white family and friends. I dont sympathize with criminals. I dont care what people think of me on a message board. Sad you get your respect online.

Oh well, that's my opinion based upon your crazy whackiness.
Your opinion is valueless to anyone else but yourself. Sorry you dont understand you get respect in real life and not online. Message boards are for discussion and not social ladder climbing.

No it isn't. A lot of people value my opinions because I am intelligent and not a loon, like you. :D Jealous?
Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.

The leftist rhetoric, distrust and hatred of the police, constantly referring to them as being racists and murderers, wanting to kill blacks, has certainly contributed to the racial divide and the divide between the police and the citizenry has definitely played a role in the latest incidents of violence.
No silly. The police actions historically in the Black/Latino community has led to this. Other whites are starting to see it as well. Its sad how fucking stupid you are.
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

The only people I know of who actually advocate shooting at cops are supporters of Cliven Bundy. But as far as I know, they're all still at large.

Farrakhan On Ferguson 8216 We 8217 ll Tear This G damn Country Up 8217 VIDEO The Daily Caller

FTA: “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!"

Great. Thanks for this link to someone who (a) does not talk about shooting cops, (b) is unconnected to Ferguson in any way, and (c) whose statements carry no weight in the Ferguson movement.

Here's what actual calls for violence against police look like: "We're about ready to take the country over with force!" That's Cliven Bundy with armed militia behind him.

"And they have always asked us, "What will you do, what will you do?" and our stance has always been we will do whatever it takes. Open-ended. And because of that, that's why they are scared, because they don't know to what level we will go to protect, but we will protect." That's Cliven's son.

Here's a good quote: “I’ve got a clear shot at four of them,” the man with a rifle beside me said, as he aimed his weapon in the direction of U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) officers. These people were pointing their armed rifles directly at Las Vegas police, who weren't allowed to wear protective clothing because it would be seen as "provocative."

But yeah, your former somebody grasping at relevance by peppering the word "Ferguson" into his rants is basically the same.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.

You're speaking to one right now. Lol. The guy is certifiable.
It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.

The leftist rhetoric, distrust and hatred of the police, constantly referring to them as being racists and murderers, wanting to kill blacks, has certainly contributed to the racial divide and the divide between the police and the citizenry has definitely played a role in the latest incidents of violence.
No silly. The police actions historically in the Black/Latino community has led to this. Other whites are starting to see it as well. Its sad how fucking stupid you are.

Sorry, but I don't see that in my mostly law-abiding community at all. We have a good relationship with our local police department. :)
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
I dont doubt that there are some that are intent on some kind of revolution. However, those are very few and powerful people that exploit simple minded people. Whats going to happen is that if people keep going with this stupidity both sides are going to wake up with a hell of a hangover and wondering how they got to their new reality.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
I dont doubt that there are some that are intent on some kind of revolution. However, those are very few and powerful people that exploit simple minded people. Whats going to happen is that if people keep going with this stupidity both sides are going to wake up with a hell of a hangover and wondering how they got to their new reality.

Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
I dont doubt that there are some that are intent on some kind of revolution. However, those are very few and powerful people that exploit simple minded people. Whats going to happen is that if people keep going with this stupidity both sides are going to wake up with a hell of a hangover and wondering how they got to their new reality.

Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D
When did I say this and in what context? I doesnt take much to fool you. You act like a dog with a high prey drive and I have a ball.
YOU are an extremist!!! :lol:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.

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