Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why dont you back your claim with a quote and tell me where I have every said I hated all cops or all white people? That would go a long way in you making me lose my online reputation wouldnt it?

Everyone knows. A person even reported you to the FBI last night for your threats against police officers. Remember? Shall I go fetch it to refresh your memory?

Yes. Go post my quote. The entire quote.

I will just post a link to the thread here, and everyone can go check out ALL of your posts in that thread and see just what a whacko you really are. Lol!
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

Thats only your opinion and not fact. This is were you prove you are not thinking coherently. I have already told you cops do this stuff all the time in the hood. Your refusal to accept fact is what is causing your emotions to get out of whack.

No. You are wrong. The majority of police officers in the United States are not racists, nor are they murderers. That is false hateful rhetoric. The reason why you people grasp onto these cases like the Ferguson case, is exactly because there are not ENOUGH instances of actual racism for you, so you have to make shit up to spread your hateful rhetoric.
There you go again. Who said anything about majority? You need to calm your emotions and read the words I am typing instead of putting your own spin on things.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why dont you back your claim with a quote and tell me where I have every said I hated all cops or all white people? That would go a long way in you making me lose my online reputation wouldnt it?

Everyone knows. A person even reported you to the FBI last night for your threats against police officers. Remember? Shall I go fetch it to refresh your memory?

Yes. Go post my quote. The entire quote.

I will just post a link to the thread here, and everyone can go check out ALL of your posts in that thread and see just what a whacko you really are. Lol!
Thats good. Hopefully for you others will claim I have no respect amongst any of the board members. That way my respect points will be sufficiently taxed and you will feel vindicated.
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p We are in fact discussing race-baiting and it's complications, so discussing that matter itself would seem to be on topic.
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

Thats only your opinion and not fact. This is were you prove you are not thinking coherently. I have already told you cops do this stuff all the time in the hood. Your refusal to accept fact is what is causing your emotions to get out of whack.
If Asc were anything but a low-life thug, I might suggest he had some kind of responsibility.

He is a person of little consequence illustrated by his constant and meaningless posts here.

Forget him, lest you want to be amused by jungle bunny civilizations.
I think you need to familiarize yourself with some of the hateful and disgusting things he has said about police officers. Respect is earned, Wake.

I'm not unaware of some things said and one within this messageboard. It's not doubtful he has said unreasonable and wrong things about the police here. It's better to ignore it, and deal with the issues directly with both civility and respect. I can restrain myself when talking with an ideological opponent who despises those who protect us. What's name-calling going to accomplish? Only more anger and hatred. Nothing good comes of it.

Satisfaction? :D
The two cops who were brutally murdered this week in New York City are just the latest victims in what is starting to look like a civil war among ourselves.

They are as much victims of this mess as are the African-Americans murdered by white police officers.

The real perpetrators are the gun manufacturers and the rest of the war machine. They’re getting filthy rich off the arming of America’s citizenry and the militarization of our police forces.

Fox News whips up fear among those who watch and believe, and while we the people are distracted, the 1 percent pick our pockets by convincing us they need more. It’s never enough. When you have that much the greed becomes pathological.

It doesn’t matter how many of us die, just so long as there are enough people to labor on their machines, fight their wars and tend to their desires.

I know this is radical thinking, but it becomes increasingly obvious that we, the working class, are losing.

People are so distracted by threats of terrorism and Ebola that they don’t see their rights being plucked away, bit by bit. “Oh, sure, demanding an ID before someone can vote isn’t a bad idea,” you might think. Then they convince you people who can’t pass a literacy test shouldn’t have a say in electing a government.

Young, unarmed African-American men, even boys, are shot down in the street, choked, attacked, beaten, frisked for no reason, and too many of us listen to those who call them thugs and say they deserve to die.

Poor people live on the streets, many of them in need of treatment for psychiatric illness or addiction, and we listen to the people who call them bums and try to run them off by passing laws criminalizing giving them food.

The War Machine wants us to be scared enough to follow the call to war anywhere, any time. We say “no more boots on the ground,” but then we always seem to cheer on our troops when we become convinced we need boots on the ground.

When we have sent these men and women into combat five, six, eight times and they have become too debilitated to be of any further use to the machine, we discard them.

So much for honoring the troops, although we still are called to glorify the military, to say thanks to a soldier as we vote for the people who will strip away more of their benefits.

After World War II, we prosecuted Germans and Japanese for doing exactly what we did to people under the guise of fighting terrorism, and more than 50 percent of Americans think that’s OK.

We’re the frog put into a pot of cool water and heated ever so slowly until we’re poached. We don’t see it coming until it’s too late, and it’s getting damn close to too late.

What we’re seeing right now is only the beginning, and unless we see substantial wage increases, fewer tax breaks for the super-rich, a cease of the attack on women’s and workers’ rights, and improvements to the things we need and use every day — our nation’s infrastructure — we’re cooked.
First, to clear things up, liberals, like conservative, are Americans.

An American, is one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.

Ya see Scamp... Nature precludes one from simultaneously adhering to both the thesis and the antithesis. It is simply impossible; meaning that no matter how much one needs to believe that someone can adhere to two diametrically opposed positions at the same time, in order that those who promote the defining elements of evil, can feel that they're good... despite, in reality, they're not good, because they adhere to that which defines evil.

And that is why, as no less an authority than a moderator of this very board recently pointed out:

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Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Lets switch it up. What do you think a race war would accomplish for the left?
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Then why don't you post the link???
So far you have proven nothing.
I think you need to familiarize yourself with some of the hateful and disgusting things he has said about police officers. Respect is earned, Wake.

I'm not unaware of some things said and one within this messageboard. It's not doubtful he has said unreasonable and wrong things about the police here. It's better to ignore it, and deal with the issues directly with both civility and respect. I can restrain myself when talking with an ideological opponent who despises those who protect us. What's name-calling going to accomplish? Only more anger and hatred. Nothing good comes of it.

Satisfaction? :D
Temporary to calm your emotions.
The whole of liberalism isn't fully in favor of a race war. You and I both know this.

I asked you for evidence which sustains that position, not to repeat it.

OK... So I hereby stipulate that we both know that you feel that way... what we need now is evidence that the Ideological Left, as a collective... which is not to say that every single person who feels or otherwise demonstrates their Leftist nature, supports such... but I'm asking you to provide evidence that the movement that is the Left is not determined to ignite a war in the US.

Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Then why don't you post the link???
So far you have proven nothing.
I think she believes that my intentions to protect myself against any cops harassing me or attempting to kill me means I want a race war.
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Then why don't you post the link???
So far you have proven nothing.

I already did post a link. Duh!!!
The whole of liberalism isn't fully in favor of a race war. You and I both know this.

I asked you for evidence which sustains that position, not to repeat it.

OK... So I hereby stipulate that we both know that you feel that way... what we need now is evidence that the Ideological Left, as a collective... which is not to say that every single person who feels or otherwise demonstrates their Leftist nature, supports such... but I'm asking you to provide evidence that the movement that is the Left is not determined to ignite a war in the US.

Well, I'm going to say this, but it's not a definitive statement, more like a...I don't even know what. A feeling, I guess.

Does anyone have the feeling, or the sense that decent Americans of all races think this has gone too far? That the farce of outrage over something that never even happened was looked at more like "here we go again," but now with these cop killings, people are getting really pissed off and there just might be some kind of backlash? I don't know what and I'm not even suggesting there will be. Just asking if anyone else gets that sense.
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Then why don't you post the link???
So far you have proven nothing.

I already did post a link. Duh!!!
What quote got you the most emotional?
Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D

In order to be fooled, you have to be deceived, or otherwise ignorant of certain possibilities. I'm not.

However, this thread isn't meant to be a trial for specific people. We have downstairs for that. And frankly I don't really care because all of this is hubris (the personal drama between enemies that never sees anything accomplished or wounds mended).

If he does indeed want a race war, fine. Let's see him state it here, and have his sentiments ripped apart with the courtesy of a duke at a fancy banquet. :p

He won't though, because he is a coward with no real principles. Just a troll probably.
Then why don't you post the link???
So far you have proven nothing.

I already did post a link. Duh!!!
That did nothing to support your statement!!!!...DUH!!!!
Now how about a relevant do have some understanding of relevance, don't you???

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