Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.

:laugh2: :uhoh3: :lmao: :laugh: :lol: :itsok: :lol: :laugh: :lmao: :uhoh3: :laugh2:
If you say so.

I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?
Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
I dont doubt that there are some that are intent on some kind of revolution. However, those are very few and powerful people that exploit simple minded people. Whats going to happen is that if people keep going with this stupidity both sides are going to wake up with a hell of a hangover and wondering how they got to their new reality.

Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D
When did I say this and in what context? I doesnt take much to fool you. You act like a dog with a high prey drive and I have a ball.

Just as I suspected. You are a coward who is too afraid to say what you really think. Lol. I'm not surprised at all. Maybe you need to grow a pair. You're slipping on your hateful rhetoric.
I do, and I'm certainly not the only one. :D That is your reputation around here, as a whacko, didn't you know? :rofl:
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why would anyone want a race war? You are a fucking idiot.

Though the American majority don't want a race war, there are certainly those on various sides who would like to see one happen. If they did not they wouldn't continue pouring gasoline on these flames.

I have seen no evidence of ANY American being desirous of a race war. While, simultaneously, the whole of the Ideological Left appear to be intent upon igniting such.

Now I wonder what would be the distinction in those two diametrically opposed perspectives? Any chance you can offer any insight into that?

First, to clear things up, liberals, like conservative, are Americans. If you refuse to acknowledge that, then you are not a reasonable individual. That's how partisans think and that would make you absolutely no different than any liberal who says conservatives aren't Americans.

The whole of liberalism isn't fully in favor of a race war. You and I both know this. There are elements within the Right and the Left who would be inclined to see it happen. But all of each? No.

You can ask as many partisan, open-ended and disingenuous questions as you wish. I have no interest in that. If you persist in making downright dishonest and illogical statements in this thread I won't ignore them, because I don't have to. By posting those posts, you are part of the problem, because you have zero interest in treating those you disagree with fairly and honestly.
Those are extremists. Those are the ones that preach death to all whites and the ones in the bunkers hoping for death to all Blacks. Neither have the power to move the masses unless the masses actually agree with them but are less committed.

I don't discount your passion nor your feelings here.

Personally I find those you mention—in the context of the racial matter—to be the true extremes. However, and i think you may agree with me, they are not the only ones who contribute to the hate necessary for a true race war to develop. No, I suspect that if we move from both extremes slightly more towards the centre, we will find the partisans who—deep down—really would like to see this situation get out of hand as well. I also feel this includes our collective who, time and time again, have proven they are not about distorting facts to get us and them—them and us—really pissed at each other. They profit from it.
I dont doubt that there are some that are intent on some kind of revolution. However, those are very few and powerful people that exploit simple minded people. Whats going to happen is that if people keep going with this stupidity both sides are going to wake up with a hell of a hangover and wondering how they got to their new reality.

Why don't you just admit (like you said in the past) that you want blacks to take over the country? You've said that before. Let's see if you can be man enough to admit to it now or if you will deny that you ever made such statements and insinuations. YOU want a race war. I've read your posts. You might fool Wake, but you aren't fooling me. :D
When did I say this and in what context? I doesnt take much to fool you. You act like a dog with a high prey drive and I have a ball.

Just as I suspected. You are a coward who is too afraid to say what you really think. Lol. I'm not surprised at all. Maybe you need to grow a pair. You're slipping on your hateful rhetoric.
I asked you for a quote. I know you want me to lose my online credit.
but cant you mount a better campaign than just throwing out your opinon?
Thats not really any of my business but thanks for letting me know.

Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why dont you back your claim with a quote and tell me where I have every said I hated all cops or all white people? That would go a long way in you making me lose my online reputation wouldnt it?
You're speaking to one right now. Lol. The guy is certifiable.

I absolutely hate the name-calling and otherwise immature behavior that's been going on among people who simply disagree on political issues. Asclepias and I disagree on some things, but I will not call him names or insult him. Same with everyone else. Is it just me, or does it seem like the level of animosity within political discussion on the internet has increased a bit?
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.
Well, now you know. You are a whacko extremist who nobody respects except for the lowest of lowly skanks.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why dont you back your claim with a quote and tell me where I have every said I hated all cops or all white people? That would go a long way in you making me lose my online reputation wouldnt it?

Everyone knows. A person even reported you to the FBI last night for your threats against police officers. Remember? Shall I go fetch it to refresh your memory?
It's comforting for most conservatives, of course, to fabricate the lie and false narrative that their political opponents are somehow 'responsible' for violence against police officers, given the fact that conservative dogma is devoid of merit, seeking to vilify and demonize the opposition is their only recourse.

Most, or some?

The same dishonest drivel could be directed at most liberals, and it would be just as dishonest and wrong.
You're speaking to one right now. Lol. The guy is certifiable.

I absolutely hate the name-calling and otherwise immature behavior that's been going on among people who simply disagree on political issues. Asclepias and I disagree on some things, but I will not call him names or insult him. Same with everyone else. Is it just me, or does it seem like the level of animosity within political discussion on the internet has increased a bit?

I think you need to familiarize yourself with some of the hateful and disgusting things he has said about police officers. Respect is earned, Wake.
The Left says they don't want a race war and there may be a smidgen of truth in that.

However, they do want a riled up Black consistency because they then can get a 97% turnout at the polls that way.

They don't mind now and then spreading around a little race baiting demagoguery in order to get everybody all riled up.

That is exactly what Obama, Holden and deBlazio were doing when they all made variations of the statement that police are racist and the Black Man is not getting a fair shake here in America. That nitwit Sharpton was also saying that but it was because he is an idiot.

It is time we held these Liberals accountable for their hate mongering to get power.
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

I have faith that there are some liberals who do understand and respect the hardships our police force has been experiencing, while not lapping up the partisan slime spewed by the more radical members of the whole group.
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

Thats only your opinion and not fact. This is were you prove you are not thinking coherently. I have already told you cops do this stuff all the time in the hood. Your refusal to accept fact is what is causing your emotions to get out of whack.
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

I have faith that there are some liberals who do understand and respect the hardships our police force has been experiencing, while not lapping up the partisan slime spewed by the more radical members of the whole group.

So do I. Not all leftists are involved in smearing the police. Only some of the hateful extremist ones, like the poster you were conversing with. He has definitely been fanning the flames of hatred. Pretty much ALL of his threads and posts have to do with racism.
Youre devolving now. I must really make you upset.

You are one of the people on this board who spreads hateful rhetoric about the police and white people. Are you going to deny this now like the coward that I knew you were? Too cowardly to stand up for your own principles I see. Lol. :lol: You aren't a man. You're a mouse, a follower, a patsy.
When do I spread hateful rhetoric? Surely you must have a quote?

Of course, anyone can search your post history and know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, those who have already had the misfortune to have had an encounter with you on this board.
Why dont you back your claim with a quote and tell me where I have every said I hated all cops or all white people? That would go a long way in you making me lose my online reputation wouldnt it?

Everyone knows. A person even reported you to the FBI last night for your threats against police officers. Remember? Shall I go fetch it to refresh your memory?

Yes. Go post my quote. The entire quote.
Yes, I think the leftists who have gone around and, instead of admonishing those who break the law, blame arrests in the black community on "racist" police officers (when they know DAMN well that police officers for the most part are just DOING THEIR JOB), are partially responsible for at least fanning the flames of hatred and mistrust.

Thats only your opinion and not fact. This is were you prove you are not thinking coherently. I have already told you cops do this stuff all the time in the hood. Your refusal to accept fact is what is causing your emotions to get out of whack.

No. You are wrong. The majority of police officers in the United States are not racists, nor are they murderers. That is false hateful rhetoric. The reason why you people grasp onto these cases like the Ferguson case, is exactly because there are not ENOUGH instances of actual racism for you, so you have to make shit up to spread your hateful rhetoric.
I think you need to familiarize yourself with some of the hateful and disgusting things he has said about police officers. Respect is earned, Wake.

I'm not unaware of some things said and one within this messageboard. It's not doubtful he has said unreasonable and wrong things about the police here. It's better to ignore it, and deal with the issues directly with both civility and respect. I can restrain myself when talking with an ideological opponent who despises those who protect us. What's name-calling going to accomplish? Only more anger and hatred. Nothing good comes of it.
By the way, we won't get much more pushback from the police in New York. DeBlazio will give the union a $.50/hr raise in pay or another vacation day a year and they will shut up.

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