Should santuary cities receives Federal Funding?

They don't withhold all federal funding...just the portion to do with roads, etc.

I have no problem withholding any monies related to immigration. But I'd also like to see them pay for the cities that cooperate with Federal they? Methink not.

Yeah, but when it came to roads and stuff that tactic worked because the states Needed that money to maintain roads,

In this case it may not work so well, because if the city has no interest in upholding federal immigration laws, why would it bother them they may not get any money from the Fed to pay for upholding those laws.

after all they are not going to do anything to uphold them, so why would they mind not getting the money to so?
Yeah, but when it came to roads and stuff that tactic worked because the states Needed that money to maintain roads,

In this case it may not work so well, because if the city has no interest in upholding federal immigration laws, why would it bother them they may not get any money from the Fed to pay for upholding those laws.

after all they are not going to do anything to uphold them, so why would they mind not getting the money to so?

I don't think they mind not getting money to round up illegals. It's kind of a separate question, didn't mean to derail the thread.

I would mind paying state taxes to perform a duty that I've already paid for through my federal taxes.
Yes, but how? And I'm still not convinced it is the state's employees' duty to perform the job of the Federal employees.

I don't know that it is there job either. But could they not at least pick up a phone and call the INS when they have a 3 time felon who happens to be an illegal in their custody? Hardly seems like asking to much of them to me.
and they call INS and INS does nothing....or if they do takes 2 weeks to send someone to pick the illegal up.

that's what i getting at with the city not being reimbursed by the feds.

so the city is supposed to hold the federal prisoner and receives no compensation for keeping them.

unfunded mandates.
I don't know that it is there job either. But could they not at least pick up a phone and call the INS when they have a 3 time felon who happens to be an illegal in their custody? Hardly seems like asking to much of them to me.
In this case, it would have been great if they did. But in other, every day cases...and I hope you can at least see that the majority of illegals are not murderers...they could be taking valuable time away from their actual know, like catching murderers.
and they call INS and INS does nothing....or if they do takes 2 weeks to send someone to pick the illegal up.

that's what i getting at with the city not being reimbursed by the feds.

so the city is supposed to hold the federal prisoner and receives no compensation for keeping them.

unfunded mandates.
Yeah, that too.
In this case, it would have been great if they did. But in other, every day cases...and I hope you can at least see that the majority of illegals are not murderers...they could be taking valuable time away from their actual know, like catching murderers.

I agree, I Don't care if they want to Ignore regular every day Illegals who's only crime was to break our immigration laws, But when it comes to people who are known Felons, I feel different.

However a bright spot, is San Fran has now changed their position on that specific issue, and now say they will call the Feds in the case of known Felons they pick up. We will have to wait and see if they actually do that though.

So I guess that is good enough for me, Probably not for most people, but for me that is good enough. Compromise I Guess.
I agree, I Don't care if they want to Ignore regular every day Illegals who's only crime was to break our immigration laws, But when it comes to people who are known Felons, I feel different.

However a bright spot, is San Fran has now changed their position on that specific issue, and now say they will call the Feds in the case of known Felons they pick up. We will have to wait and see if they actually do that though.

So I guess that is good enough for me, Probably not for most people, but for me that is good enough. Compromise I Guess.

That is good. And to celebrate I'm going to go buy a bottle of cheap Jewish wine and get toasted!

BFD?... you Mac Cats are the ones that pointed overseas and said "you cant handle the foreign statesman truth, your not ready, how can you be president if you havent travelled over seas..." BFD???

Obama done handed all of you your own collective proverbial asses...

BFD... Youre right.. it is...


I am not a mccain supporter so your little jab was wasted. BHO is not a statesman, he is a curiosity overseas nothing more.
I don't have a problem with the citizens of San Francisco paying for these illegal immigrants but why should Americans outside of the city pay for them?

Bush Should Strip Sanctuary Cities of Federal Funds ( Michael Reagan )

Of course not. Who cares that millions of Americans live in San Francisco? Scrap all their funding and let it burn like the Gamorrah it is, as an examples to others! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, is it even viable to do that? Would these cities be allowed to scrap federal taxes too?
Of course not. Who cares that millions of Americans live in San Francisco? Scrap all their funding and let it burn like the Gamorrah it is, as an examples to others! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, is it even viable to do that? Would these cities be allowed to scrap federal taxes too?

So they should be able to just Ignore Federal Immigration laws even when they at times have known felon Illegals in their hands?

Did you read about the case where San Fran failed to report a 3 time felon illegal who and let him go, and he went on to kill 3 people?
Sure, but that is one tragic case. And now he's going to jail. You're gonna punish the American citizens of San Francisco for that?

but I was serious about the other questions: Can that be done? and if that is the case, would the City of San Francisco then be able to stop paying federal taxes?
Sure, but that is one tragic case. And now he's going to jail. You're gonna punish the American citizens of San Francisco for that?

I am sure that is more than one case. And sure he is going to jail, but isn't the point that if he had been deported, which I think every Illegal with a criminal record should be, then 3 people would still be alive. This guy was not only hear illegally, he had already committed crimes here, and still they did not report him.

Now we are paying money to keep him in jail, when we could have just deported him. I am not for deporting every illegal in the country, but if they have a criminal record, or Commit a crime here, and they are here illegally. I want their ass gone. Seems reasonable to me

as far as punishing the citizens of San Fran for it, isn't it those people who elected and continue to elect leaders who set these silly polices?

I would be perfectly willing to change our Immigration laws so these people could come here legally, and we could weed out people with criminal records.

but I was serious about the other questions: Can that be done? and if that is the case, would the City of San Francisco then be able to stop paying federal taxes?

I am not sure how to do it, but somehow I feel we must force Cities to enforce the laws. Like I said I would also support reforming our laws so these people could come here legally.

What I can not support is millions of people coming into our nation completely undocumented and unchecked for their back grounds.
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the point of the war analogy was that using foxfyre's logic bout robing peter to pay could lead to the idea that one state being attacked isn't an issue of the other states.

glad to explain for ya guys.

Except for the whole Constitutional thing. I assume you have never read it, where in the Defense of any State is the PRIMARY duty of the Federal Government? Glad I could help ya with a civics lesson.
Of course not. Who cares that millions of Americans live in San Francisco? Scrap all their funding and let it burn like the Gamorrah it is, as an examples to others! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, is it even viable to do that? Would these cities be allowed to scrap federal taxes too?

Why not? They are ignoring Federal law now, what is to stop them in the Future from ignoring more Federal laws? Why, NOTHING of course. Cause the Federal Government does nothing to stop them.
I am sure that is more than one case. And sure he is going to jail, but isn't the point that if he had been deported, which I think every Illegal with a criminal record should be, then 3 people would still be alive. This guy was not only hear illegally, he had already committed crimes here, and still they did not report him.

Now we are paying money to keep him in jail, when we could have just deported him. I am not for deporting every illegal in the country, but if they have a criminal record, or Commit a crime here, and they are here illegally. I want their ass gone. Seems reasonable to me

Totally reasonable.

I would be perfectly willing to change our Immigration laws so these people could come here legally, and we could weed out people with criminal records.

I am not sure how to do it, but somehow I feel we must force Cities to enforce the laws.

Like I said I would also support reforming our laws so these people could come here legally.

What I can not support is millions of people coming into our nation completely undocumented and unchecked for their back grounds.

Understandable and sensible.

as far as punishing the citizens of San Fran for it, isn't it those people who elected and continue to elect leaders who set these silly polices?

But this one here, Charles, you really gotta think about what you're saying with this one. This is basically a challenge to everything that the US is supposed to stand for. I mean, the US government has a history of doing this abroad, and by 'this' I mean punishing people for "voting the wrong way". Happened very directly in Guatemala in 1954 and again in Chile in 1973, not to mention Lebanon and Palestine in recent times. Granted, I imagine you're not calling for the absolutely brutal measures that the government and its proxies took in these cases, but it's still the same principle. How could the US truly be considered a democracy if it punishes its own citizens for "voting the wrong way". It just seems like a very dangerous precedent to set.

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