Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

It was a natural reaction from Kathy Griffin

Suppose you were walking down the street and saw Trump's head lying on the sidewalk......would you kick it into the gutter or pick it up?
Another idiot,
It was a natural reaction from Kathy Griffin

Suppose you were walking down the street and saw Trump's head lying on the sidewalk......would you kick it into the gutter or pick it up?
did you think that up all. by yourself?

Lighten up Snowflake

Never realized you are so sensitive.....Can I find you a safe space full of rainbows and unicorns?
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Had this been done to Obama they already would have been arrested for a hate crime, why is she still walking around free?

Because we elected Donald J Trump

We no longer live in the world of Obama where we were concerned with the sensitivities and feelings of others

In a Trumpian world, we "Tell things like they are"
Political correctness is a crime and we have no room in this country for Snowflakes who cannot take a joke
Actually he did neither. That is just more spin by the Left. He was having a private conversation almost 15 years ago that was recorded without his knowledge or approval talking in part about how beauty contestants will let you do anything to them that the Libs found and dug up.

Uh, that's not what he said. Go back and listen to what he said. The very fact that he says shit like this makes him unfit to serve.

And the thing about the disability guy, Trump was doing the same gestures he always uses when he catches someone vacillating like a deer in the headlights!

Yeah, he just happened to do that mocking a guy who has cerebral palsy.

More lies, thanks for keeping another left wing distortion alive.
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
Actually he did neither. That is just more spin by the Left. He was having a private conversation almost 15 years ago that was recorded without his knowledge or approval talking in part about how beauty contestants will let you do anything to them that the Libs found and dug up.

Uh, that's not what he said. Go back and listen to what he said. The very fact that he says shit like this makes him unfit to serve.

And the thing about the disability guy, Trump was doing the same gestures he always uses when he catches someone vacillating like a deer in the headlights!

Yeah, he just happened to do that mocking a guy who has cerebral palsy.

What can I say? Trump won because he is honest and out there. What you see is what you get. He wears his true feelings right out there on his sleeve. Whatever he said in private 15 years ago is done and buried. Ancient times. What you don't admit is that not only is what he said the sorts of thing that most any normal guy thinks to himself or says in private, but all of the politicians you support say and do FAR WORSE, but as professional career politicians they are just more careful about concealing it. Like when Obama was accidentally caught on a hot mike telling the ambassador to Russia to tell Putin to be patient, that he would be more flexible after an election that he should not have even known in advance that he would win for sure (?) and then goes on to pull the missile shield out of E. Europe, allow Putin to invade Crimea and then sell him 20% of our uranium??????

I'd much rather have my president with just a healthy interest in girls than a closet bisexual dope smoker who married for political advantage because it looked better to have a black wife go on to assist in the invasion of a foreign country as a quid pro quo. That you ignore such absolutely heinous stuff, yet go on and on about a beauty contestant from long ago or some stupid journalist caught in a question he couldn't answer just goes to show how disingenuous your arguments are.
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Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?

Well, she's lost a couple of contracts... So that's kind of a big deal. But do keep whining that the Poor Orange Shitgibbon got his feelings hurt. He needs a safespace. I recommend on of our fine federal prisons after he's impeached.
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
She was fired.
What can I say? Trump won because he is honest and out there.

Well, I will agree that Trump is "out there". Honest is another issue.

Oh, yeah, and he lost by 3 million votes.

Whatever he said in private 15 years ago is done and buried. Ancient times. What you don't admit is that not only is what he said the sorts of thing that most any normal guy thinks to himself or says in private, but all of the politicians you support say and do FAR WORSE, but as professional career politicians they are just more careful about concealing it.

Frankly, I've never talked about grabbing a woman by the pussy, at least not as an adult. If you think what he said is "Normal", then you probably have some serious issues with women.

Like when Obama was accidentally caught on a hot mike telling the ambassador to Russia to tell Putin to be patient, that he would be more flexible after an election that he should not have even known in advance that he would win for sure (?) and then goes on to pull the missile shield out of E. Europe, allow Putin to invade Crimea and then sell him 20% of our uranium??????

Okay, there's a lot of crazy here to unpack, so let's unpack it.

First, pulling the missile shield out of Europe was done because the technology is shit and it just provokes people.

Second, everyone understands that politicians can't make big deals in election years.

Third, the whole Uranium thing was bullshit. The Russians don't have 20% of our uranium, and international consortium that sells uranium does. And they still have to sell it to the same people.

Finally, on the Ukraine. The Ukrainians brought that mess on themselves. They were the ones who overthrew their democratically elected president who wanted closer ties to Russia instead of the EU.

Do you think that if a civil war broke out in Mexico tomorrow, we'd stand idly by?

In fact, I think Obama did too much to help the Ukraine, which is why Putin helped Trump.

I'd much rather have my president with just a healthy interest in girls than a closet bisexual dope smoker who married for political advantage because it looked better to have a black wife go on to assist in the invasion of a foreign country as a quid pro quo.

Okay, your bizarre fantasies about Obama's sexuality aside (seriously, are you taking your anti-crazy pills?) I'm not sure what Obama did to assist an invasion, exactly. Russia backed Ukrainians who wanted independence from Kiev. Obama threw sanctions on Russia for doing so, even though it wasn't really our business. And Russia backed a crazy clown for president of this country.
Oh, yeah, and he lost by 3 million votes.

We don't vote on popular vote, if we did, he would have campaigned differently. Popular vote is an irrelevant measure that liberals have to use when their candidate gets their asses handed to them in the election. Popular vote would mean that the city of New York has more power than the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama combined. Nobody would say that's fair. Without Cali, Trump wins by 500,000 votes.

He won the majority of electoral votes. He is president, accept it snowflake.
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Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?

Well, she's lost a couple of contracts... So that's kind of a big deal. But do keep whining that the Poor Orange Shitgibbon got his feelings hurt. He needs a safespace. I recommend on of our fine federal prisons after he's impeached.

Keep smoking that shit. It obviously keeps you deluding yourself. Conservatives don't need "safe spaces," little whiny college liberals invented that. Liberals are the only kind that need their own private space to try to block out all of the conflicts in their ideology because they don't hold up under examination, just as HERE, when all the liberals cannot win on facts so resort to denying them, changing wording and attacking the messenger. No safe spaces here either, bub.

Kathy Griffin, just another f---cked up liberal who could not help show what she was really about and wanted to join in. Welcome to the new face of the democratic party! Sad, pathetic and despondent !

Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 9.59.44 AM.jpg
What can I say? Trump won because he is honest and out there.

Well, I will agree that Trump is "out there". Honest is another issue.

Oh, yeah, and he lost by 3 million votes.

Whatever he said in private 15 years ago is done and buried. Ancient times. What you don't admit is that not only is what he said the sorts of thing that most any normal guy thinks to himself or says in private, but all of the politicians you support say and do FAR WORSE, but as professional career politicians they are just more careful about concealing it.

Frankly, I've never talked about grabbing a woman by the pussy, at least not as an adult. If you think what he said is "Normal", then you probably have some serious issues with women.

Like when Obama was accidentally caught on a hot mike telling the ambassador to Russia to tell Putin to be patient, that he would be more flexible after an election that he should not have even known in advance that he would win for sure (?) and then goes on to pull the missile shield out of E. Europe, allow Putin to invade Crimea and then sell him 20% of our uranium??????

Okay, there's a lot of crazy here to unpack, so let's unpack it.

First, pulling the missile shield out of Europe was done because the technology is shit and it just provokes people.

Second, everyone understands that politicians can't make big deals in election years.

Third, the whole Uranium thing was bullshit. The Russians don't have 20% of our uranium, and international consortium that sells uranium does. And they still have to sell it to the same people.

Finally, on the Ukraine. The Ukrainians brought that mess on themselves. They were the ones who overthrew their democratically elected president who wanted closer ties to Russia instead of the EU.

Do you think that if a civil war broke out in Mexico tomorrow, we'd stand idly by?

In fact, I think Obama did too much to help the Ukraine, which is why Putin helped Trump.

I'd much rather have my president with just a healthy interest in girls than a closet bisexual dope smoker who married for political advantage because it looked better to have a black wife go on to assist in the invasion of a foreign country as a quid pro quo.

Okay, your bizarre fantasies about Obama's sexuality aside (seriously, are you taking your anti-crazy pills?) I'm not sure what Obama did to assist an invasion, exactly. Russia backed Ukrainians who wanted independence from Kiev. Obama threw sanctions on Russia for doing so, even though it wasn't really our business. And Russia backed a crazy clown for president of this country.

s0n..........Spambot here needs to provide you with a political compass.:2up:

Firstly, your fakery might resonate with one of those man-on the street idiots but this forum is filled with people who don't possess the political IQ of a handball. Which means they don't fall for the fakery "he lost by 3 million votes" crap. Why? Because the common USMB poster knows its only because of California and New York which are currently politically null in the electoral process which will never, ever change. In other words, the 3 million are politically irrelevant.

In the meantime s0n.........have you been able to find ANYTHING meaningful in your life? Hey.....its a concern of board members in here who are afraid you might snap with that stoopid-post count total!!:bye1: Has all the earmarks of a bonifide nutter.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Had this been done to Obama they already would have been arrested for a hate crime, why is she still walking around free?

If Kathy Griffin actually beheaded Donald Trump, I think she should be arrested

Otherwise it is just a lame joke
Oh, yeah, and he lost by 3 million votes.

More twisted liberal garbage. Quit trying to round up to the nearest million! Trump WON by 36 electoral votes, the only ones that matter in an election where you need at least 270. Trump CRUSHED her because he ran a campaign to win according to the system in place not some fantasy you hold! Here, read this straight from Snopes:

If the election was decided by the popular vote, than we would be swearing in a President Hillary Clinton.

But that’s not how it works. And — as he has said many time — if Donald Trump was campaigning for the popular vote, rather than the electoral vote, he would have campaigned much differently.

But he didn’t and Hillary’s margin of victory in that state (California) was 4.3 million votes — or 61.5 percent

And therein lies the rub.

The purpose of the Electoral College is to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections…


Hillary's problem was that she was enormously popular------ but only in just a few highly populated metropolitan areas!

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Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
She was fired.

Kathy Griffin will see her career vanish over this. Liberals are not that forgiving

While a Conservative like Ted Nugent, who has said similar things, gets a White House invitation...........Griffin will see her gigs and endorsements dry up
Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?

Well, she's lost a couple of contracts... So that's kind of a big deal. But do keep whining that the Poor Orange Shitgibbon got his feelings hurt. He needs a safespace. I recommend on of our fine federal prisons after he's impeached.

That is not punishment she lost one day on CNN. Man you are really funny! So she really isn't sorry and she wasn't really punished. LOL!
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

Yes, Griffin is very sorry that people didn't find her poor joke funny. She was hoping it would resurrect a failing career. She is sorry that this joke back fired.

How was Griffin punished?
She was fired.

From what? A one night gig on CNN? You are a funny guy.
More twisted liberal garbage. Quit trying to round up to the nearest million! Trump WON by 36 electoral votes, the only ones that matter in an election where you need at least 270. Trump CRUSHED her because he ran a campaign to win according to the system in place not some fantasy you hold!

You can say that all day, but the fact is, the people said no. Pretty resoundingly. That we still have this archaic system that doesn't function from the 18th century really doesn't get you much.

Trump's approval rating has been underwater from the day he started... because the people said- "no".
That is not punishment she lost one day on CNN. Man you are really funny! So she really isn't sorry and she wasn't really punished. LOL!

Well, it's money out of pocket, so I'd consider that punishment. But you snowflakes need your safe space.
That is not punishment she lost one day on CNN. Man you are really funny! So she really isn't sorry and she wasn't really punished. LOL!

Well, it's money out of pocket, so I'd consider that punishment. But you snowflakes need your safe space.

Yeah, whatever, I thought liberals didn't view money as that important. I guess that is another lie the left likes to float out there.

So she is out a couple hundred bucks, its not like anyone would actually tune in to watch her. A washed up has been on the same level as Sir Hillary, now they can blame others for their failures.

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