Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

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That's quite acceptable!
And so is Trumps head...listen, at the end of the day, Obama left office with a rating of 56%.....his legacy will live on in emphamy and there's nothing you, Trump or anyone can do about it, nothing. Trump if not impeached, assasinated or drop dead.....will never ever ever ever ever be remembered as a good leader...he'll be right up there with his buddies, Putin, the devil and dogs.
"folks clap for kathy not because she's funny, but because they agree with her politics. that's NOT art! humour is dead. politics killed it" - tucker

About Time! CNN Fires Kathy Griffin from NYE Show After Severed Trump Head Photo-Shoot

By Curtis Houck | May 31, 2017 | 2:27 PM EDT
On Wednesday afternoon, CNN announced that it has fired far-left lewd comedienne Kathy Griffin from her long-running New Year’s Eve show after Griffin took a page from ISIS’s playbook 24 hours earlier by holding up a bloodied (but fake) severed head pretending to be President Trump.


If you go to her show don't forget to bring eggs, otherwise
do like the left, boycott the beatch...
Her wide open mouth looks like a perfect holster
Wanna throw that one out Colbert?
Was it anything like this...?

See when you take someone's original thought and try to use it against them, it is not clever
It shows you are incapable of developing your own original thoughts,
Thank you for showing yourself to us that way

Fawn is certainly not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag.
And these are the people who think they know how it should be

About Time! CNN Fires Kathy Griffin from NYE Show After Severed Trump Head Photo-Shoot

By Curtis Houck | May 31, 2017 | 2:27 PM EDT
On Wednesday afternoon, CNN announced that it has fired far-left lewd comedienne Kathy Griffin from her long-running New Year’s Eve show after Griffin took a page from ISIS’s playbook 24 hours earlier by holding up a bloodied (but fake) severed head pretending to be President Trump.


If you go to her show don't forget to bring eggs, otherwise
do like the left, boycott the beatch...
Her wide open mouth looks like a perfect holster
Wanna throw that one out Colbert?
Was it anything like this...?

See when you take someone's original thought and try to use it against them, it is not clever
It shows you are incapable of developing your own original thoughts,
Thank you for showing yourself to us that way

Fawn is certainly not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag.
5 shekels says you don't even have a clue why WEATHER53 is a retard....
Breaking Update

KATHY GRIFFIN TRAUMATIZES 11 Year-Old Barron Trump Who Thought Disgusting Image Was His Dad!

Barron needs to stop being such a Snowflake

He needs to go big game hunting with his brothers so that a little blood doesn't traumatize him so much
Anyone tell you that you're. An idiot today? No? Well I'm telling you now.
It was a natural reaction from Kathy Griffin

Suppose you were walking down the street and saw Trump's head lying on the sidewalk......would you kick it into the gutter or pick it up?
Another idiot,
It was a natural reaction from Kathy Griffin

Suppose you were walking down the street and saw Trump's head lying on the sidewalk......would you kick it into the gutter or pick it up?
did you think that up all. by yourself?
Deport her immediately

Sorry but you'll have to revoke the First Amendment first.

You little cupcakes really need to get a grip. Or are you saying Ted Nugent should be deported for threatening the life of a president?


Didn't think so.

You idiots should be grateful for libs. Without us, you silly twerps would go extinct.


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That wasn't funny. Too many victims have actually lost their heads and it's not only not funny to murder the President, it's disrespectful to ISIS victims all over the world.
Jesus. I don't think she should go to prison, but she needs to get taken to task for this one.
Amen to this. If she can't be given a jail sentence, community service should be what is dumped on her plate.

God bless you always!!!


A jail sentence?

You RWNJs really need to be careful what you wish for.


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While I find it tasteless and disgusting, she should not be arrested for this. I would support the Secret Service questioning her, as they did with Terry Jones in 2012 when he hung an Obama likeness:


Pastor Terry Jones Places Hanging Obama Effigy with Gay Pride Flag Outside Gainesville Church: VIDEO - Towleroad

And there were many more like this,min luring Ted Nugent. Can't remember if idiot Palin included the president on her map of targets.

The right is quick to call the left "triggered snowflakes" who are too c, but look what happens when it's the other way around.

Poor little RW cupcakes are in full meltdown.


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She should NOT be arrested.

Simply beheaded.

I just wonder what Kathie would think if someone took a picture of what appeared to be someone holding her blood-soaked head and sent it to HER? And her 10 year old found it and thought it was real. I wonder if Kathie would find that funny or see the humor in it? Of course she wouldn't and such stunts always come from the Left such as the "humor" of Stephen Colbert on the Tonight Show because if the Right did it to THEM, talked about them like that, sent them such pictures, they not only wouldn't find it funny, they would be appalled. To the Left, it is only funny or justified when applied to the Right.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Had this been done to Obama they already would have been arrested for a hate crime, why is she still walking around free?
Had this been done to Obama they already would have been arrested for a hate crime, why is she still walking around free?

It would have been interesting if some black rapper or George Lopez himself had performed the same stunt with Obama. BTW, low-class wailing from Trump though. Barron was in roped in to act traumatized. There are far more provocative posts on Trump if anyone had cared to look.
Actually he did neither. That is just more spin by the Left. He was having a private conversation almost 15 years ago that was recorded without his knowledge or approval talking in part about how beauty contestants will let you do anything to them that the Libs found and dug up.

Uh, that's not what he said. Go back and listen to what he said. The very fact that he says shit like this makes him unfit to serve.

And the thing about the disability guy, Trump was doing the same gestures he always uses when he catches someone vacillating like a deer in the headlights!

Yeah, he just happened to do that mocking a guy who has cerebral palsy.
Your side does it: It's evil, you must be punished, apologize

My side does it: It's no big deal, quit whining, get over it

Seriously: Are we really supposed to believe ANYTHING partisan ideologues say at this point, or this is all just a big goof?

Except Ms. Griffin has apologized and was punished... so what's your problem again.

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