Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

her career is already tanking!


Her career is tanking?

To be honest, I had no idea who she even was before this.

Last time I saw her was in the 90's when she was on a Seinfeld episode playing a stupid, annoying, brainless idiot. In other words, acting normal as any liberal. When she is eventually invited onto the Stephen Colbert Show, she will get a standing ovation as one of their heroes.
her career is already tanking!


Her career is tanking?

To be honest, I had no idea who she even was before this.

Last time I saw her was in the 90's when she was on a Seinfeld episode playing a stupid, annoying, brainless idiot. In other words, acting normal as any liberal. When she is eventually invited onto the Stephen Colbert Show, she will get a standing ovation as one of their heroes.
I despised her in that Seinfeld episode. It was on the other night.
it did a decade ago. this is more like a very late curtain call she's trying to squeeze in.

Excellent point. She got her name in the news for the first time in a decade. Now she will be able to sell out at Berkeley and the Democratic National Convention. Anyone decent already disliked and shunned her
she will be the guest speaker for the next anti-fa rally and trash cans are gonna get it good this time!
I don't give a shit if she apologies or loses gigs. Who cares? She's still the same person.

The is the Regressive Left. They'd LOVE to see Trump's head on a stick, it's who they are. They're consumed by hate.

She'll get standing ovations at her next shows. And we move on.

Yes, when you talk about grabbing pussies and mocking disabled reporters, you are going to get a lot of hate.

Actually he did neither. That is just more spin by the Left. He was having a private conversation almost 15 years ago that was recorded without his knowledge or approval talking in part about how beauty contestants will let you do anything to them that the Libs found and dug up. And the thing about the disability guy, Trump was doing the same gestures he always uses when he catches someone vacillating like a deer in the headlights! Just as he said Kelly had blood coming out of wherever, meaning her ears, and they spun that to imply he meant her pussy. Just as he never called all Mexicans rapists and murderers--- he said that the problem was murderers and rapists coming in over the border. Just more liberal spin. watch this:

Oh come on....she's a comedian.

And sometimes she is funny.

I wonder if she meant to look that old in that picture.

From what I recall, she's had a lot of work done to keep her age.
My take is Kathy Griffin demonstrated to the world the real heart and soul of the Democrat party. A party that wants to overthrow the elected government of the United States, and publicly behead the president. Kathy is technically an insurrectionist
Oh come on....she's a comedian.

And sometimes she is funny.

I wonder if she meant to look that old in that picture.

From what I recall, she's had a lot of work done to keep her age.

I've never seen her be funny. But then I never got the whole Lewis Black "Hate is Hilarious" thing that the leftists love.Kathy Griffin is about as funny as a Nazi Death camp.
My take is Kathy Griffin demonstrated to the world the real heart and soul of the Democrat party. A party that wants to overthrow the elected government of the United States, and publicly behead the president. Kathy is technically an insurrectionist

She's a left-winger.
The democrats under the comforting umbrella of Barry Obama have taken off their clothes feeling totally vindicated and protected. They have let the world at last see them for what they really think, what they really are. And it cost them the election, if not the last three. Even Hillary could not resist saying what she really thought of half the people in this country at the expense of the election. But they have come out of the closet and they like it! They don't want to go back in. This thing with Griffin is just the latest example of Obama and Holder trash talking the police, allowing riots, defending criminals; I'm sure Kathy thought this picture was going to get her big laughs and approval! It probably will, but not in the way she expected.

Liberals hate non-liberals. They really don't feel you have a place on this earth, and your difference of opinion has no validity nor right to even be heard. They really are ISIS, but without the bombs------ but if they can figure out a way, they are working on it. The democratic party is the new emerging Fascist Party of the USA, but they are too ignorant to know what Fascism even is. Just look in the mirror! You are looking at a fascist!!! Being a fascist is allowing you to be free so long as you are free to act just as they tell you to. If not, they try to attack you, call you names and shut you down, take your words out of context, deny you a voice at all. They really hate to be disagreed with because they really think they are right about everything! In the end, they are all intolerant, mean-spirited mental defective little children.
I don't give a shit if she apologies or loses gigs. Who cares? She's still the same person.

The is the Regressive Left. They'd LOVE to see Trump's head on a stick, it's who they are. They're consumed by hate.

She'll get standing ovations at her next shows. And we move on.

Yes, when you talk about grabbing pussies and mocking disabled reporters, you are going to get a lot of hate.

Actually he did neither. That is just more spin by the Left. He was having a private conversation almost 15 years ago that was recorded without his knowledge or approval talking in part about how beauty contestants will let you do anything to them that the Libs found and dug up. And the thing about the disability guy, Trump was doing the same gestures he always uses when he catches someone vacillating like a deer in the headlights! Just as he said Kelly had blood coming out of wherever, meaning her ears, and they spun that to imply he meant her pussy. Just as he never called all Mexicans rapists and murderers--- he said that the problem was murderers and rapists coming in over the border. Just more liberal spin. watch this:

Oh? You have any videos of Trump flailing his arms around like that from before he mocked that disabled journalist?
When Barron Trump becomes President the revenge he will get on Democrats for what they have done to his father will be glorious.

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