Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot


And I'm sure after she heard his "Grab them by the pussy" comments, that picture makes her cringe now.

The real problem is Trump always wanted to hang with the Beautiful People.... and now they can't stand him.
Top 5 reactions to Griffin's photo:

5. Eww, blood, gross!
4. She should be arrested!
3. Typical Liberal idiot.
2. She went too far.
1. That is a disgusting head, and look is that Trump there?
Well, the Secret Service will definitely be talking to Kathie. In the meantime, I know her perfect defense---- she can say it was an obvious fake intended as a joke because had the head been made to look REAL, all that blood would have been ORANGE!!! Har!
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Basically advocating for the beheading of the president? Um of course she should have already been arrested. At the very least if not kept incarcerated for acts of terrorism, the FBI should watch her every move making sure her life is turned into a surveillance hell going forward until the day she dies just like any other suspected terrorist. It's high time she and other Hollywood celebs learn their actions can have consequences and they themselves are not beyond reproach. Even has-beens who are maybe just trying to make headlines to reignite their dead careers should not be given leeway especially in serious matters such as this.
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The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


Arrested? Of course not.

Shunned by every decent American? Yep.

Of course that still leaves ALL the democrats to worship her. You can be a decent American OR a democrat, never both.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


Is she famous for something?

Being a fascist kunt..

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