Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!" - Trump
I think of Barron with all this going on. Must be tough. Even if his Mom keeps most of it from him, he's got to be hearing it at school.
"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!" - Trump

Both Trump and Barron are a couple of Snowflakes

Man up! Its just a joke

I thought Trump did not care about political correctness
That wasn't funny. Too many victims have actually lost their heads and it's not only not funny to murder the President, it's disrespectful to ISIS victims all over the world.
Jesus. I don't think she should go to prison, but she needs to get taken to task for this one.

Why? She is expressing an opinion. If she actually tried to behead Trump, you might have a point.

the total US box office haul for all movies in the Friday-Monday long holiday weekend came out to $172.3 million, the lowest in 18 years, keep it up America. ram it up they're fuckin' ass's and break it off. do I hear the repo man ???
i support freedom of speech even if the speaker or message is something i dont agree with...i remember the beheadings ...the beheadings and the jumpers on 9/11 two of the most horrific sights one can have engraved on one's memory...

she most likely has made a career ending move...

the total US box office haul for all movies in the Friday-Monday long holiday weekend came out to $172.3 million, the lowest in 18 years, keep it up America. ram it up they're fuckin' ass's and break it off. do I hear the repo man ???
Oh? Name 3 good movies that came out over the last couple of weeks?
"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!" - Trump

Both Trump and Barron are a couple of Snowflakes

Man up! Its just a joke

I thought Trump did not care about political correctness
It's neither a joke nor is it funny.

There was a time when I would have been offended by such a depiction of my President

But we have entered the Trumpian Era

Political Correctness is a thing of the past. Even Trump said people are too sensitive and the political correctness is bad for the country. I have also been told that anyone who gets offended by a joke gets called something like Snowflake
Kathy Griffin to appear at a Veteran's Memorial Building June 16th

530-265-1238 Start dialing!
when these mf's go to jail, then let's talk and lets get something clear, Trump deserves a beheading...what the fuck did Obama do, but be black and not want a white bitch....some crime!!
No one should be shocked at the sick audacity of sick characters. Kathy is a hurting individual. She needs help

Can you imagine if the subject of such an outrageous visual was a liberal? Obviously, media would be unhinged and uncontained in response.
the total US box office haul for all movies in the Friday-Monday long holiday weekend came out to $172.3 million, the lowest in 18 years, keep it up America. ram it up they're fuckin' ass's and break it off. do I hear the repo man ???

So what's your point? Fewer people go to the movies these days when they can just wait for it on cable and not pay $10.00 for a bag of popcorn.
the total US box office haul for all movies in the Friday-Monday long holiday weekend came out to $172.3 million, the lowest in 18 years, keep it up America. ram it up they're fuckin' ass's and break it off. do I hear the repo man ???

So what's your point? Fewer people go to the movies these days when they can just wait for it on cable and not pay $10.00 for a bag of popcorn.

I wouldn't know. i download em and burn em free

the total US box office haul for all movies in the Friday-Monday long holiday weekend came out to $172.3 million, the lowest in 18 years, keep it up America. ram it up they're fuckin' ass's and break it off. do I hear the repo man ???
Oh? Name 3 good movies that came out over the last couple of weeks?

I can only take that as you can't even name one good movie out in the last couple of weeks.

And that is the reason for sluggish box office receipts last weekend.

Thanks for playin'. :thup:

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