Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down.

Yep. That's the face of today's left. Kill all opposition. Kill your fellow Americans. True followers of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


Who gives a fuck. You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down. The fact is that both sides are doing the same thing.

Go stick your tongue in a light socket
LOL @ libtards, buttercupping, snowflaking and triggering.

Trump is Trolling U
A view into the leftist soul:

You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down.

busybee01 is now on record for wanting to exterminate 62,985,106 Americans. Just shy of 63 million Americans. Let that sink in. An American wanting to murder about 63 million fellow citizens just because they don't worship the collectivist hive mentality. That's the level of depravity we see now on the left. 63 million murders is a number that would make Hitler blanch.
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The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


Who gives a fuck. You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down. The fact is that both sides are doing the same thing.

Go stick your tongue in a light socket

Why don't you do it. The trouble is you have your tongue so far up Trump's ass.
How do cons know it's Trump? Maybe it's Alec Baldwin and the joke is on him.

And uh, has Kathy Griffin been arrested yet? Or is this just another red wet dream cons are having that won't result in orgasm? Question that need answered and by god we need a special prosecutor, perhaps Will Farrell. And maybe Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise could help him?
A view into the leftist soul:

You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down.

busybee01 is now on record for wanting to exterminate 62,985,106 Americans. Just shy of 63 million Americans. Let that sink in. An American wanting to murder about 63 million fellow citizens just because they don't worship the collectivist hive mentality. That's the level of depravity we see now on the left. 63 million murders is a number that would make Hitler blanch.
First and foremost, fuck you. Secondly, assholes like busybee01 represent the fringe. Thirdly, there have been fringe righties on this very site espousing the same lunacy by expressing their desires to kill the millions of Liberals in the U.S. and they no more represent the right than busybee01 represents the left.
This was worse than Trump mocking a handicapped reporter? Not even close. He didn`t apologize and she shouldn`t have apologized either.

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