Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

Kathy Griffith....who?

The name of the leftists doesn't matter. This is the leftist dark soul summed up in one picture. No opposition to the totalitarian state is tolerated.

You can't un-ring a bell. Images on the Internet are forever and she knew it. She got it out there to get her name out there. Mission accomplished for a D level "entertainer". Behind the scenes, the leftists are high-fiving her.


The bigger question is how did the blood run "up" his head after it was chopped off?

If you are going with a decapitation image, at least try to be accurate. It should be dripping FROM the head, not covering it.
Because everything runs "up" to the Democrats...all the way to Washington D.C.
That's terrible. I am sure she is going to get a visit from The Secret Service in the future.
I never liked her, I thought most of her material was in bad taste. I admit I haven't watched her in years and if she is on TV, I turn the station.

From a leftist comedian, it isn't shocking, very bad taste, but I am used to left wingers showing poor taste.

She gets the backlash she deserves, the intolerant Regressives are disgusting.
Lucky she lives in the US some other countries, the bitch would have been decapitated herself for doing such a grotesque thing.:mad-61:
You can't un-ring a bell. Images on the Internet are forever and she knew it. She got it out there to get her name out there. Mission accomplished for a D level "entertainer". Behind the scenes, the leftists are high-fiving her.

You must show us someone high-fiving her.
She has always relied on shock value. But she has nothing left, no one wants to see her take off her clothes anymore so this is what she goes with. The really sad thing is she is just showing the level hate that is out there in the anti-Trump world.
Terrible taste. Never understood her following. Likely just lost her NYE gig on CNN....

She did accomplish her mission though; getting people to talk about her.
Terrible taste. Never understood her following. Likely just lost her NYE gig on CNN....

She did accomplish her mission though; getting people to talk about her.
Also, helps GOP in 2018. Average working class Americans are turned off by this bullshit.
This is awesome from cock holster to now this? Hey GOP save your money. The house and the senate will remain in GOP control. The leftwingnuts are killing off the old Dems for us. BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHA!!!!!!

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