Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

It wasn't funny and I thought insensitive to the real victims of beheading. But I find it funny the right wing are so upset when they've said worse things about Obama.

Where was the outrage from the right for this



If these folks weren't arrested than Kathy remains free.
Hope her career comes to an end. As a White person in Hollywood she must have felt the pressure from racist left to criticize the President of the United States of America and everything our nation stands for.
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. Exterminate all opposition.
It's how the leftist brain works. "Inside every leftist is a totalitarian screaming to get out."

Kathy showed us a brief ray of honesty from the left. The smarter leftists hushed her up. Can't have the true narrative out there. Might shoo away too many useful idiots.
Can't celebrities afford decent nosejobs? Or is she one of those transgender qu33rs?

No Talent Comedian Goes Too Far

"No talent"?

Wait, you actually believe somebody doing something in poor taste has something to do with their talent?

What are you, seven years old?
You can't un-ring a bell. Images on the Internet are forever and she knew it. She got it out there to get her name out there. Mission accomplished for a D level "entertainer". Behind the scenes, the leftists are high-fiving her.

No Talent Comedian Goes Too Far

"No talent"?

Wait, you actually believe somebody doing something in poor taste has something to do with their talent?

What are you, seven years old?
It was in poor taste because she is a desperate no talent has been. God you are fucking retard.
You can't un-ring a bell. Images on the Internet are forever and she knew it. She got it out there to get her name out there. Mission accomplished for a D level "entertainer". Behind the scenes, the leftists are high-fiving her.


The bigger question is how did the blood run "up" his head after it was chopped off?

If you are going with a decapitation image, at least try to be accurate. It should be dripping FROM the head, not covering it.

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