Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

Kathy Griffin was always an ugly, screechy, shrill, unfunny, vulture of a celebrity. I'm not surprised; bloodthirsty violence is the only language their Skittle-sized, subhuman shit-for-brains liberals can understand.

Greg Giraldo: "Thank you, Tranny Bonaduce.....Kathy, you've been stitched up a thousand times and you're still sad to look at; you're like the AIDS quilt."

Joan Rivers: "Kathy Griffin, do you know what you are darling? You're a thief; you stole my act, you stole my gays and you stole the face of the Burger King! I'm not happy about this."

I know it's a roast, but there is sometimes a lot of truth in kidding around. RIP to both Giraldo & Rivers.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.

Arrested? Absolutely not. She still has freedom of speech. Kicked off TV and shunned and ridiculed by the public, absolutely.
Not funny!

But more upsetting.....not accurate! Why is the blood all over his face? The blood would drain down from his neck stump and flow to the ground, leaving his rapidly-paling orange face relatively clean!
Chelsea Clinton tweeted about said. It was disgusting and vile.
Kathy's response is "It's art."
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


She's in deep shit with the hardcore Muslim terror community and probably, herself, targeted for stoning to death having posed without thout her burqa! Maybe first flogged because she didn't have her father or other close male relative with her. Unless......
Kathy Griffin was always an ugly, screechy, shrill, unfunny, vulture of a celebrity. I'm not surprised; bloodthirsty violence is the only language their Skittle-sized, subhuman shit-for-brains liberals can understand.

Greg Giraldo: "Thank you, Tranny Bonaduce.....Kathy, you've been stitched up a thousand times and you're still sad to look at; you're like the AIDS quilt."

Joan Rivers: "Kathy Griffin, do you know what you are darling? You're a thief; you stole my act, you stole my gays and you stole the face of the Burger King! I'm not happy about this."

I know it's a roast, but there is sometimes a lot of truth in kidding around. RIP to both Giraldo & Rivers.
Apparently "the gays" have no taste.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


She's in deep shit with the hardcore Muslim terror community and probably, herself, targeted for stoning to death having posed without thout her burqa! Maybe first flogged because she didn't have her father or other close male relative with her. Unless......
She is also in to gay rights. She would be stoned without thought.
In short..she is an idiot.
Kathy Griffin was always an ugly, screechy, shrill, unfunny, vulture of a celebrity. I'm not surprised; bloodthirsty violence is the only language their Skittle-sized, subhuman shit-for-brains liberals can understand.

Greg Giraldo: "Thank you, Tranny Bonaduce.....Kathy, you've been stitched up a thousand times and you're still sad to look at; you're like the AIDS quilt."

Joan Rivers: "Kathy Griffin, do you know what you are darling? You're a thief; you stole my act, you stole my gays and you stole the face of the Burger King! I'm not happy about this."

I know it's a roast, but there is sometimes a lot of truth in kidding around. RIP to both Giraldo & Rivers.
Apparently "the gays" have no taste.

No, they don't. Gays are so shallow, childish and immature they remind me of teenage girls on their first peroid. I don't hate gays for their turn-ons, I hate them for their crybaby, attention whore, sniveling crybaby attitude.
She is an idiot, thinking only of her own woes about Trump being POTUS. She didn't give thought to those she has helped (lgbt) or the fallout it would cause to THEM and anyone else that supported her over the years. She fucked up and knew it BEFORE she did it...and didn't care.
She's being shocking just for the sake of being shocking and to get attention...congrats OP you have helped her accomplish her goal.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


I am not sure she can be arrested for this (something you would have applauded if it was President Obama) but it is disgusting, inappropriate and she should be shunned/banned, etc for it.

I don't approve of Trump but don't go around doing crap like this.
She's doing a great job making liberals look sane.


All the looney libs on this message board should be outraged and humiliated by this shit.

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