Should She Be Arrested? Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump In Shocking Photo Shoot

I found this online it's not nice but she deserves to be mocked.

"Kathy Griffin would never survive under Sharia Law."

I found this online it's not nice but she deserves to be mocked.

"Kathy Griffin would never survive under Sharia Law."

She performs her act under protection of First Amendment...then mocks those that protect her right to do it.
While I find it tasteless and disgusting, she should not be arrested for this. I would support the Secret Service questioning her, as they did with Terry Jones in 2012 when he hung an Obama likeness:


Pastor Terry Jones Places Hanging Obama Effigy with Gay Pride Flag Outside Gainesville Church: VIDEO - Towleroad
Who is Terry Jones?
I wonder when the left will figure out that these attacks will always backfire on them.

God is with this man. He has a job to do for the people of this country, and these attacks will fail as long as he's cleaning up Obama's mess.
Yeah.....I actually do feel sorry for her......I don't like to see any human in this kind of trouble.....her career may take a huge hit.......but maybe not.....she is a lefty after all...and the rules don't apply to them....
In the end this will backfire on her stupid no talent ass.

Au contraire, mon frère. You see, leftists know how to win hearts and minds and gently sway people over to their way of thinking by intellectual persuasion. Kathy's hoisting of Trump's bloody, severed head in effigy will instantly make all conservative voters see the err of their ways and begin to march lockstep with the collectivist hive. It's pure genius on her part. This one image alone will make all conservatives quit their party and join the resistance. Every single one of them.

She needs a visit from the Secret Service no doubt beyond that she should be treated like the ignorant irrelevant Buffon she is and be ignored to go on about her is to give her the publicity she craves.

Whelp --- over 100 posts here, it would appear she got it. Would it not?
Now the stupid **** put out a video apologizing.

Fuck her.

She shouldn't have apologized . The right never apologizes for the offensive things they do. The left needs to stop apologizing.
I disagree. Liberals should always take the highroad and apologize when they're wrong. It has nothing to do it with what those on the right choose to do or not do.
She needs a visit from the Secret Service no doubt beyond that she should be treated like the ignorant irrelevant Buffon she is and be ignored to go on about her is to give her the publicity she craves.

Whelp --- over 100 posts here, it would appear she got it. Would it not?
Depends on what impact post on a message board really have. I heard some places have cancelled her shows and she has had to issue an apology maybe this little stunt didn't have the positive impact for her she thought it would.
The Left’s violent reaction to Trump has been exponentially worse than anything he has ever exhibited and this is the latest example. We all hate the idea of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood beheading people, and here Griffin is playing out that scenario. This has devolved into demonic levels.


Who gives a fuck. You Trump supporters are rabid dogs that need to be put down. The fact is that both sides are doing the same thing.

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