Should The Government Raise The Minimum Wage?

Your entire argument is juvenile, the minimum wage is meant to ensure a basic standard of living for working people, no one wants to raise it to such an unreasonable Amount, however, it does need to keep up with the cost of living.

What's unreasonable about $100 hr.? Why is that unreasonable? Stop pretending it is juvenile and answer my questions. What is a basic standard of living? Is it the same for a high school kid living at home as it is for a single mother of three? We've had the minimum wage for 82 years and it doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the cost of living. Maybe if we raise it to $100 hr. that won't be a problem, right? I would think $100 hr. could meet the cost of living for just about everyone, don't you agree?
Because that's a wage way out of whack to anyone who understands basic economics? You clearly don't. A standard of living is enough to afford an apartment without it taking more then 40% of your income, not having to rely on food stamps..

What do you mean "out of whack?" I think $100 hr. is adequate to provide a quality lifestyle to most anyone. You wouldn't need food stamps or have to worry about an apartment with that kind of money. Your standard of living would be excellent.

I don't work much now but back when I did work, my time and talent was worth $100 hr. If I couldn't make that it wasn't worth me doing. I didn't worry about how much I needed to make so that 40% of my income went to housing. I also didn't worry much about economics, it seemed to keep working just fine. So why are you so opposed to my idea of people making $100 hr.?

David is like government, just reasonable, damn it. They know what's best for us. I'm not sure why if they have the best, most reasonable answers, then why do they need to enforce their decisions with guns? That one is a poser
What are you talking about? The government is ran by the people.

Gotcha, how's the kool-aid?


It's run by people, it's clearly not run by "the people." The idea that government can make our choices for us proves that. We are running the government to force us not to do that which we can just chose not to do ourselves? You are just advocating the tyranny of the majority
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
See the issue here is that you have hired people. David has not. He has only worked for others (maybe). So he thinks, hey free money! Instead of doing this crummy job for 7/hr he can do it for 10/hr!
But you and I know that if I have to pay top wage I'm gong to hire top people, not some guy who may or may not showup on time.
You know nothing about me, first of all, and second of all, no one is using the free money argument, wages need to adjust to the cost of living or people have to rely on food stamps/etc..

So how do you get them off food stamps by denying them any job exactly, Holmes?

As for having hired people, if you had you would realize that you can't hire anyone for less than they are worth, so you proved it yourself
Because that's a wage way out of whack to anyone who understands basic economics? You clearly don't. A standard of living is enough to afford an apartment without it taking more then 40% of your income, not having to rely on food stamps..

What do you mean "out of whack?" I think $100 hr. is adequate to provide a quality lifestyle to most anyone. You wouldn't need food stamps or have to worry about an apartment with that kind of money. Your standard of living would be excellent.

I don't work much now but back when I did work, my time and talent was worth $100 hr. If I couldn't make that it wasn't worth me doing. I didn't worry about how much I needed to make so that 40% of my income went to housing. I also didn't worry much about economics, it seemed to keep working just fine. So why are you so opposed to my idea of people making $100 hr.?

David is like government, just reasonable, damn it. They know what's best for us. I'm not sure why if they have the best, most reasonable answers, then why do they need to enforce their decisions with guns? That one is a poser
What are you talking about? The government is ran by the people.

Shut the hell up, statist puke. You're a lemming and should be culled from the population, but sadly will probably live till you're a hundred.
Typical Christian.

So you're combating bigotry with a bigoted statement. Wow, well played. Not
People aren't paid what they need, they are paid what they are worth. And worth is set by free markets. No one takes a job if they can get a better one. They take the best job they can get.

This is only partially true. Simple enough, but the reality is more nuanced. People don't get paid what they are "worth," they get paid what they settle for. Wages are not the only factor that goes into a job decision. There are a great many things that can factor in.
You still didn't answer the question.
I just did.

It's a yes or no question. Do you believe the evil, greedy, corrupt rich guys at the top of the corporate ladder are simply going to volunteer to take the increase out of their own paychecks? Yes, or no?
No one is saying they're all evil or greedy. They probably wouldn't even have to take it out of their bonuses.

You can't even answer a simple question, because you realize it blows your entire argument to shit. If they're not evil and greedy, then your entire argument falls apart. The would be paying better wages all on their own accord, simply because they believe in doing so, much like Costco. On the other hand, if they are evil and greedy, they'll respond to a minimum wage increase by raising prices, among other things, must like Walmart.

You would have been better off to simply have admitted your error instead of the tap-dance routine you tried to pull.
What are you on about now? There are good and bad leaders, but we saw what happened when the MW didn't exist, some leaders of these businesses didn't pay out to there employees what they need to live a basic life.

Love your new avatar and you're right, you are a clown.

My job as an employer is to pay people what they are worth. Which I can't not do in a free market. Being worth enough to live on is their job
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
See the issue here is that you have hired people. David has not. He has only worked for others (maybe). So he thinks, hey free money! Instead of doing this crummy job for 7/hr he can do it for 10/hr!
But you and I know that if I have to pay top wage I'm gong to hire top people, not some guy who may or may not showup on time.
You know nothing about me, first of all, and second of all, no one is using the free money argument, wages need to adjust to the cost of living or people have to rely on food stamps/etc..

So how do you get them off food stamps by denying them any job exactly, Holmes?

As for having hired people, if you had you would realize that you can't hire anyone for less than they are worth, so you proved it yourself
What the heck? The MW fear mingering fails.
People aren't paid what they need, they are paid what they are worth. And worth is set by free markets. No one takes a job if they can get a better one. They take the best job they can get.

This is only partially true. Simple enough, but the reality is more nuanced. People don't get paid what they are "worth," they get paid what they settle for. Wages are not the only factor that goes into a job decision. There are a great many things that can factor in.

Bull. No one takes a job when they can get a better one. Try hiring someone who can get a better job and convince them to take lower pay from you. Good luck with that
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
See the issue here is that you have hired people. David has not. He has only worked for others (maybe). So he thinks, hey free money! Instead of doing this crummy job for 7/hr he can do it for 10/hr!
But you and I know that if I have to pay top wage I'm gong to hire top people, not some guy who may or may not showup on time.
You know nothing about me, first of all, and second of all, no one is using the free money argument, wages need to adjust to the cost of living or people have to rely on food stamps/etc..

So how do you get them off food stamps by denying them any job exactly, Holmes?

As for having hired people, if you had you would realize that you can't hire anyone for less than they are worth, so you proved it yourself
What the heck? The MW fear mingering fails.

So you are hysterically screaming that greedy employers purposely will underpay people if we let them, I'm saying bull, we have to pay people what they are worth or they won't take the job, and that's ...

... me ...

fear mongering?

:lmao: Wow, you are a clown, you're right about that
What are you on about now? There are good and bad leaders, but we saw what happened when the MW didn't exist, some leaders of these businesses didn't pay out to there employees what they need to live a basic life.

The minimum wage has existed for nearly 100 years. You're comparing two entirely different times. The economics were different, the cultural values were different. Back then, there were no child labor laws either. Do you really think that repealing child labor laws today would bring back the days of Oliver Twist? Of course not. Today's society would never tolerate it, regardless.
What are you on about now? There are good and bad leaders, but we saw what happened when the MW didn't exist, some leaders of these businesses didn't pay out to there employees what they need to live a basic life.

The minimum wage has existed for nearly 100 years. You're comparing two entirely different times. The economics were different, the cultural values were different. Back then, there were no child labor laws either. Do you really think that repealing child labor laws today would bring back the days of Oliver Twist? Of course not. Today's society would never tolerate it, regardless.

One thing that hasn't changed is it doesn't work, and never did. It's a feel good liberal policy to make liberals feel good about yourselves at the expense of others, like the rest of your policies
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
See the issue here is that you have hired people. David has not. He has only worked for others (maybe). So he thinks, hey free money! Instead of doing this crummy job for 7/hr he can do it for 10/hr!
But you and I know that if I have to pay top wage I'm gong to hire top people, not some guy who may or may not showup on time.
You know nothing about me, first of all, and second of all, no one is using the free money argument, wages need to adjust to the cost of living or people have to rely on food stamps/etc..

So how do you get them off food stamps by denying them any job exactly, Holmes?

As for having hired people, if you had you would realize that you can't hire anyone for less than they are worth, so you proved it yourself
What the heck? The MW fear mingering fails.
Funny, that's what I say whenever idiots like you shriek that people are going to starve and die if we don't give them more for not doing anything of note.
Yeah, I loved them 50 hour work weeks being paid 1 dollar an hour.. LOL.

I guess you're going to try and ignore me now? I'll add a carrot to my $100 hr. minimum wage... let's also cut the standard work week from 40 hrs. to 24 hrs. while we're at it! So that's $2400 per week minimum wage for a three-day job! Certainly a blessing to most working poor, don't you agree?

Why are you opposed to this? We can make it happen! All we have to do is vote in the right politicians and pass the right laws... or better yet, elect a president who doesn't really give a damn about separation of powers and will just fucking enact it man! It's for the good of the people!

If minimum wage were increased then Walmart employees wouldn't need to be on welfare.

Yes they would.
No, they wouldn't. Maybe in some areas with high costs of living.. Then again, I know managers at restaurants relying on food stamps.. Wages haven't been rising..
As usual you are factually wrong.
WalMart raised wages recently. And then last week announced they were cutting hours because higher wage costs were hurting profitability.
Artificially raising wages ends up hurting the very people it supposedly was helping.
Yeah, to what, 9$? Companies would never raise wages if your argument had bearing.
You prove my argument and then dismiss it. You're grossly incompetent as a debater.
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
See the issue here is that you have hired people. David has not. He has only worked for others (maybe). So he thinks, hey free money! Instead of doing this crummy job for 7/hr he can do it for 10/hr!
But you and I know that if I have to pay top wage I'm gong to hire top people, not some guy who may or may not showup on time.
You know nothing about me, first of all, and second of all, no one is using the free money argument, wages need to adjust to the cost of living or people have to rely on food stamps/etc..
I know I nailed my description of you perfectly.
Second wages do not have to adjust to anything except market demand. If you cant find engineers willing to work for 7/hr you might just have to pay more. Like 45/hr.
Yes, 10.10 is a good start.

You mean because employer will pay someone worth $7 an hour $10, we wouldn't find a worker worth $10 if we have to pay that.

You are extremely naive. Basic logic tells you that the minimum wage would never work. All you do is deny any job to the people who need it the most.

It's the inevitable result of someone, you, being generous with someone else's money
And those same people "worth" $7 were worth 2 dollars at one point.. Should we have never raised the minimum wage when the cost of living spiraled?

There should be no minimum wage. It's a hurdle, not a tide. Here's the inside scoop, Holmes. People aren't paid what they need, they are paid what they are worth. And worth is set by free markets. No one takes a job if they can get a better one. They take the best job they can get. Ditto for employers, we hire the best employee we can for what we are paying. Who'd a thunk, huh?

You are so arrogant, you think someone who is willing to accept a job for a certain wage isn't smart enough to decline it on their own, they need you to step in and do it for them. How do you get your head through doorways?
Yeah, I loved them 50 hour work weeks being paid 1 dollar an hour.. LOL.
Dont be silly. You've never worked for 50 hours a week.
I wonder if the people who want to limit a company's profitability are also willing to limit its risk. IOW, if it's incumbent on a successful company to pay high wages and taxes, society should also be willing to prop it up when profits decline.
That is the essence of Euro-socialism. They pay subsidies to "save jobs". But those jobs are unproductive and they are saved only at the expense of future jobs not yet created. That is why Euros in their 50s have decent jobs while their 20something kids still live at home.
Yeah, to what, 9$? Companies would never raise wages if your argument had bearing.

You don't seem to understand at all how the markets work. Labor is a need of every company. Companies compete for labor and talent. If your company isn't paying as much as you want, you always have the option of looking elsewhere. If another company decides they want to hire you, they have to convince you to accept a position. Of course, if you already have a job, the company that wants to hire you will have to make it worth your while. They'll be willing to pay you better than you're making now, if you convince them that your talents would bring value to their company. Your current employer understands this, and will want to avoid losing you, if you are a valuable employee. So, if they are a wise employer, will want to prevent that and will give you periodic raises, commensurate with your talents. Like anything else, the rules of supply and demand apply. If your talents are in high enough demand, you can command a higher price.

Your entire way of thinking is predicated on viewing employers as your enemy. You need to learn to see them as a client buying your services and a valuable business partner. Leverage their need against your talent, and you can always command a strong price for your services.
What are you on about now? There are good and bad leaders, but we saw what happened when the MW didn't exist, some leaders of these businesses didn't pay out to there employees what they need to live a basic life.

The minimum wage has existed for nearly 100 years. You're comparing two entirely different times. The economics were different, the cultural values were different. Back then, there were no child labor laws either. Do you really think that repealing child labor laws today would bring back the days of Oliver Twist? Of course not. Today's society would never tolerate it, regardless.

One thing that hasn't changed is it doesn't work, and never did. It's a feel good liberal policy to make liberals feel good about yourselves at the expense of others, like the rest of your policies

I wouldn't say it never worked. But it certainly is not the the road to salvation that liberals want it to be. I think the problem is the continual attempts to raise it year after year, and to rely on it exclusively as the means by which healthy income disparity is maintained. Using raises to the minimum wage to attempt better income equality is certainly a long obsolete strategy.

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