Should The Government Raise The Minimum Wage?

Plenty of wiggle room for wages.

But you're an idiot who doesn't understand business or capitalism, much less these bogus charts you keep throwing up. You're an emotive reactionary who thinks we can force capitalists to give up profits to satisfy your emotional needs. Number one, it doesn't work... Number two, your emotional needs can't ever be satisfied.

You don't know who I am.
Bogus charts? I suppose you have access to the " authentic" charts and can clear this up by simply posting them.
If you look at the bogus chart you will notice the % of GDP each represent. The truth is that raising wages always creates more growth than corporate profits ever will.
Show it. It should be easy. I'm sure there's a nice report out there that shows that clearly.

Well it's simple... Is cost of living higher or lower than it was in 1933? Has there been any point in time during that 82 years where the minimum wage provided a suitable "living wage" for people?
Plenty of wiggle room for wages.

But you're an idiot who doesn't understand business or capitalism, much less these bogus charts you keep throwing up. You're an emotive reactionary who thinks we can force capitalists to give up profits to satisfy your emotional needs. Number one, it doesn't work... Number two, your emotional needs can't ever be satisfied.

You don't know who I am.
Bogus charts? I suppose you have access to the " authentic" charts and can clear this up by simply posting them.
If you look at the bogus chart you will notice the % of GDP each represent. The truth is that raising wages always creates more growth than corporate profits ever will.

No, I don't have many charts... I have common sense and a basic understanding of free market capitalism that you don't have. I don't have any problem with raising wages through free market capitalism and laws of supply and demand. We have to create a demand for labor where we currently have an over-abundant supply of labor. Artificially raising the minimum wage to try and somehow raise wages is just plain bonehead stupid... it doesn't work. Hasn't worked for 82 years.... won't work in 82 more. It only serves to drive up prices and eliminate jobs.
Plenty of wiggle room for wages.

But you're an idiot who doesn't understand business or capitalism, much less these bogus charts you keep throwing up. You're an emotive reactionary who thinks we can force capitalists to give up profits to satisfy your emotional needs. Number one, it doesn't work... Number two, your emotional needs can't ever be satisfied.
Hey, buddy, guess what? You're wrong. "Bogus charts." Refute them.
Force capitalists? The MW has been around for many decades and this country once had massive tax rates while prospering.

Okay.. I'll refute the one above... it shows us the percentage of increase in profits and salaries compared to GDP. It doesn't show us the increase in cost to the employers in order to comply with government mandates like health care insurance and family leave. It doesn't show us the number of good paying jobs that have been outsourced or eliminated due to tax policy or other government regulations. It also doesn't indicate anything with regard to supply and demand of the market during this same time period. So it's basically a bunch of bogus misleading information, done up nicely in a chart for wannabe Commies to promote their propaganda.

You do understand that profit is revenue minus expenses right? That means the cost is already accounted for when reporting profit. It doesn't need to show anything other than what it was meant to show, the contrast between corporate profits and wages over the same period as a percentage of GDP.

But yes, your understanding of capitalism is obviously superior.
You don't know who I am.

Your'e a fucking idiot. Doesn't matter who you are.
Yes, coming from the guy who wants to kill mexican immigrants..

No, I love Mexican immigrants and want them to come here legally. I want to kill people who are invading our country illegally... they're not immigrants, they are invaders. And I only want to kill them if they violate the integrity of our wall.
Plenty of wiggle room for wages.

But you're an idiot who doesn't understand business or capitalism, much less these bogus charts you keep throwing up. You're an emotive reactionary who thinks we can force capitalists to give up profits to satisfy your emotional needs. Number one, it doesn't work... Number two, your emotional needs can't ever be satisfied.

You don't know who I am.
Bogus charts? I suppose you have access to the " authentic" charts and can clear this up by simply posting them.
If you look at the bogus chart you will notice the % of GDP each represent. The truth is that raising wages always creates more growth than corporate profits ever will.

No, I don't have many charts... I have common sense and a basic understanding of free market capitalism that you don't have. I don't have any problem with raising wages through free market capitalism and laws of supply and demand. We have to create a demand for labor where we currently have an over-abundant supply of labor. Artificially raising the minimum wage to try and somehow raise wages is just plain bonehead stupid... it doesn't work. Hasn't worked for 82 years.... won't work in 82 more. It only serves to drive up prices and eliminate jobs.

Your common sense seems a little too common. You talk a lot but say nothing and back it up with even less. There needs to be upward pressure on wages as they have been nearly flat for some time . Obviously the ' job creators' aren't interested in doing so as evidenced by the bogus chart. That leaves gov't to do it.
You don't know who I am.

Your'e a fucking idiot. Doesn't matter who you are.

Got that MW report yet Rockafella?

Already reported it. Post #142 above.

We've been raising the MW for 82 years under the promise it will provide a "decent living wage" to average Americans... For 82 years, we've seen prices go up and cost of living increase, right along with the MW. Today, we have the same empty headed morons crying for a living wage and promising we'll get there with an increase in the MW. Won't happen because it never has.
Your common sense seems a little too common. You talk a lot but say nothing and back it up with even less. There needs to be upward pressure on wages as they have been nearly flat for some time . Obviously the ' job creators' aren't interested in doing so as evidenced by the bogus chart. That leaves gov't to do it.

I've backed up every word I've said. Having "government do it" results in inflation and loss of jobs. It's been happening for 82 years and it won't ever change. If you want to increase wages, you have to increase demand for labor in a free market system, or reduce supply of labor. Nothing else will ever work. Those are the options that will work. It's not impossible to do, we've done it before. It takes the right policies and the right mindset... neither of which you possess.
You don't know who I am.

Your'e a fucking idiot. Doesn't matter who you are.

Got that MW report yet Rockafella?

Already reported it. Post #142 above.

We've been raising the MW for 82 years under the promise it will provide a "decent living wage" to average Americans... For 82 years, we've seen prices go up and cost of living increase, right along with the MW. Today, we have the same empty headed morons crying for a living wage and promising we'll get there with an increase in the MW. Won't happen because it never has.

You've shown nothing but your opinion.
So now you're saying prices and the cost of living only rise because of MW? Just as I thought. You have nothing from the last 82 years of MW that shows the types of economic calamity that will ensue if we raise the MW.
Your common sense seems a little too common. You talk a lot but say nothing and back it up with even less. There needs to be upward pressure on wages as they have been nearly flat for some time . Obviously the ' job creators' aren't interested in doing so as evidenced by the bogus chart. That leaves gov't to do it.

I've backed up every word I've said. Having "government do it" results in inflation and loss of jobs. It's been happening for 82 years and it won't ever change. If you want to increase wages, you have to increase demand for labor in a free market system, or reduce supply of labor. Nothing else will ever work. Those are the options that will work. It's not impossible to do, we've done it before. It takes the right policies and the right mindset... neither of which you possess.

Says you. Where's the report and charts that show that result for every MW increase over these 82 years?
Your common sense seems a little too common. You talk a lot but say nothing and back it up with even less. There needs to be upward pressure on wages as they have been nearly flat for some time . Obviously the ' job creators' aren't interested in doing so as evidenced by the bogus chart. That leaves gov't to do it.

I've backed up every word I've said. Having "government do it" results in inflation and loss of jobs. It's been happening for 82 years and it won't ever change. If you want to increase wages, you have to increase demand for labor in a free market system, or reduce supply of labor. Nothing else will ever work. Those are the options that will work. It's not impossible to do, we've done it before. It takes the right policies and the right mindset... neither of which you possess.

Says you. Where's the report and charts that show that result for every MW increase over these 82 years?

Already told you... I don't have charts.. I am not a propagandist trying to promote my agenda.
No, they wouldn't. Maybe in some areas with high costs of living.

If the minimum wage increases, the cost of living will go up.

Then again, I know managers at restaurants relying on food stamps.. Wages haven't been rising..

Why are they settling for low wages?
Bullshit buddy, the cost of living argument has been used against every MW increase proposal.. The cost of living goes up either way.

Wages increase even without gov't meddling in our markets. The average full-time hourly wage at Walmart is currently $13/hr ($10 for part-time), well above the federally mandated min wage. All get a $1 increase in Feb.
Leave the gov't out of this and the market will adjust.
Profit margins in Corporate America are like taxes in government. Once they have the money, they'll never relinquish it.

Another example of you thinking with your emotions and not comprehending free market capitalism. I don't know of any free market capitalist business that has ever been created with the objective of merely breaking even. Even the Amish try to make a profit on what they sell. Profits are the only real motivation for any capitalist. Companies do not exist just so they can provide something for you... or because they are just 'good people' who care only about pleasing others.

"Once they have the money" they spend it, like everyone does. The money the corporation realized from profits isn't stuffed away in some rich old fart's mattress somewhere. Most corporations turn their profits back into their businesses. Growing, expanding, creating MORE jobs and MORE profits... to which they pay MORE taxes on.

Someone posted earlier about current rates of profit for some of the major corporations and they were very modest gains... 3.6%... 4%... etc. This is kind of surprising to me, I've been out of the corporate game for a while but I didn't realize things had gotten so bad. You see, I've been in those big corporate meetings with the CEO and CFO... I know what goes on behind closed doors of Corporate America. They need a profit of 10% to show any real growth. If they are below that, people's asses are getting chewed. Things are being looked at, cost-cutting measures are put into place, and the emphasis is on creating more profit.

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