Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Why not? Everyone knows you don’t invest every cent You leave the stocks that dropped untouched while you keep working the next 10 years, at which point the stocks have recovered.

When they crashed in 2008, I was within 10 years of retirement. I did nothing. They were back at the previous peak within a couple of years.
Sounds like you a real experienced market player. (sarcasm)

Of course you kinda ignore that in 2008 the "stocks that dropped" included like...all of them

Same thing when the pandemic hit

And lots of people Sold in 2020 and tried to buy back in AFTER the market came back...of course they had locked in their losses at that point
From a MASSIVE number of people.

Stop playing stupid. People are gonna think it's not an act
Again irrelevant.

The economy would actually be fantastic because there would be more opportunity for more businesses markets will expand people will prosper.

Gee that's just awful after all the government should just keep all that money because they have proven themselves to be so fiscally responsible right?
If your portfolio tales a hit before you retire you can still retire because the bulk of the money will still be left in the market so as to claw back those losses as the market recovers.
Bullshit. Without Social Security to fall back on you are living off the sale of stocks sold low. That money is GONE. There's no way to wait for that money to produce stock gains. You SPENT it
The economy would actually be fantastic because there would be more opportunity for more businesses markets will expand people will prosper.
Again...every stock trade has a winner and a loser and the little guy is almost ALWAYS the loser
Why buy an annuity?

That's just a payday for the insurance company who issues it.
People in my family live into their mid-to-late 90s. It’s a good bet for me.

Also, I used that as an example for financial comparisons. I myself would never plunk that kind of money into an annuity. it just was to show how one would have been better off investing on his own.

The problem is that most people would NOT invest on their own, and would have spent the extra 12%. Then they would arrive at retirement with nothing. SS is really to protect irresponsible people from themselves, to the detriment of those of us who are responsible savers.
Bullshit. Without Social Security to fall back on you are living off the sale of stocks sold low. That money is GONE. There's no way to wait for that money to produce stock gains. You SPENT it

Because the market will NOT stay at that low point forever and you do not take ALL your money out the day you retire
People in my family live into their mid-to-late 90s. It’s a good bet for me.

Also, I used that as an example for financial comparisons. I myself would never plunk that kind of money into an annuity. it just was to show how one would have been better off investing on his own.

The problem is that most people would NOT invest on their own, and would have spent the extra 12%. Then they would arrive at retirement with nothing. SS is really to protect irresponsible people from themselves, to the detriment of those of us who are responsible savers.
you can do the exact same thing without giving money to an insurance company
It wouldn't be DUMPING

It would be small regular contributions monthly.

My god are you really that dumb

And no there is not a loser on every trade. You still think investing is gambling that's your own ignorance holding you back.
Yes….some of these people really ARE that dumb. It is for them that SS is needed.
Again...every stock trade has a winner and a loser and the little guy is almost ALWAYS the loser
Still wrong.

No body lost anything when I sold shares of one company to buy shares of another.

I bet you think that if one person get a raise in pay that everyone else has to take a pay cut to balance it out too right?
No body lost anything when I sold shares of one company to buy shares of another.
Didn't you just tell us you don't play in the market?

Enough of your bullshit.

Privatizing Social Security is an incredibly BAD idea and we have had several JARRING examples of why in just the last decade and a half
Social Security is a flat rate-funded retirement system which essentially screws middle income workers by requiring full payment for reduced benefits. This allows for increased benefits for low income workers and a tax cap/exemption for high income workers.

Of course this unwarranted exemption should be eliminated, but there is an even bigger SS tax loophole that should be addressed: Social Security taxes are only applied to "earned" income, not other income such as dividends and short-term capital gains. This is what allowed Warren Buffet to infamously claim that he paid less taxes than his secretary.

However, the biggest elephant in the room is Medicare/Medicaid (or whatever other euphemisms are in vogue to explain the insane amount of money we spend on medical care for the elderly). Should heroic treatment for terminally ill patients, with only the hope of extending their lives a few weeks or months, be a guaranteed right? To what end can these financially ruinous means be justified?
So you are for rationing health care to the elderly because they "MIGHT" live only a month longer as if anyone is a mind reader into the end of someone's life time or life span ? I don't want to be that person to determine such a thing or make a judgement on such a thing and be wrong about it. I have stood on the side line's, and watched as elderly people in my family looked to be laying upon their death bed's, and then saw family members fight for them regardless of what the doctor or hospital said, as they miraculously became well again to live on some years afterwards.

In fact my mother-in-law is one of those family members. She was on her death bed at the hospital, terminally ill, talking out of her head, diagnosed with a killer condition over 5 years ago, and my wife said no to the DNR band that the hospital wanted to place on her rist among other things. Well 5 years later she is doing great, living with us, and petting her loving animal's that she has with a big ole smile. Can't give up on your folks dude.

You are correct that we should shift funding from ridiculous bull crap, and make sure that the elderly are taken care of. It's the moral thing to do above all else. Abandoning the elderly is a sin I believe, and let's hope it's not an unforgivable sin.
you can do the exact same thing without giving money to an insurance company
A little sidebar discussion here:

My plan is to take $135,000* out of my IRA, at age 72 when RMDs start, and put it into a deferred annuity. That reduces the amount I have to withdraw, just lowering taxes, and it will start paying out at 82, around the time I may have to move to a retirement community. That payout, together with SS, will cover close to the base amount of the retirement apartment. Whatever happens, my basic expenses are covered.

The rest of my investments, with is the bulk of it, will remain invested. And because my basic expenses are covered, I can be more aggressive than otherwise.

No good?

* current maximum allowed
Didn't you just tell us you don't play in the market?

Enough of your bullshit.

Privatizing Social Security is an incredibly BAD idea and we have had several JARRING examples of why in just the last decade and a half
WOW you must really like displaying your ignorance.

I sold some stock I held for 10 plus years to buy more of another stock I have held for almost 20 years.

That ain'tt playing the market that is a LONG TERM strategy adjustment
A little sidebar discussion here:

My plan is to take $135,000 out of my IRA, at age 72 when RMDs start, and put into into a deferred annuity. That reduces the amount I have to withdraw, just lowering taxes, and it will start paying out at 82, around the time I may have to move to a retirement community. That payout, together with SS, will cover close to the base amount of the retirement apartment. Whatever happens, my basic expenses are covered.

The rest of my investments, with is the bulk of it, will remain invested. And because my basic expenses are covered, I can be more aggressive than otherwise.

No good?
"Together with SS"
A little sidebar discussion here:

My plan is to take $135,000* out of my IRA, at age 72 when RMDs start, and put it into a deferred annuity. That reduces the amount I have to withdraw, just lowering taxes, and it will start paying out at 82, around the time I may have to move to a retirement community. That payout, together with SS, will cover close to the base amount of the retirement apartment. Whatever happens, my basic expenses are covered.

The rest of my investments, with is the bulk of it, will remain invested. And because my basic expenses are covered, I can be more aggressive than otherwise.

No good?

* current maximum allowed
if it's IRA money put into an annuity you are still subject to required minimum withdrawals because the annuity will be treated like an IRA. Unless you want to pay the taxes on the 135K

You can't hide any tax deferred money from the government
if it's IRA money put into an annuity you are still subject to required minimum withdrawals because the annuity will be treated like an IRA.

You can't hide any tax deferred money from the government
Oh, you’re right….I can’t defer. It’s got to be in an immediate annuity. (I will research more as I come within a few years of 72). But the basic still applies: I will have a guarantee that my guaranteed income will cover the retirement apartment, freeing me up to be more fully invested with the rest.

Also, I could do the same thing with a CD, but the annuity pays more because part of the return is principal. With a great-grandfather, grandmother, father, and uncle who lived to mid-to-late 90s, it‘s a good bet for me.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.

Nice try though.

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