Should the Trump family and admin volunteer to test proven COVID vaccines? (Poll)

Should Trump family & admin officials volunteer to take COVID vaccines to prove safe & effective?

  • Yes, it also protects the US government from widespread infection

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No, because...

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters

Here is what the guy said:


"Yes, my compatriots, it turns out this infection may strike even twice," Kara-Ool said. "I'm back here at the hospital for infectious diseases. It's COVID-19 again. I have been infected for a second time."

Kara-Ool said the disease was different for him the second time. He said it was not affecting his lungs as it had in May, but rather, the blood vessels in his head.

"Very strong headaches. But it's no problem. I must survive," he said.

His announcement comes after scientists in Hong Kong this week reported the first confirmed case of a coronavirus reinfection -- saying a man there became ill with COVID-19 for a second time more than four months after doctors had declared he'd recovered from the disease.


Well covid-19 can not possibly get into the blood stream or have anything at all to do with the blood vessels in his head.
But the way the immune system works, is that it starts to produce antibodies of some sort.
And antibodies often do some damage to the body as well as the invading virus.
So of course you can get headaches from your immune system.
But that is NOT being caused by the virus.
It is a side effect of your immunity.
Fever is also a side effect of your immune system.
Did you think a virus could regulate your temperature, and would want to die from the heat?
Of course not.
Your immune system creates a fever to kill invading pathogens.
Just too bad a fever does not kill covid-19 because it adapted to heat from flying bats.
Maybe, President Trump has taken the vaccine, and he had a bad reaction to it.

Can you cite a source for that?
It's just a theory I generated in response to the opening argument that the Trump family should be the recipients of vaccine trials. Why would they announce the trial if it is possible that they have a "bad reaction?" Why are you asking for a source, my statement using the term, "maybe," should suggest that I am merely conjuring a possibility???

I am not an imbecile - I am the epitome of the independent critical thinker that those who claim to be independent critical thinkers.

Then again maybe you're spreading bs like always.
It is just a theory I conjured - I never implied it was fact.

A quick review of your latest posts suggests that you have difficulty composing reasoned arguments, and are inclined to issue insults to those you disagree with. There is something wrong with you.

This is the guy who you should be questioning for a source.
No, because he has already had the virus. Hydroxycholorquinine, Azithromycin, and a zinc supplement.
How does he conjure all of that???
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