Should the US be Communist?

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Quoting Billy Madison only works if you use it properly.

seemed to work there

Then I suggest you try to understand what the quote means.
I vote yes. The amount of corruption and unilateralism of this joke we call democracy needs to be fixed. None of these candidates are qualified as they are mostly puppets being run by individuals behind the scene for the better good of small minority. Communism would allow for the middle class to rule once again.

Communism would hurt the middle class, as the failed Russian experiment proved. No, well regulated Capitalism proved itself the best system following WWII, and will again if we remove big money out of politics and get back to what worked well for America in the past.
So you didn't just say:

What exactly is thinning out the population to you if it's not killing each other?

I was referring to earlier conversations we've had -- like your libertarianism vs. my social democratism.

So because you were referring to an earlier conversation advocating "thinning out the population" through war is somehow not advocating the killing of each other?

Look, sometimes I post things to be cynical. It's somewhat exasperating how difficult it is for our society to agree on anything, which is why we end up with a lot of shitty compromises in policy.

So, basically, what I said about the civil war thing was just my way of letting off steam. I just sometimes wonder if the only way forward requires something like that to happen.

As things currently go, we're just slowly declining as the system gets more corrupt and we fail to adapt to globalization the way we should.

As a society, we're resting on our laurels as the developing world catches up and learns how to play the game better than we do.

That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying I like the possibility of us having a civil war. I'm just saying that things will probably have to get much worse before they get better.
Should the US be Communist?

Fuck no.

But the parasites vote early and often.

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

I believe it is far more comical that all of you took this individual seriously and not the fact that he is just getting a rise out of all of you.. bravo :clap2:

So the question I have to wonder is who is more foolish... the provider who brings a plate of sh-- to the table or all of you who ate it?
I believe it is far more comical that all of you took this individual seriously and not the fact that he is just getting a rise out of all of you.. bravo :clap2:

So the question I have to wonder is who is more foolish... the provider who brings a plate of sh-- to the table or all of you who ate it?

and it only took 5 pages
Communism, as practiced by everybody that tried it, failed, and failed miserably. Like most 'pure' ideologies, it's failure was in the rigidity of it's 'ideals'. Now we see the same kind of rigidity in the 'ideals' of the present 'Conservatives' in the US. Should they get power, the results will be just as dismal.

So which of these policies will destroy the nation?

1) Lower taxes
2) Living within our means
3) Individual liberty and responsibility
4) ending unconstitutional government programs
5) living by the constitution

Add a solid monetary policy to that list, I will support it.
I vote yes. The amount of corruption and unilateralism of this joke we call democracy needs to be fixed. None of these candidates are qualified as they are mostly puppets being run by individuals behind the scene for the better good of small minority. Communism would allow for the middle class to rule once again.

Communism doesn't work.

So without question.

Absolutely not.

Now if only we could convince the President...

Convince him of what?
Communism, as practiced by everybody that tried it, failed, and failed miserably. Like most 'pure' ideologies, it's failure was in the rigidity of it's 'ideals'. Now we see the same kind of rigidity in the 'ideals' of the present 'Conservatives' in the US. Should they get power, the results will be just as dismal.

So which of these policies will destroy the nation?

1) Lower taxes
2) Living within our means
3) Individual liberty and responsibility
4) ending unconstitutional government programs
5) living by the constitution

What parts of the constitution explicitly provide for 1-4. You guys really don't know what the fuck you are talking about, do you?
Communism, as practiced by everybody that tried it, failed, and failed miserably. Like most 'pure' ideologies, it's failure was in the rigidity of it's 'ideals'. Now we see the same kind of rigidity in the 'ideals' of the present 'Conservatives' in the US. Should they get power, the results will be just as dismal.

So which of these policies will destroy the nation?

1) Lower taxes
2) Living within our means
3) Individual liberty and responsibility
4) ending unconstitutional government programs
5) living by the constitution

Add a solid monetary policy to that list, I will support it.

Communism, as practiced by everybody that tried it, failed, and failed miserably. Like most 'pure' ideologies, it's failure was in the rigidity of it's 'ideals'. Now we see the same kind of rigidity in the 'ideals' of the present 'Conservatives' in the US. Should they get power, the results will be just as dismal.

So which of these policies will destroy the nation?

1) Lower taxes
2) Living within our means
3) Individual liberty and responsibility
4) ending unconstitutional government programs
5) living by the constitution

What parts of the constitution explicitly provide for 1-4. You guys really don't know what the fuck you are talking about, do you?

that seems like a silly question to me. The Constitution clearly authorizes taxing and spending. It clearly spells out individual liberties that people are given.

The idea that we somehow can't lower taxes, live within our means, accept responsibility for our actions and elimiante corruption unless the method is specifically spelled out in the Constitution makes little to no sense.
I vote yes. The amount of corruption and unilateralism of this joke we call democracy needs to be fixed. None of these candidates are qualified as they are mostly puppets being run by individuals behind the scene for the better good of small minority. Communism would allow for the middle class to rule once again.

Communism, again, no thanks!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Communism's 100 Million Victims

Communism's 100 Million Victims
So which of these policies will destroy the nation?

1) Lower taxes
2) Living within our means
3) Individual liberty and responsibility
4) ending unconstitutional government programs
5) living by the constitution

What parts of the constitution explicitly provide for 1-4. You guys really don't know what the fuck you are talking about, do you?

that seems like a silly question to me. The Constitution clearly authorizes taxing and spending. It clearly spells out individual liberties that people are given.

The idea that we somehow can't lower taxes, live within our means, accept responsibility for our actions and elimiante corruption unless the method is specifically spelled out in the Constitution makes little to no sense.

It doesn't advocate for lower taxes, it advocates for paying our debts. It gives the government the means to do so. It sets NO LIMITS on that. None. And yes, it also sets up indivdual liberties and restricts government from encroaching on those. It also makes government responsible for the general welfare of the nation and to regulate commerce.

So for the most part..1-4 have nothing to do with the Constitution. In the slightest.

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