Should victims of crime prevail in suits against cities?

We had the Age of Aquarius then the Age of Accumulation now we're smack dab in the middle of the Age of Litigation.......
I think citizens of Ferguson and Baltimore have negligence suits against their cities for basically telling cops to stand down, but vagrants are part of living in New York and few commit murder each year.
This story really has me scratching my head. A family of a murder victim has found an attorney willing to file a wrongful death lawsuit vs the City of New York. The suit claims the NYC Housing Authority "should have known" that a vagrant on the property was in essence going to commit a violent crime.
Have at it folks.....
City: Murder victim should have known ‘risks’ of public housing

Was the Public Housing a "Gun Free Zone." If so, then yes. They denied that person their Constitutional Right to carry a weapon for self defense....they should sue their asses off......

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