Should we as a country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Every country has its bad moments. It should be faced as it was. Feelings about it are useless. Understanding what went on, how it affected the politics of the time and the costs of ending it are useful studies.

You don't emote over things. You learn from them and then study how not to be stupid in the future.

Far more useful would be to get a good understanding of what went wrong with the Japanese internment, and make sure that never happens again.

Japanese internment. Hmm. We learned so much from that. Ask any Muslim living in America post 9/11. Remember how they were treated back then?

Nothing on the level of what happened to the Japanese
be embarrassed by our past slavery days? Looking back on those times, isn't it a little embarrassing as a nation?

I am not saying we should apologize to anyone, I am talking about being embarrassed about what happened HERE. (I dont care about other nations right now, this is about the USA).

We cant look back at those days and be proud. Can we?
Africans should be even more ashamed of enslaving and then selling their own people to us !!!


what we really should be embarrassed by

We should thank whatever deity of choice that we are so much better than those few.
be embarrassed by our past slavery days? Looking back on those times, isn't it a little embarrassing as a nation?

I am not saying we should apologize to anyone, I am talking about being embarrassed about what happened HERE. (I dont care about other nations right now, this is about the USA).

We cant look back at those days and be proud. Can we?

No.... I did nothing wrong.

Besides, every culture is guilty of slavery and every nation has a history of slavery...

Why does the US have to be placed under the microscope anyways?? It's not exactly like US slavery was the most brutal...
be embarrassed by our past slavery days? Looking back on those times, isn't it a little embarrassing as a nation?

I am not saying we should apologize to anyone, I am talking about being embarrassed about what happened HERE. (I dont care about other nations right now, this is about the USA).

We cant look back at those days and be proud. Can we?

what happened was back then, how bout you try living in the here and now
are you people EVER proud of this country?
Which country ? murka ? Only an idiot would be proud of murka.
They did make some kick ass cars back in the day !
Americans (notice the A) invented many incredible things and even more horrific things.
Other than that.....It's a war mongering, consumerist, drug addicted, piece of shit.......with great blood and guts movies to de-sensitize idiots like you.
[ame=]Native Americans - The Genocide of the Genuine Americans - YouTube[/ame]
Here and now ? You're nothing more than slaves to IsNtReal. Did you take FreeDumb to Iran yet ? I avoid Faux Nooz.
It is part of our history. Any nation has positive and negative aspects. The US embraced slavery as an answer to it's economic problems. There was money to br made, and slavery was a pool of cheap labor

If it was not for Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, slavery would have disappeared on it's own
It is part of our history. Any nation has positive and negative aspects. The US embraced slavery as an answer to it's economic problems. There was money to br made, and slavery was a pool of cheap labor

If it was not for Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, slavery would have disappeared on it's own

Slavery had absolutely nothing to do with economic problems..

Slavery was the norm for 50,000 years...

The notion that slavery is somehow something modern or an economic solution is ignorant.

And I'm not sorry about slavery - I had no involvement in such a practice.

I can't be sorry for something I didn't do, nor will I baby blacks or be sympathetic because their ancestors were slaves...

My ancestors were slaves, enslaved by blacks BTW - what makes blacks any better than my ancestors??
It is part of our history. Any nation has positive and negative aspects. The US embraced slavery as an answer to it's economic problems. There was money to br made, and slavery was a pool of cheap labor

If it was not for Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, slavery would have disappeared on it's own

Slavery had absolutely nothing to do with economic problems..

Slavery was the norm for 50,000 years...

The notion that slavery is somehow something modern or an economic solution is ignorant.

And I'm not sorry about slavery - I had no involvement in such a practice.

I can't be sorry for something I didn't do, nor will I baby blacks or be sympathetic because their ancestors were slaves...

My ancestors were slaves, enslaved by blacks BTW - what makes blacks any better than my ancestors??

Slavery was exclusively expanded for economic reasons in the South. Because of cheap cotton, a captive workforce was needed to meet the world demand. Slaves were "black gold"

Americans are responsible for slavery perpetrated by Americans. As a country, we were one of the last civilized societies to abandon slavery. It is part of our history....not something we can apologize for but part of who we are
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The people that live in America now cannot feel bad or really apologize for something that happened hundreds of years ago before we were even born, only thing we can do is move forward and put the racist bullshit behind us.
It is part of our history. Any nation has positive and negative aspects. The US embraced slavery as an answer to it's economic problems. There was money to br made, and slavery was a pool of cheap labor

If it was not for Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, slavery would have disappeared on it's own

Slavery had absolutely nothing to do with economic problems..

Slavery was the norm for 50,000 years...

The notion that slavery is somehow something modern or an economic solution is ignorant.

And I'm not sorry about slavery - I had no involvement in such a practice.

I can't be sorry for something I didn't do, nor will I baby blacks or be sympathetic because their ancestors were slaves...

My ancestors were slaves, enslaved by blacks BTW - what makes blacks any better than my ancestors??

Americans are responsible for slavery perpetrated by Americans. As a country, we were one of the last civilized societies to abandon slavery. It is part of our history....not something we can apologize for but part of who we are

Tell me how slaves got here??

Did Americans bring them here??

No they didn't.

Funny how slave traders get a pass...

Not to mention the majority of slaves weren't treated nearly as bad as the slaves who ended up in South America under Spanish brutality...

The Spanish were just brutal in every way shape and form...

They only looted and enslaved South America, not to mention 75% of African slaves ended up in South America...

Lets also not forget it was the Africans who held slaves and sold them - so how are they any better than any slave owner..
We should never have had the internment camps. Just let the neighbors murder the Japanese Americans like they wanted to do in the first place.

Surely you don't think that Americans were as tolerant and understanding as today, do you?
It is part of our history. Any nation has positive and negative aspects. The US embraced slavery as an answer to it's economic problems. There was money to br made, and slavery was a pool of cheap labor

If it was not for Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, slavery would have disappeared on it's own

Slavery had absolutely nothing to do with economic problems..

Slavery was the norm for 50,000 years...

The notion that slavery is somehow something modern or an economic solution is ignorant.

And I'm not sorry about slavery - I had no involvement in such a practice.

I can't be sorry for something I didn't do, nor will I baby blacks or be sympathetic because their ancestors were slaves...

My ancestors were slaves, enslaved by blacks BTW - what makes blacks any better than my ancestors??

Slavery was exclusively expanded for economic reasons in the South. Because of cheap cotton, a captive workforce was needed to meet the world demand. Slaves were "black gold"

Americans are responsible for slavery perpetrated by Americans. As a country, we were one of the last civilized societies to abandon slavery. It is part of our history....not something we can apologize for but part of who we are

Slaves picked cotton and tobacco...

Besides, explain to me how 8% of the population had any impact on economics???

The notion that 8% built this nation is batshit crazy...

Slavery was NEVER an economic solution.... It was the norm.

Slaves were here since day one - as a matter of fact the first slaves in the "new world" were white slaves...

Slavery was practiced here for 350 years and for the first 150 years slaves were white...
We should never have had the internment camps. Just let the neighbors murder the Japanese Americans like they wanted to do in the first place.

Surely you don't think that Americans were as tolerant and understanding as today, do you?

Well, I don't believe they were as nefarious as they're painted to be...

I don't believe the majority of slave owners were evil...

The notion that we are better people then them is just wrong...

I would say plantation owners who owned slaves like cattle were brutal and bad people. They beat their slaves. However most slave owners only owned a slave or two and treated them quite nicely... They may have had the title "slave" however they were treated as employees - or perhaps a better description would be a nanny or a butler...
We should never have had the internment camps. Just let the neighbors murder the Japanese Americans like they wanted to do in the first place.

Surely you don't think that Americans were as tolerant and understanding as today, do you?

Well, I don't believe they were as nefarious as they're painted to be...

I don't believe the majority of slave owners were evil...

The notion that we are better people then them is just wrong...

I would say plantation owners who owned slaves like cattle were brutal and bad people. They beat their slaves. However most slave owners only owned a slave or two and treated them quite nicely... They may have had the title "slave" however they were treated as employees - or perhaps a better description would be a nanny or a butler...

And you call yourself a Libertarian?
We should never have had the internment camps. Just let the neighbors murder the Japanese Americans like they wanted to do in the first place.

Surely you don't think that Americans were as tolerant and understanding as today, do you?

Well, I don't believe they were as nefarious as they're painted to be...

I don't believe the majority of slave owners were evil...

The notion that we are better people then them is just wrong...

I would say plantation owners who owned slaves like cattle were brutal and bad people. They beat their slaves. However most slave owners only owned a slave or two and treated them quite nicely... They may have had the title "slave" however they were treated as employees - or perhaps a better description would be a nanny or a butler...

And you call yourself a Libertarian?

Of course I am........

Do you believe I endorse slavery??

I'm not going to paint every slaveholder as "evil."

Maybe you should try looking at the issue from their perspective...

Things were different back then... It was a different era and judging them with present ethics would be absolutely wrong..
Well, I don't believe they were as nefarious as they're painted to be...

I don't believe the majority of slave owners were evil...

The notion that we are better people then them is just wrong...

I would say plantation owners who owned slaves like cattle were brutal and bad people. They beat their slaves. However most slave owners only owned a slave or two and treated them quite nicely... They may have had the title "slave" however they were treated as employees - or perhaps a better description would be a nanny or a butler...

And you call yourself a Libertarian?

Of course I am........

Do you believe I endorse slavery??

I'm not going to paint every slaveholder as "evil."

Maybe you should try looking at the issue from their perspective...

Things were different back then... It was a different era and judging them with present ethics would be absolutely wrong..

It's just that you go into a rage over any perceived infringement on your own liberty and yet, write off slavery with a "Slave owners were basically nice guys"
And you call yourself a Libertarian?

Of course I am........

Do you believe I endorse slavery??

I'm not going to paint every slaveholder as "evil."

Maybe you should try looking at the issue from their perspective...

Things were different back then... It was a different era and judging them with present ethics would be absolutely wrong..

It's just that you go into a rage over any perceived infringement on your own liberty and yet, write off slavery with a "Slave owners were basically nice guys"

Yeah well I do my best to try and understand ideas instead of making knee-jerk reactions.

As a history buff it would be wrong to assert that every slave owner was bad...

Using that logic every pet owner is a brutal nut, when as we all know most people love their pets.

Now slaves weren't pets, however it's a good analogy as far as treatment is concerned.

Just because someone was a slave doesn't mean they were abused or treated harshly..

I mean back then the word "******" or "negro" was not used as an ad hominem or ad lib, it was used as a proper noun...

If I said: "go get the ****** (or negro) some water" today they would call that language racist - However that language would have no negative implications 100 years ago.

I suppose my point is that things were different back then and slave owners were not racist or necessarily bad people just because they owned a slave.

Remember slaves were property - not to mention not every southern slave owner agreed that a person could be property in the first place. However they were still property.

Of course its wrong and it goes against every liberal idea I possess today, however that doesn't mean I'm wrong for attempting to understand that era, and what their feelings on idea were...
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Of course I am........

Do you believe I endorse slavery??

I'm not going to paint every slaveholder as "evil."

Maybe you should try looking at the issue from their perspective...

Things were different back then... It was a different era and judging them with present ethics would be absolutely wrong..

It's just that you go into a rage over any perceived infringement on your own liberty and yet, write off slavery with a "Slave owners were basically nice guys"

Yeah well I do my best to try and understand ideas instead of making knee-jerk reactions.

As a history buff it would be wrong to assert that every slave owner was bad...

Using that logic every pet owner is a brutal nut, when as we all know most people love their pets.

Now slaves weren't pets, however it's a good analogy as far as treatment is concerned.

Just because someone was a slave doesn't mean they were abused or treated harshly..

I mean back then the word "******" or "negro" was not used as an ad hominem or ad lib, it was used as a proper noun...

If I said: "go get the ****** (or negro) some water" today they would call that language racist - However that language would have no negative implications 100 years ago.

I suppose my point is that things were different back then and slave owners were not racist or necessarily bad people just because they owned a slave.

Remember slaves were property - not to mention not every southern slave owner agreed that a person could be property in the first place. However they were still property.

Of course its wrong and it goes against every liberal idea I possess today, however that doesn't mean I'm wrong for attempting to understand that era, and what their feelings on idea were...

Please stop

You are only making things worse for yourself
It's just that you go into a rage over any perceived infringement on your own liberty and yet, write off slavery with a "Slave owners were basically nice guys"

Yeah well I do my best to try and understand ideas instead of making knee-jerk reactions.

As a history buff it would be wrong to assert that every slave owner was bad...

Using that logic every pet owner is a brutal nut, when as we all know most people love their pets.

Now slaves weren't pets, however it's a good analogy as far as treatment is concerned.

Just because someone was a slave doesn't mean they were abused or treated harshly..

I mean back then the word "******" or "negro" was not used as an ad hominem or ad lib, it was used as a proper noun...

If I said: "go get the ****** (or negro) some water" today they would call that language racist - However that language would have no negative implications 100 years ago.

I suppose my point is that things were different back then and slave owners were not racist or necessarily bad people just because they owned a slave.

Remember slaves were property - not to mention not every southern slave owner agreed that a person could be property in the first place. However they were still property.

Of course its wrong and it goes against every liberal idea I possess today, however that doesn't mean I'm wrong for attempting to understand that era, and what their feelings on idea were...

Please stop

You are only making things worse for yourself

Not my problem you have a difficult time with history or attempting to understand history.

Quite frankly I find US history to be boring - at least now that I learned it all (or most).

Documented history is quite interesting and slavery is a part of all of it...

You want to judge or do you want to understand??
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Throughout the course of history, bad shit has happened everywhere.

The only thing we can control is the future.

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