Should we lower the minimum wage?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
The poor don't vote. Midterms the richest 30% vote and in general elections 50% of us show up. So we should put this question on the ballot every 2 years. If voters vote yes, your pay at Walmart could go down. So do you think this would get more people to show up and vote? Good idea? If not why not?
Did you flunk Government in school? There is no such thing as national ballot initiatives. That's the whole entire purpose of electing Senators and Representatives. So what you are suggesting can't be done because there is no mechanism for it. Furthermore, there is no uniform minimum wage. Each state is responsible for setting their own minimum wage, many of which are higher than the national minimum wage.

So you need to educate yourself on our form of government and how it works. While you're at that, you might want to also learn that earned income has nothing to do with wealth status. A person can be worth billions and still have a job making minimum wage, if that's what they want to do. A minimum wage worker could win the Powerball lottery and have to claim $900 million on their 2016 tax returns.
He keeps yammering on about ballot measures. I assumed he meant Michigan? But with him......

We need to eliminate government price controls. If you are only worth two bucks an hour that's all you should get.
The poor don't vote. Midterms the richest 30% vote and in general elections 50% of us show up. So we should put this question on the ballot every 2 years. If voters vote yes, your pay at Walmart could go down. So do you think this would get more people to show up and vote? Good idea? If not why not?

Minimum wage needs to go up - nationwide across the board.

Multi-Million and Billion dollar busineses that only pay employees minimum wage, or just above minimum wage is ridiculous.

No.....employees do not need to make a hundred thousand dollars a year.......But to work for a multi-million dollar business, or a business that makes billions of dollars in revenue.....could do better by their employees than the "Worker bee" cashing their check and still getting food stamps or some kind of subsistance.

People whom work for multi-million dollar, or billion dollar businesses should not have to live from one pay check to another either. When a CEO leaves, or gets fired.....and they gets a three or four million dollar severance check......or MORE, plus stock options....while the blue collar worker for the same company worries about bills, and alloting his check for this bill and that ridiculous.

The blue collar worker puts money in the economy, stimulates business and growth in a town or city.

Big companies.......need to pay their fair share, especially if they are getting a 10 year tax break from the state or Government.

Big corporations and businesses whom have millions or billions of dollars in revenue can do better.....much better than minimum wage. If their pay cannot be increased - give the employee a nice bonus check twice a year - summer ( vacation ) and fall ( Christmas ).

Employees are.......a representation of a business or company. A representation in the community, to other businesses and competitors, as well as local and state governments.

How the lower employees and blue color workers live, their morale, their dependant......on the business they work for. Leadership in the business is......responsible.

Shadow 355
Anyone on the public dole should lose voting privileges until they get off.

Why should leeches be permitted to vote an increase in their free blood supply? Show me the logic.

Hypothetical scenerio =

Company "A" cannot give a pay increase to their employees, which totals an extra $400,000 dollars to payroll a year.

CEOs only stay at Company "A" for an average of four years, and when they leave they get a seven million dollar severance pay and stock options.

Company "A" will not give their employees a payraise - amounting to an additional $400,00 dollars a year on the payroll, stating business and economy concerns ; but they just give the past three CEOs seven million dollars in severence pay......EACH.....for a total of twenty-one million dollars.

Managers or supervisors at "Company A" get twice yearly bonuses of $5,000 dollars ( twice a year = $10,000 ). Lets just say their are 10 managers / ( slash ) floor supervisors. That is no money to sneeze at.

"Company A" can afford Twenty-One Million dollars for past CEOs, but can't afford $1.2 million for blue collar employee payraises. The Board of Directors, CEO and CFO should be fired on the spot for that foolinshness.

Big business is the greed of American society and is killing America. Big Business is the biggest cheaters and liars on the planet.

"Intel - Detail"

Shadow 355

Hypothetical scenerio =

Company "A" cannot give a pay increase to their employees, which totals an extra $400,000 dollars to payroll a year.

CEOs only stay at Company "A" for an average of four years, and when they leave they get a seven million dollar severance pay and stock options.

Company "A" will not give their employees a payraise - amounting to an additional $400,00 dollars a year on the payroll, stating business and economy concerns ; but they just give the past three CEOs seven million dollars in severence pay......EACH.....for a total of twenty-one million dollars.

Managers or supervisors at "Company A" get twice yearly bonuses of $5,000 dollars ( twice a year = $10,000 ). Lets just say their are 10 managers / ( slash ) floor supervisors. That is no money to sneeze at.

"Company A" can afford Twenty-One Million dollars for past CEOs, but can't afford $1.2 million for blue collar employee payraises. The Board of Directors, CEO and CFO should be fired on the spot for that foolinshness.

Big business is the greed of American society and is killing America. Big Business is the biggest cheaters and liars on the planet.

"Intel - Detail"

Shadow 355

Hypothetical scenario =

The government stops making things worse and repeals minimum wage laws.

Then they boot 20 million illegals and secure the border.

Companies that need to fill jobs formerly filled by illegals have to pay more than the previous required minimum.


Hypothetical scenerio =

Company "A" cannot give a pay increase to their employees, which totals an extra $400,000 dollars to payroll a year.

CEOs only stay at Company "A" for an average of four years, and when they leave they get a seven million dollar severance pay and stock options.

Company "A" will not give their employees a payraise - amounting to an additional $400,00 dollars a year on the payroll, stating business and economy concerns ; but they just give the past three CEOs seven million dollars in severence pay......EACH.....for a total of twenty-one million dollars.

Managers or supervisors at "Company A" get twice yearly bonuses of $5,000 dollars ( twice a year = $10,000 ). Lets just say their are 10 managers / ( slash ) floor supervisors. That is no money to sneeze at.

"Company A" can afford Twenty-One Million dollars for past CEOs, but can't afford $1.2 million for blue collar employee payraises. The Board of Directors, CEO and CFO should be fired on the spot for that foolinshness.

Big business is the greed of American society and is killing America. Big Business is the biggest cheaters and liars on the planet.

"Intel - Detail"

Shadow 355

It's always easy for someone on the outside looking in to see how things should be done. For example, I can see that you are always here posting socialist propaganda and not contributing anything meaningful to society. I can then assume you must be drawing some form of government disability or welfare because you have all this free time... and then I can deduce that we need to cut your internet service so that you can do something more useful, like stuffing envelopes or working in a call center. If you're too lazy to contribute we can then cut off your "entitlements" and see how motivated we can make you.

Now personally, I don't think this is a road you really want to go down because it's not going to end well for you. I think you would rather have the system where we all mind our own business and operate within the law and the constitution.

Hypothetical scenerio =

Company "A" cannot give a pay increase to their employees, which totals an extra $400,000 dollars to payroll a year.

CEOs only stay at Company "A" for an average of four years, and when they leave they get a seven million dollar severance pay and stock options.

Company "A" will not give their employees a payraise - amounting to an additional $400,00 dollars a year on the payroll, stating business and economy concerns ; but they just give the past three CEOs seven million dollars in severence pay......EACH.....for a total of twenty-one million dollars.

Managers or supervisors at "Company A" get twice yearly bonuses of $5,000 dollars ( twice a year = $10,000 ). Lets just say their are 10 managers / ( slash ) floor supervisors. That is no money to sneeze at.

"Company A" can afford Twenty-One Million dollars for past CEOs, but can't afford $1.2 million for blue collar employee payraises. The Board of Directors, CEO and CFO should be fired on the spot for that foolinshness.

Big business is the greed of American society and is killing America. Big Business is the biggest cheaters and liars on the planet.

"Intel - Detail"

Shadow 355

It's always easy for someone on the outside looking in to see how things should be done. For example, I can see that you are always here posting socialist propaganda and not contributing anything meaningful to society. I can then assume you must be drawing some form of government disability or welfare because you have all this free time... and then I can deduce that we need to cut your internet service so that you can do something more useful, like stuffing envelopes or working in a call center. If you're too lazy to contribute we can then cut off your "entitlements" and see how motivated we can make you.

Now personally, I don't think this is a road you really want to go down because it's not going to end well for you. I think you would rather have the system where we all mind our own business and operate within the law and the constitution.

My job was contracted out.

I lost over $500.00 a month in income.

I now have to pay for my insurance.

I lost three weeks paid vacation. I only get one. The first week I had, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket.

I lost my 401K

I lost my company retirement, and 100% insurance.

I lost my pay differential for grave yard shift.

My job was contracted out. As I was save money - but our boss / manager got to keep his job and six figure salary and other benefits.

Pardon me if I dont cry for your post.

Shadow 355
Thank god only a minority believe this, the only thing you'll see is increases, which are happening across the country.

I know.
If we actually repealed the minimum wages laws, you guys would hurt yourselves when you saw things improve.
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

Hypothetical scenerio =

Company "A" cannot give a pay increase to their employees, which totals an extra $400,000 dollars to payroll a year.

CEOs only stay at Company "A" for an average of four years, and when they leave they get a seven million dollar severance pay and stock options.

Company "A" will not give their employees a payraise - amounting to an additional $400,00 dollars a year on the payroll, stating business and economy concerns ; but they just give the past three CEOs seven million dollars in severence pay......EACH.....for a total of twenty-one million dollars.

Managers or supervisors at "Company A" get twice yearly bonuses of $5,000 dollars ( twice a year = $10,000 ). Lets just say their are 10 managers / ( slash ) floor supervisors. That is no money to sneeze at.

"Company A" can afford Twenty-One Million dollars for past CEOs, but can't afford $1.2 million for blue collar employee payraises. The Board of Directors, CEO and CFO should be fired on the spot for that foolinshness.

Big business is the greed of American society and is killing America. Big Business is the biggest cheaters and liars on the planet.

"Intel - Detail"

Shadow 355

It's always easy for someone on the outside looking in to see how things should be done. For example, I can see that you are always here posting socialist propaganda and not contributing anything meaningful to society. I can then assume you must be drawing some form of government disability or welfare because you have all this free time... and then I can deduce that we need to cut your internet service so that you can do something more useful, like stuffing envelopes or working in a call center. If you're too lazy to contribute we can then cut off your "entitlements" and see how motivated we can make you.

Now personally, I don't think this is a road you really want to go down because it's not going to end well for you. I think you would rather have the system where we all mind our own business and operate within the law and the constitution.

My job was contracted out.

I lost over $500.00 a month in income.

I now have to pay for my insurance.

I lost three weeks paid vacation. I only get one. The first week I had, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket.

I lost my 401K

I lost my company retirement, and 100% insurance.

I lost my pay differential for grave yard shift.

My job was contracted out. As I was save money - but our boss / manager got to keep his job and six figure salary and other benefits.

Pardon me if I dont cry for your post.

Shadow 355
Why should they pay more to make sure you have a better income? Is that what you do? You pay people more than you need to to make sure they are payed well? Why not start your own company and pay your employees as much as you can?
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

What the hell is this "happy labor force" nonsense? Do you live in the Smurfs universe or the Seven Dwarfs? What you're longing for is a fucking fairy tale... no place has a totally happy workforce. Most human beings would rather not have to work. Most feel like they deserve more for the work they do... or more time off... or better benefits. These are called "facts of life" in the real world we all live in.

One thing you are sure to get when people are contented is lack of upward motivation. If you are satisfied and have all you need, what's the point of trying to achieve more? When I hear liberals whine about the "struggling middle class" I say... so what? We NEED to have some struggle in order for people to be motivated to achieve more. Without that motivator there is nothing to create greater wealth acquisition.

Maybe that's the point? You want a world where no one is wealthy and everyone has the same thing... that's China or North Korea.
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

What the hell is this "happy labor force" nonsense? Do you live in the Smurfs universe or the Seven Dwarfs? What you're longing for is a fucking fairy tale... no place has a totally happy workforce. Most human beings would rather not have to work. Most feel like they deserve more for the work they do... or more time off... or better benefits. These are called "facts of life" in the real world we all live in.

One thing you are sure to get when people are contented is lack of upward motivation. If you are satisfied and have all you need, what's the point of trying to achieve more? When I hear liberals whine about the "struggling middle class" I say... so what? We NEED to have some struggle in order for people to be motivated to achieve more. Without that motivator there is nothing to create greater wealth acquisition.

Maybe that's the point? You want a world where no one is wealthy and everyone has the same thing... that's China or North Korea.
What the hell are you talking about?
You want a world where no one is wealthy and everyone has the same thing... that's China or North Korea
So you claim to know everything about me because you know I support the minimum wage, therefore, you believe I'm your caricature of a liberal. Get out of here with that nonsense. You're stuck in a partisan bubble.
The poor don't vote. Midterms the richest 30% vote and in general elections 50% of us show up. So we should put this question on the ballot every 2 years. If voters vote yes, your pay at Walmart could go down. So do you think this would get more people to show up and vote? Good idea? If not why not?

Minimum wage needs to go up - nationwide across the board.

Multi-Million and Billion dollar busineses that only pay employees minimum wage, or just above minimum wage is ridiculous.

No.....employees do not need to make a hundred thousand dollars a year.......But to work for a multi-million dollar business, or a business that makes billions of dollars in revenue.....could do better by their employees than the "Worker bee" cashing their check and still getting food stamps or some kind of subsistance.

People whom work for multi-million dollar, or billion dollar businesses should not have to live from one pay check to another either. When a CEO leaves, or gets fired.....and they gets a three or four million dollar severance check......or MORE, plus stock options....while the blue collar worker for the same company worries about bills, and alloting his check for this bill and that ridiculous.

The blue collar worker puts money in the economy, stimulates business and growth in a town or city.

Big companies.......need to pay their fair share, especially if they are getting a 10 year tax break from the state or Government.

Big corporations and businesses whom have millions or billions of dollars in revenue can do better.....much better than minimum wage. If their pay cannot be increased - give the employee a nice bonus check twice a year - summer ( vacation ) and fall ( Christmas ).

Employees are.......a representation of a business or company. A representation in the community, to other businesses and competitors, as well as local and state governments.

How the lower employees and blue color workers live, their morale, their dependant......on the business they work for. Leadership in the business is......responsible.

Shadow 355

Name the major company's that pay minimum wage and franchises don't count since they are small business owned
Thank god only a minority believe this, the only thing you'll see is increases, which are happening across the country.

I know.
If we actually repealed the minimum wages laws, you guys would hurt yourselves when you saw things improve.
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

Are you really that ignorant and don't know the European country's with out a MW law?

Germany just recently implemented one.....

I will give you a hint of the others, the famous socialist country's the libs like to post about.
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

What the hell is this "happy labor force" nonsense? Do you live in the Smurfs universe or the Seven Dwarfs? What you're longing for is a fucking fairy tale... no place has a totally happy workforce. Most human beings would rather not have to work. Most feel like they deserve more for the work they do... or more time off... or better benefits. These are called "facts of life" in the real world we all live in.

One thing you are sure to get when people are contented is lack of upward motivation. If you are satisfied and have all you need, what's the point of trying to achieve more? When I hear liberals whine about the "struggling middle class" I say... so what? We NEED to have some struggle in order for people to be motivated to achieve more. Without that motivator there is nothing to create greater wealth acquisition.

Maybe that's the point? You want a world where no one is wealthy and everyone has the same thing... that's China or North Korea.
What the hell are you talking about?
You want a world where no one is wealthy and everyone has the same thing... that's China or North Korea
So you claim to know everything about me because you know I support the minimum wage, therefore, you believe I'm your caricature of a liberal. Get out of here with that nonsense. You're stuck in a partisan bubble.

Hey, I don't know what the fuck you are... I'm just going by your quote:
"Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage."

Well, the truth is... unless you live in a cartoon with the Smurfs or Seven Dwarfs, such a place doesn't really exist... and an argument can be made that even in those examples there were disgruntled workers. No one has a "happy labor force" because there will always be someone who isn't happy.

So what the fuck are you talking about? A contented work force? Okay... when you have that, you have no motivation for greater success. Indeed, you can't really have greater success because that will create discontent. If the guy next door is buying new bass boats and putting in swimming pools, you're not going to be content with your income. You feel like you deserve a new bass boat and swimming pool too... you're just as worthy as he is... so your pay needs to be increased so you can again be happy. Do you understand the point I am making here?

What you are after is a pipe dream you'll never achieve in a free society. The only way you can ever obtain universal "fairness for all" is in a closed society like China or North Korea, where everyone makes and has the same thing. Is that REALLY what you're after?

You see.... I prefer a FREE society... one where I have the freedom to go out there and acquire as much wealth as I desire. If I am not content making $X per hour, I can apply my skills and talent to make MORE!

The National Minimum Wage was a stupid progressive concept that has done nothing more than baseline the cost of labor across the board. It has removed the individual freedom to negotiate your own pay rate based on the value you bring as an individual and replaced it with some arbitrary number the government has decided for you. Companies don't give a shit about what you think you're worth, they point to the MW and that's what you're going to get because that is the rate which is set.

Thank god only a minority believe this, the only thing you'll see is increases, which are happening across the country.

I know.
If we actually repealed the minimum wages laws, you guys would hurt yourselves when you saw things improve.
Useless rhetoric. Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage. (And countries with large union participation/heavy regulations don't help your case.)

Please show me a country with a happy labor force without a minimum wage.

Dude! Please show me how that repeals the laws of economics.

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